Taoist Law

Chapter 193 Yang 1 Qing

The standing situation of the cabinet is located in Wenyuange. Yang Yitian will enter Wenyuange, busy a day, and appreciate a lot of play. After the first auxiliary, Xia Yanyu, "I will tell the stern bone", the power of the patriarch is handed over to Yan Yan, and Yan Yan will send a lot of important affairs to Yang Yiqing, from Yang Yiqing tickets, clipping and folding, sending inner court.

I have been in the past few months. Yang Yixiang is more and more fascinated by this pen, simple single pen, the world's big things are controlled, there is no wonder that many people break the scalp to squeeze, a taste, simply It is difficult to describe.

However, Yang Yiqing has also kept reminding himself that it must be addressed in the power of the most, the most favorable, the most unbiased position. You need to carefully use the words when you want to make a ambiguity, causing a deviation.

In these stacked, such as a mountain, especially the most concerned, is it in the north.

Before the qualifications of the qualifications, Yang Yiqing supervised the MM Zheng and Ma Zheng in Shaanxi, and he also contacted the three-way army town. In order to resist the Nanyuan cavalry, Yang Yiqing is trying to make a slight plan for the northern place of Liu Daxia, three director. In the past few years, the general soldiers Zheng Hong corrupted, and cut the town to be too superior, the three-sided will be repaired, and the fortune is re-revived, and the Northern Military Affairs is big. He also thus made Liu Daxia. Limei, the right deputy, the Jin Dynasty, the waiter, and even the book, and then hosted, and the book is still the same, the house is still behind the book, becoming the world's attention to the cabinet.

It is also the experience that has never been forgotten, which makes him every day, the soul is around the horizontal corner, and the heart is full of Fort Village. Yan Yan knows his thoughts, as long as it is a lottery sent in the northern place, and transfer to his ticket, let him refer to the three-side situation in just a short time.

After a day, Yang Yiqing and Yan Yan, Xu Yan said, returned to the government, not sitting yet, the most relying on the scene of the scene, I will have it to "the inside and outside of the imperial city": "East Lord please see."

Yang Yizhan, suddenly fell, and took the case: "" The Imperial City "is dare to open the river, the charter of the court is really this! Take my film, you go to Tianfu Wang Zongyi ... No, go directly to the Criminal Department On the Fang Shangshu, ask him, how should this matter? "

That way, ask: "How does the east is planning to make Fang Shangshu?"

"Let him ..." Yang Yiqing said. Anger is angry, but he has not lost reason. "Huangcheng inside and outside" is the publication of Taoist, who knows, the founder Li Dawei, the helm is Zhao Ziran, such a publication, how do you let the Criminal Department? Taoist did to give the court to the court, but did not say that the court can take the initiative to find the door.

"Can you rush to auxiliary auxiliary? This is not a governance? I have to go to Yuan Fukong, please ask Chen Tianshi!"

"Total, these articles, I have been pondering for a long time, when I look at, I am really angry. But I will carefully consider it, people are headed by Tongda gambling, Tongda gambling is suspected of practice The ball wins and expensive, and the rules of the Yuanfu Palace will then be three times, and the mystery is also barely able to manage ... "

"That should be said to you," The Imperial City "is clear, I can only have it? If you don't stop this trend, you can't use it for two days, you can flood me, I will I can only resign like a disease! No, I want to go to Yuanfu Palace to find Chen Tianshi, and Li Da Yin, Zhao Ziran, let Chen Tianshi tube! Chen Tianshi no matter, I will go to day! "

Curtains shake their head: "Whether you are looking for Yuan Fu Hai Chen Tianshi,

Still don't make trouble to the Total True Master Hall, this is after, the students think that the top priority is the urgent matter, what is the relationship between you and the Prince. "

Yang Yiqing frowned asked: "What is the relationship with the Prince?"

Curtain: "The east, I am wondering when I am in the afternoon, why" Huangcheng inside and outside "will take this with the east, the east, how do you dare? As soon as I listened, Li Da Yin and Zhao Ziran were indeed personally brought people to the gambling. This Tongda's gambling is in the Qingliang Mountain, it is private it privately. "

Yang Yi Qingli wakes up: "They don't dare to make a prince, want to borrow my strength?"

Curtain: "It is very likely, Tongda gambling is a month ago, why didn't you say that the scene is the prince of the prince?"

Yang Yizhen did not talk, come back to the steps to think, I want to think about it, I can't think of a good fortune. I will have a way of cushioning, and the scene can't take a good way. The other party is really poison. If he does not defend, the scorpion is built on his head. If you want to pay attention to the white, it will inevitably pull the prince, and it is really a difficult to retreat.

"Taizi is really ..." Yang Yiqing wants to swear, Tang Tiantian is expensive, don't do it, go to open a gambling, open gambling, you secretly open, don't go to the lottery ticket, you don't know this is Yuan Yuan Is the ban on the Fukong? I don't know if this is a golden egg that is close to the door and the court cabinet. You also dare to reach out? Are you so lack of money?

But he eventually fails to come out. He knew that Jing Wang has supported a batch of monks. The Jing Wang pulled a large number of five military camps, Jinyiwei and other Beijing-China banned army, and also known that Jing Wang was needed to practice. No matter which item, you need to flow a lot of money.

What's more, he rushed around last year. When we wanted to raise money for Liu Daxia Jingyuan Fort Jingyuan, Jing Wang gave him five thousand two silver ...

The scene is trying to say: "Do you want, don't you oppose the Bridge? They are willing to repair it, let them repair it? Students think that the reason why the Xuanzhan Palace Zhao Shizhang is difficult, I am afraid it is for this. Student Willing to come, I will meet Zhao Fangli ... "

If I didn't finish it, I was stopped by Yang Yiqing: "The things of repairing the bridge, labor is hurt, but the government of the Zheng Qin, I don't agree!"

The scene sighed: "So, I am afraid that it is very difficult, only to report the old and the prince of Yan Po, see how they will win."

Even if there is still a small matter, even if he is now, it will block the disaster, avoiding the miscaround, but open the gambling, so that he is not willing to carry this name, if therefore After the gesture, it will be "leaving the famous Qing history". He can't let this reputation, it is dead!

Since I can't get two complaints, then give the problem to Yan and Prince, let them go to the headache. If they are ignorant, then don't marry their own "pursuit of truth."

I want to stop, I immediately put a pen, I have two books, and I will send the East Palace, and I will send a strict government.

PS: Zhu Yuan Fuqong Palace, Dao Si Division, Daxi, Yesterday, Happy birthday!

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