Taoist Law

Chapter 223 from the color friends to relatives

Mo Zhao Zhao Yu Yu walked on the road to the capital, the past year, the two did not meet with each other, and the friendship between each other was more and more deep, and it has already been admitted to the bribery.

Because of this, Zhao Lhan Yu took the gap before the tenth round of the ball competition, and the special invitation to go to the beamshan to be a guest.

Niu Shou Mountain is very close to the capital. It is in the east of the great victory. It is the Temple of the Tianfu Take the family Zhao's practice. It is unreasonable to answer, follow Zhao Lhan Yu lived for three days.

Tomorrow is the tenth round, two people must also hurry to return to Beijing today, otherwise it will miss the sale of lottery tickets. Therefore, the sky is not bright, and the two will get up early. If you arrive in Ju Baoshan, you can reach the capital.

All the way, I'm going to talk about it, I don't know what the invitation of Zhao Lhan Yu is, it is very grateful. This is a serious consideration. At this moment, I finally made my determination, said: "Summer is dignified, Shu Wonderful, for the brothers and concludes, if it is a brother, I don't know if Zhao is pleased. "

Zhao Quan Yu will wait for him to wait for him. Watch the laugh: "My father praised the brother, this is so fixed!"

As a result, the two discussed the various procedures of the double repair ceremony, waiting for the thickness, each flying back to the mountain, one side is to ask his second uncle to send a relative, while the father is ready to return to book, the fly is issued, Relatively smile, each joy is abnormal.

The relationship between the two is further further, and there is no concealment between each other. I haven't waited for a long time, and I haven't waited from the reply from Mo's Villa. I can't help it in my heart. ? "

"It is also, it is anxious to be a brother, and wait for the summer battle of the summer game, and immediately return to Zhangzhou ..."

I was saying, I was pulled by Zhao Pingyu: "Dog, Dogan ..."

It is not easy to look at Zhao Ping Yu, this discovered that the gathering of the treasure gate has been closed, the waterway under the city gate is blocked, and there are sergeants in the city, all have a knife shield!

Going to the past, I saw the label whiteboard on the city wall, and the statement required to lock the city for three days, and there was no way to pass.

Zhao Linges happily: "What is the three-day championship? How do you buy a lot of money?"

It is not flat, and it is found that he will find God, and Zhao Lhan Yu has found that these sergeants who guarded the city are rune armor, and they are also the legal blade.

This shows that the so-called court will be a monk.

At this moment, hundreds of people have gathered under the gate, there is a home passenger, there is a hawker selling goods, there is a farmer who picks up the meat into the city, there is a catering car, there are still a lot of prepare from the treasure The cargo ship in the door water into the city is blocked outside. Hundreds of people outside the treasure gantry, rushing in the inside pointing, more eager, have begun to complain.

It is an opinion in the crowd, and it is a monk from Taizhou Hall. He can recognize it because the Chain Crownhouse Treasury Competition is a second player, and the Hall Three generations of disciples blue water ink.

Don't take Zhao Lhan Yu to face, hold boxing: "Blue Master! I didn't expect to meet this today, fortunately, I will be lucky!"

Blue and water, he heard this, even busy, holding a boxing: "Dare to say that this Taoist is ..."

Mo Ping and Zhao Zi Yu have introduced itself,

Also said: "I have been honored to the Blue Master, and the blue master is in the style of the court, when it is a radiant ..."

To practice the ball as a topic, the distance between the two sides immediately retracted a lot, talked a few words, and said that the city gate closed. The blue water ink told Mo Zhao Zhao Yu, they have turned around the capital, not only Jojonmen blockade, and the thirteen gates have all closed.

Blue water ink will be on the game tomorrow. For him, this is a crucial game, he wants to and temporarily ranked first in Huizhou Qiyun Hall Monk Cai Zhikun. This is a competition worth six, who wins, who will almost lock the yellow crown group, and get the qualifications of the fight against the main battle.

In this game, he can't enter the city, can you still have to worry?

After the brothers who have the truth of the triumph, after the top of the defending city, I got the uptown asked the opportunity to go to the peak.

It is not full of expectations: "It seems that there is hope, the younger brother is the light of the Blue Brother."

Blue water shakes his head and said: "I have already watched the four gates, Taipingmen, Ding Huaimen, cool doors, Sanshan gates have not talked, this is the fifth, the last time, if they still can't work, not going."

"How many other doors? Did you ask?"

"I didn't let go of the city."

When I didn't have much, the young brother, who would be a tribute, and wrote that "brothers, still can't."

Blue and water Q: "Who is the main market at the city?"

The teacher's brother said: "It is a monk of the three palace, surnamed Lin, and a thousand households of Jinyiwan Town, called Zhuo Yi. The surname Lin said that it can be released. , Under the city. "

Everyone is silent, and I don't know how it is. Mo Zhao Zhao Yu liaison with the flying character of Huang Yue, etc., but it is not a truth, when it is an ants on the hot pot.

Mo Zhao Zhao Yu left Ju Baomen, launching the body to turn around the city wall, and found that there is still a blue water, the 13th city gate is all blocked, this is equal to the white run.

When they turn back to the treasure gate, a brother of the blue water ink is soaked: "I don't believe in us, I don't want to hit the South Wall to know that it is white."

Mo is not peaceful, Zhao Lhan Yu, did not mind, and then, just want to find some people think about it. So, the forward blue water inventor: "Blue master, is there any way?"

Blue water is helpless: "Wait,"

Zhao Lhan Yu's happened child, can you wait until when? Simply recommend: "If we are not so hard?"

Blue-ink was shocked and shaked: "How is this make it? Pursue, who is affected?"

Zhao Qiyu said: "Let's take more than a do more than a do person ..." I saw it again: "No, there are more than 20 people, smash the iron gate, rush in the bee!" Zigners ... "

Blue water ink: "The iron gate is made of special materials, can resist high-end environments, how to smash?"

This time, this time, I pointed to the city: "The above attack and defenders did not open, but it was some ordinary soldiers. The top is equipped with runes, and we can stop in the city. Who can stop? How many monks can there be several monks in the top three palaces? "

PS: It's another month, thanks to the first fans of the last month, the support of the ticket, the ticket, the soldier 135, squatted.

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