Taoist Law

Chapter 227

It is the first to walk in front of the crowd in front of the crowd, and it is the four big characters written by him - "Also My Game".

After his body is a group of monks, there are players who participated in the game, there are friends and relatives of the players, and many of them like him, and love the lottery of lottery tickets.

After the monks, there are all kinds of people, there are traduters, there are Shangyi people, the craftsman, even there is a leisurely. At this time, there is no sound in it.

After the brigade passed through the square, the large households opened, and there was the rich son and the servant joined it. They also held a banner with a larger red ink word: "I also fell into the mysterious temple", " Ask the truth, "We have to see the words inside and outside the Huangcheng", "Dao Zun Gu" and so on.

With the joining of large houses, many Beijing people opened their houses, followed by the banner, the flow of people, and went to Xuanjin Bridge on the west side of Huangcheng, it has reached more than 3,000.

The two days of collecting flower thieves are being recovered by Shangyuan County. I want to go out to avoid the wind, no choice of Beijing curfew, thirteen doors are closed, and they can only be in the neighborhood in the neighborhood. Quickly travel around, it is really hard.

Just looking for a backwind, I was in a moment, but I was accidentally discovered by Shangyuan County, and I started another desperate escape again.

Around the neighborhood, the traveler and the two capture are not moving, it can only threaten the verbal threat: "Where is the thief run? Stast, stop, otherwise .. .... Otherwise, sin is added, etc.! "

Yang Hao is pleasing in front of you, and I have returned to a mouth: "Who is ... ? , you are, is it yourself?"

Yang Hao insisted on running out of the road, and suddenly saw the crowd in the front of Xuanjin Bridge Street, and it was unknone. He is first, it will be big, and it is rishes into the crowd, and squeezed it to the front.

Looking back, the bodies and two hands are stunned on the edge of the crowd, and quickly flash to a large banner, slammed the flagpole from the flag of a large household.

After walking, I saw a border of the outer circle seemed to be there, Ling Machi moved, looked at the banner of his own, and hungly changed a cavity, shouting a sentence: "Dao Zun Guo!"

This scorpion shouted, suddenly caused a crowd to huge, before, in silently, the heart of the heart suddenly was detonated, first, more than a dozen people with shout: "Dao Zun Guo!"

Then dozens of people, hundreds of people, hundreds of people, thousands of people!

The slogan just fell, the foremost one is not flat, and it has just been awakened, and the vibration arms will vent the anger in the heart:

"Also, I will fix the ball!"

Thousands of people shouted: "I also tried the ball!"

"I also put the lottery!"

Thousands of people responded: "I also put the lottery!"

"Please do the master!"

Thousands of people: "Please ask the truth."

"Sweep the court!"

Thousands of people are angry: "Sweeping the court!"

This sound, such as the shake of the thunder, passed out to the four sides.

I heard the last sentence, I was scared when I was suddenly scared. I had some words that the "soul of the soul" in the book is said, I don't dare to delay it here. I will take out the crowd in two hands, towards Shangyuan County go with.

The sky is smashed, and the speed of the county is full!

When you don't take people to the complexing bridge, the people who come over in the direction of the Qingliang Mountain are also coming over.

Zhao Lhan Yu is in front of the first horse, and he is the endless person, seeing the scale, and it seems to be more than it.

Two people are encouraged by mutual encouragement, walking side together, walking while walking, turning back, with the true gas, shouting. The slogan is like a thunder, the people are like dragon,

The blue water ink is in the forefront of the team. When you go now, cross the small half of the city. He has already seen the road in front. In his eyes, only thousands of people around me, only the top of the head. High fluttering banner and banner.

"I also brought me Fukong!"

"Also my Juananyou!"

"Also I am Zhao Fang!"

"Also, I am giving!"

"Also, I will fix the ball!"

The blue water is struggling to hold the arm, and the sound of his roaring into the big tide of the sky, and we can witness this today and arrive. What is the court, what is the teacher, what Jin Jiewei's curfew is all in the ghost! I want my practice, I want my blood and passion!

Blue water, the more the spirit, the more excited, the more excited, and suddenly heard the sound next to it, shouting is the same sentence, the sound is higher than three points!

I look at it next to it, it is the strong enemy of this day. Huizhou Qiyun Hall Huang Crown monks Cai Zhikun, but it is the same as the two people who have just joined them.

Two homottors of the same group compete for the first name, I have seen it after seeing the face, smiling and intersecting the arm, everything is in the middle.

The tide of the tide is going to Temple, and the level of the Jinyiwei set up all the way is a lot. Just kidding, then there are some Jin Yiwei, some places that are strong, but it is only one or two of the three-way monk, and in front of this thousands of crowds, even a lotus can't catch up. Everywhere is overwhelmed. Some people who have been adjusted to assist the card and Qingzhuang, even directly move the level, join the raging people.

When I walked to Dazhong Street, the thousands of people who drumped in Huang Yuyu also joined in, which is the team of the Qinhuai River.

In the creation of civilized cities held in Xuankotan, severely crack down on all walks of life, truly benefiting these Qinhuai Rivers, sent a license. Not only getting the assurance, and with the increasing fire of the practice ball competition, their pick-up will also have a high innovation, and the business can be said to be red.

Huang Yuyu went to the Qin Huaihe River to encourage, and the Qinglou group responded, and he added to the team he pulled, and he did not lazy people, the most actuated, and the old lovers who were Li Da Yin.

A Jiang was extremely familiar with the human head in the Qinhuai River. After the Prestige of Yuanfu, she was specially rushed to find Li Da Yin, and I was very worried about the life and death of Li, she suspected that Li Dawei may fall into the prince and Qi Wang's hand. Just in the Temple to endure all kinds of cruel torture, this night is really a liver.

Therefore, Agua is aggluting with Huang Yuyu, and immediately actively liaison, and said that thousands of people on the Qinglou will go to Taimiao. Her ideas are also very simple, just let go of the trivale.

A Ginger's Qinglou woman appeared in the crowd, and immediately triggered a burst of cheers, everyone's strength was more.


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