Taoist Law

Chapter 221 is unreliable

Luo Liqing once again sword, sword light toward Zhu Xiang's pool, Zhu Xian saw the sleeve robe, and smashed with swords and was taken.

In just a few breathing, the two sides have passed by two, Zhu Xiang see continuous display of the Jin sleeve, even if the evaluation of Zhao Ran and Luo Zhiqing also a layer, dark road: the landlord is really a little, Zhao Ziran quickly changed, Luo Zhiqing sword law, I really want to have the opposite side of these two men, I am afraid it is not able to get it.

The words and this, did not hesitate to sacrifice the Yuan Bao mirror, and the footsteps slowly slowed down, farther away, and rushed to Zhao Ran and Luo Li, who went to the front.

It is such a chasing between, Zhao Ran obviously felt the huge gap between the big mage and the big refiningant, this divide is not what he can challenge, plus Luohuai can't!

So Zhao Ran did not dare to be lucky, and immediately transferred to Yutong Tianfu in the body, ready to start immediately.

Dynasty Yuanyi is now, I am on the back of Zhao Ran and Luo Ziqing, and the spokes of smoke burst have been covered.

Zhu Xiang see a hand, thinking that these two small ages are afraid of it is almost the same, double sleeve proverb, will dissipate smoke ...

There is no one in the ground!

In the eye angle, it seems that there is a good thing in the sky, and it is very high and far away. It is But I don't know what the convincing, there is such a thing.

Zhu Xiang did not say two words, the feet have been worked, showing the peaceful repair, chasing the two dividends that hugged a sphere, and its speed is extremely extreme. Chasing below, jumping, and jumping as a blue sky.

Zhao Ran launched Yu Jing Tongtian, holding Luo Qingqing last day, but compared with the previous exercise, it felt that the speed slowly stopped, in the past, the moment can be high, but the moment is only 30 feet, slowly I am very urgent. I look at it in the next side, and I have a shadow, it is not willing to see him.

Zhu Xiang saw the power of the peace, and the fifty-six speeds were played in a hurry, and the light horses were actually jumped to more than 20. The people are in the air, the Jin ?? Qiankun once again shot again, soared, how long is the sky, and it is coming to the Zhao Ran foot.

Seeing that it is necessary to volume, Zhao Ran is trying to accept it, the Jin sleeves are slippery from his feet, Zhao Ran's left shoes are taken off ...

Zhu Xiang saw that the air is extremely extreme, the body is unable to borrow, and it is cleverly attached to the nose. He has tasted this taste, and his heart is disgusting, his breathing is hysteresis, and finally falls.

Zhao Ran took out Huang Ting's truth, and I gave Zhu Xiang to a record, but I saw that Zhu Xing took a handle of oil paper, and supported his body shape. . This handle is exudes Ying Ying, and I know that it is a good law.

Huang Ting is in the righteousness on the oil paper umbrella, and the Leungon is now, and a screaming fireworks are exploded. When the umbrella leaf suddenly was blown zero, only a few broken poles were also stained.

The universal thunder, it continued to go down, and I saw the top of Zhu Xiang. Zhu Xiang saw people in the air, and the rush room worships the life of the hi and thunderstorms.

It's another bursting, the clouds of the palm of the sword are again found, Zhu Xian see the gas sea, the drop is unstable, the four-tensive eight forks are falling on a big tree, and falling in the ground, falling to the eyes.

Zhu Xian saw a great deplore, he used a very smooth orchard umbrella to be destroyed, Zhao Ziran used what compassion,

Is there so power? I watched the two people in the sky, I went out of the white light, my heart was great, I was afraid of chasing it ...

Zhao Ran is also very deploring that this is his strongest single attack method. Although it breaks the other party, but still has not hurt people, the big refining teacher is a great refining teacher, the more the two matters, it is true Hard.

This is the hardest tens of feet, Jade Jing Tong is slowly recovering, and it is getting faster and faster, and out of the sky. Luo Ziqing was blown on his face, and he didn't leave a god of water. He turned out and asked: "Yu Jing, Tongtian?"

Zhao Ruyi, Fuli Road: "It is ... Today, it will rely on this recruitment, the brother thought, this trick, can be, make?"

Luo Ziqing: "Yes!"

