Taoist Law

Chapter 198 Small Pu

Zhu Long's mind is not in practice. I have never heard of what is the gossip. Since Lantian Jade and Tie are called the name of this Dan, I will be extremely powerful, so I don't dare. Play again, yell: "Hand!" At the same time, the body shape is back.

Ganlu Pavilion suddenly suddenly chaotic, some people rushed forward, responded to the call, and some people retired, I want to pay first, and tell the situation. Dozens of people were mixed, and they immediately rushed.

I saw a small Dan furnace and rushed out of the sky. Under the waving guidance of Zhaoran Pu, rolling the rolled over the four sides, and the whole head of the west side of the Ganlu Pavilion shrouded.

The blue sky, the singer, the singer, the singer, the gentleman sword, with a gentle and endless sword, and straight thorn. Zhao Ruo Sleeve was drumed by this sword, no wind, hunting.

The strings in the hand of the Tai Bing have risen, and if the sour is sound, if the knife is a saw, it is cut and pulls, and the attack is Zhao Ran.

Wang Shouwei said: "I have already used it to do it, where there are so many nonsense!" There are more departments in the hands, and the pen is rolled with a strong ink, letting Zhaoran, look forward to "kill "!

Zhu Long was filled with five or six times, heard Wang Shouyu's roar, his face was red, he couldn't stand face, see it is just a swearing boy, when you rush her repulsive: "It's not so happy!"

Zhao Ran's recent Lantian jade, Wang Shou Yuhe Tao has been moved, and Wang Zepeng and Liu Chunxi are also forwarded.

Wang Zepeng's double arm appeared, there is a big Peng's gold wings, with him, hiding from a big tree in the distance, still standing, maintaining mighty.

Liu Chunjiu, the sword is transversed, sweeping five or six monks behind the congestion, splitting the passage of our own. The passage is clear, Liu Yun is turned around the passage, and the cold does not swear, and suddenly squeezes a monk, occupying the front road, but is the Langji Palace Jintan Monarch Dragon.

The official dragon's feet is fast, and it is very sensitive. I found a passage that suddenly empty, no matter what three seven twenty eleven, first grab it again.

Liu's nine escape roads were blocked, and suddenly became anger, the sword is straight to the official dragon, the official dragon is also not easy to follow, although it is repaired than Liu's nine low a realm, but the two strokes are extremely good. Su Qin's back sword, Can Liu's swords in the spring.

Among the chaos, Zhao Ran did not dare to go, and three flames were played, and the three flame walls were born, and the one-footed round of the peripheral round was killed.

Blue Tian Jade's gentleman sword, Zhaobai A Bing's piano, Wang Shouyu's wolf, and a few brave Jin Dan monk resort kills, all hit the flame wall, break the first flame wall, broken Open the second flame wall until the third flame wall, this is only stopped.

Zhao Ran did not hesitate, and ten families were sacrificed, this is a golden gold guard. Zhao Ran didn't think about the enemy of the gold armor, so all this is all the knife shields, full defense.

Ten tall knife shields have appeared in the air, wearing a heavy gold armor, holding a huge shield waist knife, emitting cold light under the moonlight.

After the knife shield is now, the dragonfly sets in Zhao Rong, forming a shield wall, covering him, and there is no shortage of flaws. After Zhao Ran shed the shield, he continued to wave the Pu fan, and the mouth has a word:

"The fan is like this, everyone is all ..."

More than 20 Huang Crown monks in the periphery also want to continue to evacuate, but their decisions they evacuate are not firm,

I have been going to withdraw some of them to continue to watch the battle. After all, for them, what is the gossip, and there is no one in their hearts.

Since it is not resolute, even if Zhao Ran is using the new hand of the Dan furnace, the Dan is also chasing them. Under the control of Zhaoran, the Dan is like eight dragons, walking the gossip, and these people have recorded these people Go in.

Dan is not only from the seven-horn, but also from the body into the body, it is immediate, and the seven through the eight veins are invaded, and then the gas in the sea will quickly ablate the mana in the gas sea.

Several breathing between these Huangguan repair the morale in the sea, and only the qi is occupied. Many yellow crown monks have been taking out the Tan medicine who has recovered from the peace of mind, but how much manifold is recovered, and the recovery is invaded, and the villain is ignored.

The Huang Crown monk is shocked. Nowadays, the mana is empty, so it is like being dried, don't say the fight, it is not as good as it is, and the one is sour, and the sweat is like a bean.

After the manager was consumed by the Dan, it was still standing, but Zhao Stang said, this voice is like a spell, and the tone is like full of persuasive persuasions, full. It is majesty.

"The fan is like this, everyone is all ..."

The yellow crown monk suddenly slammed the place, and couldn't climb it.

The Huang Crown monk is so, a golden Dan monk is not good. Jin Dan in the gas sea is wrapped in the Dan, falling on the spot, after the skill of the road, full of stagnation, the mana output is also like being blocked, very manual, only to go to one or two points, directly lost It is the horizontal of the yellow crown.

Three big masters are difficult to escape, but not only the golden Dan in the body, including the love of Jin Dan, is all entangled by the Dan Dan. But in Zhao Ran is just a Dafa Master, the cultural Dan is also the level of the Dafa. It is not asking for a crushing advantage. These three Dafamies can still be able to meet, the time, the road The power is only less than half.

Juji Tao Tongfu Rude, a butt is sitting in a goldenan, until she understands at this moment, why do the upper three palace will value the Zhao Squad of this Juan Tan Palace, in order to kill him, it will send so many people.

It is still in Ganlu Ting, and the Zhao Fangzhang, who is full of two refining teachers, three big masters, and he will not stop reminding himself in the heart: "Xuanmen authentic is the authentic Xuanmen authentic, seeking this Zhao Fang in the future, must I have to pay God! "I remembered this time to be placed in the palm of the palm, I couldn't help but sorrow:" It is said that the Donghai wind is sanctious, but the wind wave is sinister, where is the middle of the people sinister? Or hurry back. "

Jufun Tiandou's quit heart, what is the difference between the Prince, what is the Eastern Palace, these things he don't want, escape back to the East China Sea. I just thought of fleeing, suddenly slammed the palm, re-planted, and the whole body suddenly paralyzed, even talking is difficult.

Zhu Long is dark, continue to retreat, and fly the flyback side. His judgment on the potential is clear, and when Zhao Ran uses the Bagua Ziyudan furnace, it feels unique. "People are all ready to come!

Zhao Ziran is both a timely, how can I only have my own fight here? Don't want to know, people must have a backhand! The heart is secretly regret: Today, when it is a true evil door, how can you play the thoughts? I can't kill it directly without these things. I think it is, I will definitely have a traitor, and I will give it a letter!

After the matter, it is just that in addition to fleeing, it is to quickly tell the Qi King, there is change! But the fly is still not issued, and there is a pain in the back of the back, and the ground is turned around, and it is planted on the spot.

Zhu Lun fell to the ground, still struggling to climb out, struggling to climb out a long, and suddenly a little girl was staring at him, lying on the ground. Zhu Long did not move, greeted to find a Tao Tongli him, and he went to find a boy to reach out of the palm. Put the last silk, take the Zhu Lun, and Zhu Longxi is a black, and the scene is coma.

Laughing smile, smile, smile, in Zhao Ran, "Fan,", a distant, happy sleeping.

PS: Today, the vote of the truth hall vote, and the ten alliance will add more votes, which can only be added tonight.

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