Taoist Law

Chapter 214 courage and harvest

The Temple is still guarded, and the nine products of the guardian Taimiao, the Tiuri Hiuri has been taken by Chen Tianshi, but Zhu Xiang is not concerned, the entire capital, only the opponent blocked, only Chen Tianshi, the rest of the monks Not in his eyes. Those who have all the destinations, those who have hired, those players who come to Beijing to see the battlefield competition, most of them are below refining, and it is completely threatened to the top three palaces, and the big refining teacher At the high revolution of the first level, he has not heard who is in Beijing.

If there is a refining virtual highway to hear the Temple, he also prepared to deal with it. It is nothing more than repeating Chen Tianshi, and his hand is holding the life of the door. Who dares to do it?

He truly worried that there must be a certain strength, but the Zongmen who were unfamiliar with the Temple Hanbai Yuhua Table, not understanding, it means ignorance, and it will be quite unrest, and it will not be able to take them with this - such as Zhao Ziran Holy House.

There are two big refining teachers, the strength is not good, and the Jiang Tenghe cranes who are in charge of Zongmen are very short. Zhao Li Niang is not very good, and I have a knife with their disciples. These two inevitably will not sit, when they arrived in Beijing I want it to be a bad battle. I am enemiere from Jiang Tenghe, then Zhao Li Niang? Can the blue road and paragraphs be able to stop? I went back to the two pavilions next to it, and Zhu Xian saw couldn't help but worry.

It takes a day from Sichuan to Beijing. I hope that Chen Tiansheng can consider it before, before the night.

The blue road walks, full face is a worry: "Chen Shan Road went to see Shao Da Tianshi, seeing it in the temple, how would be?"

Zhu Xian saw: "I don't want you, how is my cheap teacher, I have the same thing in my heart."

Duan Duan used to ask: "His Royal Highness, Shao Da Tianshi is close to the Hall, or is it close to Chen Shan Road?"

Zhu Xing saw shake his head: "This is no longer considering the affection of the far-stayed things. Do you have a thoughtful or not, there is no doubt, this is to see who is doing something to better, my cheap teacher's mind ..." and smiled: " Don't worry too much, these years, I always feel that what I did, it seems that my teacher would prefer. "

Blue Road question: "If Shao Da Tianshi is to, what should I wait?"

When I heard this problem, Duan Dynasty used a cold, and there was no confidence and satisfaction. "Is there a way to deal with it?"

Zhu Xian took a shot of the two shoulders of the two, laughed: "If I have a cheap teacher, I just have a way."

"any solution?"

"See my teacher's figure, I don't hesitate, immediately exploding the nine-shi Tianlei, the alphan will be shredded! I suggest you do this, don't have any fantasy. You don't know me. Teacher, if he is really showing, this is the best way to go, it is so simple! "

The blue road and the paragraph are facing each other, and suddenly can't come.

For a long time, Duan Dynasty has a tough swallowed, solarky way: "Shao Da Tianshi should not relative ... Oh, we can consider it. After the door promised, how do we do it? So big movement, can't you just live for Zhao Ziran? "

The blue road frown: "If they want them to hand over Zhao Ziran, I am afraid that it is not so easy, this kind of thing, who will do? Who dares to take the sky? I thought that if Chen Tianshi did not return, ignored us. , This is the most difficult, what should I do next? "

Zhu Xiang saw a smile: "The blue master is thinking about it, so the loneling is forced to force the door. For example, ponder first, this Chinese Lotus,

See if you can shut down ... You said that Chen Shan Dao is patient, or is our patient? "

The blue road nodded: "It seems that it seems to be good."

Zhu Xianwei said: "Think about how we used to walk around, and then the same is true. If they really will make Zhao Zhaoran, we will win, as long as they have retreat, they will be returned to step back. I I have thought about it. The next step is that the teacher is the Yuan Fu Guofengyuan, after, I have to ask them to Qixia Mountain, turn the three martial arts to the blessing of the three palace, the door accounts for the world, let one Give the royal, this is not division? When the blue master will go to the Tree Trumao House, truly cultivate me the son of the three palace! Hey, the three martial arts is still needed, not to combine my Tianjiawei ... "

The blue road is a bit surprised: "In the Hall, Qixia Mountain is the practice of Shao Da Tianshi ..."

Zhu Xiang smiled: "So you don't understand my cheaper teacher, he is practicing today, there is no meaning, he is really careless, only his flying promotion, um, there is a temple Hua Tu Lotus. In short, the thing is that there is a word to give it, how big is the courage, how big is the harvest! "

When Zhu Xing saw the explanation, the King, Gong Kepei, Hu Daishun and the top of the three palace were surrounded. Listening to everyone excited, it is suitable to be low to the very morale from the Wei Wei, who is in the power of Chen Tianshi. It's high, everyone is too high to die.

Zhu Xian saw the opening of the official, will be a Tiangong, the Langji Palace, and the Xingling Palace to the German King, Gong Kepei, Hu Da Shun three people, and will include the Yita Palace, including the Juan Tin Palace, maybe it, enjoy The group is exciting in the temple.

Looking at the sun, the sky is bright, and the Chen Tianshi to Qixia Mountain has two hours, but always the audio is all, Zhu Xiang meets the determination, he wants to go to Qixia Mountain.

Everyone is busy blocking, saying that Qi Wang is the main party, how can I fight danger? If it is unexpected, what should I wait?

But their dissuasion can't stop Zhu Xiang, he knows that all the key is in Qixia Mountain, don't go to see it, sitting is equal to Taimiao, which is too passive.

, A group of people don't let go, heading is the Master of Dongge Yang Yiqing.

Yang Yiqing is special, and the ban on the banned army of the south is not dare to come hard. Just told the sergeant to stop the way, let the old man reprimanded there, did not return.

Yang Yiqing arrived in Tai Temple in the middle of the night, but he couldn't enter, only listening to the mouth outside the Nanthe, but he was worried. Later, I was clear that it was a big positive, Qi Wang Zhu first saw that the Taimiao was confused, so they were confused to rush to the holy. Four Cabinet Master, only one of him is present.

Who knows that I asked the emperor, but I didn't know. This piece can make Yang Yi clearly.

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