The voice just fell, Jasjing Tongtian seems to have hit what blocking things, the two hit two people, followed by hundreds of heavens in the sky.

Falling in half, Luo Zhi woke up and asked: "The brother is planning to go back to the next fight?"

Zhao Ran also woke up, suffering: "What is going back and then fight? I will say that this jade scenery is not reliable, the teacher does not say no problem, now it has been refined as the life, regret late!"

Looking at the bottom, Zhao Ran is very nervous, so fall, I am afraid that I will fall like the scene of the scene. So I pointed to obliquely: "Brother, there is no way, let's fall there?"

He refers to the direction of the north of Heaven.

Luo Ziqing said: "Fire characters."

A wake up a dream, I have rarely used this low-end, there is no taste, but I have made a lot of refining, and I still have a lot of it. Hundred.

Immediately in the outside.

Just see the air flashed, irregularly issued a micro-light, sometimes it is sometimes slow, sometimes there is sometimes less, the two will be like this to twist the slope, and it is planted in water.

When the two sinked to the bottom of the river, the butt was fell on a river, hurting Zhao Ranza, not hurting hurts by the boulder, and the whole body is hurting.

It's good to be a big mage, change an ordinary person, or even the supersheyria, just put it from a few hundred feet high, I am afraid it will take it directly.

Luo Ziqing is about to be up, Zhao Ranli, pointed to the top, the meaning of the teacher's brother, not allowing Zhu Xiang, just right.

So the two were respectively resident in Dantian, and went downstream along the river.

Zhao Ran guess is right, Zhu Xiang is waiting in this section of the river embankment. He saw that Zhao Ran and Luo Li, who had escaped from the sky, did not know that these two people were died, or the effectiveness of the rumors was exhausted, and the hope of hoped to turn back, under the big joy, directly over the city wall, The objected orientation rushed to the waterfront.

He is a little later, so he didn't see the specific location of the two people, just carefully, intended to wait for two people to take the head. But wait for a moment, I know that I am afraid to be stupid, how can Zhao Renran and Luo Zhiqing? How can I take my head?

Zhu Xian saw immediately jumped into the river and looking for, but the sky was late, and Jiangshui was too muddy. He could not find the goal.

After leaping from the river, Zhu Xian saw still did not give up, and came back and went back and went back and went back to the river. Finally, he did not find Zhao Ziran and Luo Qingqing, and the heart is disappointed.

It's not a concealing moment. Zhu Xiang saw the flyfaction, told him to use the blue road speed speed to come, he wants to catch Zhao Qiran along Jiangjiang, live people, death, you have to see the body!

But after the fly, there was no response, and Zhu Xiang saw very surprised, and even played the flying complications to summon the King, Gong Kepei, Hu Daishun, Chen Yu, etc. .

Considering a moment, he waited for the time to find Zhao Ziran, decided to go back to Tai Temple.

After returning to the city, I saw that everyone in Tai Temple was good, Zhu Xiang saw why I didn't reply to the plane, and these people were dignified.

The blue road is to Zhu Xiang, said: "Qi Wang, this is extremely quirky, not only your flying value, we can't receive it, we have a few mutual contacts, and I don't know what is going on."

Duan Duan's class has nodded. In order to see this saying to Zhu Xiang, he also sent a fly to Zhu Xiang, Zhu Xian saw a moment, and did not receive it.

Everyone tried a few times, it is really a good idea. If you say that there is a refining virtue to stop the flying characters outside the Temple, why don't you see the flying compliance? If there is an injection of the inner and external spiritual force, then why does it fly?

Today's situation is that when the fly is sent, everything is normal, but it is not the receiver. The most weird is, even if the two people stand in front of the face, you come to me to send a fly than, and the flyback will go to the heavens, not directly to the opposite recipient.

The more you study, the more you are shocked, and the Duan Dynasty is a little bit: "The Hall, is it, is it a real teacher?"

Hu Daishun also has a bit white: "Don't you know if there is any magic weapon, is it a special fly?"

Gong Kepei: "Will it be Shao Da Tianshi?"

This sentence reminds Zhu Xiang, Zhu Xiang meets immediately to tell: "Send four teams, send it to the northwest of southeastern, send a fly to Taimiao and the opposite side, let's see, what is going on!"

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