Taoist Law

Chapter 176 Major Victory

Bringing Suichuan medicine back to Yunshuang Tang, first let her take a break, Zhao Ran came to Sanqing Pavilion, and the old man in the door said that Wu Tianshi has went down the mountain. Zhao Ran strongly suppressed anger, this did not lose "Question", But the flying compliance is asking Dongfang: "Where is the ceremony?"

Oriental Rate: "We are discouraged by the East Pavilion, let go."

So Zhao Ran arrived at the East Pavilion, see Zhuoyun Feng, Qiu Yunqing, Dongfang Li and Six or Six Mono, I was in the ok, Zhao Ran also believes that there are several people, and the Dongfang is introduced, and it is the two cabins. Talking about today's resolutions, it is assigned to close the task of the show in a certain province.

Zhao Ran did not listen to these, asked Dong Square: "Wu Tianshi?"

Dongfang Ring Road: "Down the mountain, the real teacher will go down the mountain, and there are still many things to be busy."

Zhao Ran also asked: "Zhao Zhen people?"

A guards: "Go, and Wu Tianshi, Xu Zhen people go down on the mountain."

Zhao Ren said: "It's so gone? Don't explain it?"

His mood is not good, so when I came in, I was slightly perfunctory with these people. At this moment, I asked such a sentence. Someone is not happy to have a lot of people: "You are Zhao Ziran? The abstinement of the Dichitan Palace? Good official Wei, the real men have to go to the Zhao Shouzhang first, amazing! It is unheard of poor ""

Suddenly got a laughter in the field.

Zhao Ran's role in the Sanqing Pavilion and the role played in this case, this is not clear, so there is no mood to fight with them, he and the cheerful atmosphere of this here are inconsistent, holding a boxing: "The poor road is rude today, Please Han Han. "

Oriental ceremony chase came out: "Stay to stay!"

Zhao Ran turned around and looked at him without talking.

Dongfang sighed, said: "Is it not satisfied with today's resolution?"

Zhao Ran asked: "It seems that the ceremony is very satisfied?"

Oriental Gift Title: "I am really satisfied."

Zhao Ran did not understand, she laughed out: "The result, the ceremony is satisfied? I am dull, I don't know where I am satisfied?"

Oriental Rate: "I haven't told Zhao Ran, we have achieved a major victory!"

"What victory?"

"Chen Tianshi sphetacted from the real teacher."

"Please resign?" Zhao Ran received a very shocking message again.

The Eastern Gifts Headed up: "Why is our hard to investigate the show? Isn't it necessary to open the cover of the emperor's practice? Why is we uncovering the cover of the Emperor's practice? Isn't that he and Chen Shan Dao, Guo Hong Do you? "

The more excited, the more excited, in Zhao Ren, swaying the arm: "Now Chen Shan Road resigned, the real teacher has passed, our purpose reached, this is not a major victory?"

Zhao Ran can't help but remind: "What about the emperor?"

The East is swaying: "Emperor? Not important! Real Master is the most important place!"

"The emperor is not important?"

"What is it?"

I looked at the East Gifts in front of the eyes, Zhao Ran awakened it, asked: "The next Taoist is the Tianda Tianshi?"

The smile on the Eastern Gifts is getting more gaining: "After some time, the real master will call the imperial high-remedies to Qi Mountain.

Public treasure, the new home, the new service, the journal, Yunyi Tianshi, ready to nominate my teacher, Chen Shan, Guo Hong, Sima Yunqing, Zhang Yuanji, Yu Daoyu has agreed to support my teacher's lift. To be, we have finally been a place in Sichuan Province. "

Zhao Ran squeezed out the smile, sincerely to the Oriental Rong: "Sure enough, it is a major victory ... Congratulations," "

Dongfang Gifts: "When you are not easy, who can think of this day so fast, say, there is also a big merit ..."

Zhao Ran I don't know what to say, I will open the topic: "Wei Dong brother?"

The East laughed, said: "Dynasty is still straightforward, he is not very satisfied with the rule, saying that it is back and white, it can be understood, it is so hard that it is too deep, lost in the case itself. The direction, some don't understand the purpose of checking the case. After waiting for the last time, he will be awake. "

Zhao Rong said: "Wu Tianshi is in a hurry, is it going to help the Oriental Master?"

Oriental Gifts Nice: "This is of course, so much refining, I have to talk about it, time is very tight."

Zhao Ran asked: "Since the same, I have nothing to say. I just want to ask the brother. On the day, you promised that Gu Ke Xue is mainly based on my opinion, but today, it is sentenced to the life. What should I do? "

Dongfang is thinking, said: "I don't know this, let me ask for me to ask Qiu Chang, he has been in the real man Today."

After a while, the Oriental Gift came out, explained to Zhao Ran: "This is the requirements of Zhou Zhen today, and everyone does not want to regenerate the variable, so this is a monetary life, she is still dissatisfied with this. This is good, There are several ways to prepare for life, and the Eastern His Association has been supervised in the lonely clips, and the secondary level, all levels, the four parties, the supervision of labor, and more, if there is a skill, such as refinery If the monograms are used, it will be used to use, or other places work. "

Zhao Ran understood it, immediately: "I have to build the Tianyang River Bridge, I need a lot of hardships, and apply for a group of people to the East Pavilion."

Oriental Rate: "You look back to write a written text."

Zhao Ran, ask: "When can I do?"

Oriental Gifts: "Stay this is."

It means this, it should be after the publicity of the new sitting, waiting to be east, and Chen Shan Road completely quits, you don't have to ask Chen Shan and Guo Hong.

"Is there a day when the real teacher is public?"

"I have not decided, but this time it is faster than before, it is expected that the next month will not exceed the month of the month. If you have to go forward, you will know you in advance."

"No, I don't go, I am staring here. I promised the things that others must be honored, otherwise I will sleep?"

Oriental Rate: "If you are so much, don't you take care? Is there anything I am doing?"

Zhao Ran shook his head: "The things of the day are on the track, I still have to do it, I can't stand my things. If you can't draw it half a month, you can only explain my feet. Do it very failed. "

Zhao Ran's attitude towards the attitude of removing the teacher's student, which is greatly unexpected. When he returned to the hall, the agenda was still in the heave of the world, Zhuo Yunfeng and Qiu Yunqing saw him god, calling Asked by the question. Oriental grants will spend Zhao Ran.

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