Taoist Law

Chapter 216 blocking

Regarding how to grasp Zhao Ziran, the top three palace has been discussed, and it is important to point out three places. Of course, the first one is a mysterious martyr, the second is the third one is a Yuanfu.

Later, some people added one, which is the Division of the Chicken Cage Mountain. The reason is that Zhao Ziran also also has a Division of the Division of Division.

Duan Dynasty used the proposal to divide the four roads, but also to do it, but there is a certain difficulty. In the battle of Zhanshan, the battle has shown that although Zhao Zhaoran will include two refining teachers, more than forty monks, including the three Dafa, but only this battle, it is very full of Zhao Ziran and him. The strength of the behind.

From now on, Zhao Ziran has a Luohuai, but the two Dafamu are adding, and it is still not worth 40 monks. The guesses of everyone were Chen Tianshi shot, and this guess was agreed.

Since Chen Tianshi has returned to Mountain, it will not interfere with the three palace to catch people. It is necessary to deal with two Dafamies. In this way, if the four-way moves, you need eight refining teachers to ensure that they will be smashed.

The three pavilions have made a big refining troister, you can do a single collar all the way, the rest of the way, Gong Kepei, who is good at fighting, and led by Hu Da Shun, and finally the dean is in Tao Temple.

Death is a little worried, he own a monk monk, wants to guard the most important place, afraid that it is not too secure. Zhu Xiang saw him comforted him, indicating that he will leave most of the Shangsan Monk, and the German king nodded.

After the blue road thought, I thought that such a scratching person is not a full policy, Zhao Ziran has been overlying the Zhou Mountain for last night, it is likely not to be in the above place. If he is hiding in a certain place, once he plays the snake, he will escape from Beijing. At that time, I still arrested people.

"What do you say?"

"For the time of this, I am afraid that I have to go first!"

"Is the city useful? The monk of the Dafa Master, as long as you want to go out, you can still stop these ordinary soldiers."

"But at least we know, from where he is out of town, ready to go, every city gate is putting a person, if you see him escape, immediately fly, the big man is chasing it is also a way. In addition, you can also breathe in the city Each monk, I am very worried that they will be incited. "

Zhu Xiang saw also very decisively, and immediately said: "Please come to Zhang Cong in the department."

Jin Yiwei command to drive Chen Yu straight to Taipingqiao Zhangfu, Zhang Cong also wrote the letter in the case, was grabbed by Chen Yu, and the clothes did not change, and they went to Taimiao, after the Temple, throw it in Zhu Xiang see At the foot: "Teacher, Zhang Cong is here!"

Zhu Xiang saw the responsibility: "Let you go to Zhang Shangshu, how do you do so thick? Go, self-collar ten military batches!"

Chen Yu's biggest meteor came to the side, and I collected a pile of military sticks from next to Jinyiwang. He went tennis on his head. Every time I was called, I scrapped a baby-shaped stick.

After finishing, Chen Yu came back to hold his box: "Zhang Shangshu, old Chen gave you a gift, and it is urgent, but also forgiveness."

How can Zhang Cong still? Hard laughing, returning: "Do not sin, do not sin." He looked to Zhu Xiang, he had already let his family came to explore, knowing that Zhu Xian saw soldiers to occupy Taimiao, but did not dare to talk at this moment, so I don't know Asked: "Is Qi Wang urged?"

Zhu Xian smiled and laughed: "Xuanzhan Palace Zhang Zhao Zhao Zhu Zhu Zhu Ji, Zhao Ziran, but he was repaired, not only to take Zhu Long, but also to persuade more than forty monks in the top three palace. detain,

In the case of this major case, people have done it. I have to maintain the capital of the capital, I have to play people, and to prevent it, in order to prevent it, please, ask the Ministry of the Ministry to make a controversy. I want to be a big So Jingshi! "

Zhang Cong heard that he was stunned: "This ... more than 40 Shangshan Master, the Sanong Xian Shi will persuade, all deducted ... detain?"

"It is."

"This one......"

"This person is extremely abnormal, dangerous to the extreme, I will not be returned one day, I can't stay in the capital one day, please ask Zhang Shangshu to take the soldiers."

"Qi King ... The military inquiry is not the next official to take it, there is no internal cab, the emperor Zhu Bao, where dare to take it ... Qi Wang is not ignorant ..."

"The case is urgent, how is this good? Please ask Zhang Shangshu to express."

"Qi Wang just wants to give a vocabulary of the elderly, of course, it is necessary to take the emperor to behave."

"Hadowa tickets? How is this good? No one is in the pavilion."

"This ... The next official loves to help ..."

"Which one do you want?"

"Casually, as long as the four pavilions have a ..."

"Do you want Yang Yiqing?"

"also may."

Zhu Xiang asked Chen Yu: "Yang Yiqing?"

Chen Yao said: "There is no place to put it, it is temporarily stored in the room."

Zhu Xiangnou nodded: "Bring."

Zhang Cong listened to a mist, did not understand what it means. Qi Wang wants to catch Zhao Ziran, he is a happy, as long as the will be compliant, the procedures are complete, he can immediately go to Deluxe, and issue the military contrient arrow. But telling the truth, this thing is a bit big, Zhang Cong doesn't want to go through the deep volume, he guess is the "home", or the king of Yu and Jingwang.

When I didn't have much, Chen Yu came over, threw it at the foot, Zhang Cong looked at it, suddenly the mouth was dry, the foot was soft, sit down on the ground - Dongge University Yang Yiqing, just this .. ....died?

Zhu Xiang saw a piece of son on the spot, cutting Yang Yiqing finger, and wrote a ticket to the blood stains, handed Zhang Cong's eyes: "Zhang Shangshu, do you see this?"

Zhang Cong lips, unable to answer, Zhu Xiang see: "Zhang Shangshu does not talk, is it default? What should I do if this Zhu is batch?"

"Disciple is."

"How many times have said, public is public, private is private, don't say this."

"Amount ... under the official."

Zhu Xiang saw his hand north: "Please emotions Zhu Zhu."

Chen Yu took the note to the palace next door to the north. After a lot of time, holding a box came back, to Zhu Xiang, said, the sky is not suitable, he said, there is a thing, but please dispose of the temple, will be jade, Zhu pen has been taken. The emperor also said that if it is non-procedure, it is going to be awarded by the temple ... "

Zhu Xiang saw the north to looked up, cold, took Zhu pen, batch in the ticket, and then handed it to Zhang Cong: "Zhang Shangshu, now?"

Zhang Cong is still shaking, and it can't say a word.

Zhu Xing saw the time, let Chen Yu ticed Zhang Cong to the soldiers to go to the army, soon, she will bring the full set of things back, and even the two today's still conscientiously go to the military department, I also mentioned it, I also mentioned it. In the room, I chose one, and listened to the king of the king.

According to this reason, it is so, the Ministry of the Ministry is still the commanding, but Qi Wang does not expect to direct all the garrison. He only wants to direct the head of his own command, including the five military commander right Three camps, the stuff, the two battles of the gods, the two camps of the gods, the Ying Head of the right health, all five of the three battles of the three thousand battles, plus the Huangcheng knife board Hand, Jinyiwei, etc., total people.

There are thousands of people in hand, blocking the Beijing Shishi 13, and beware of being able to make trouble, and I want to come.

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