Taoist Law

Chapter 235 Lonely Mountain

Xu Zhen people have been walking twice along this line. He also tried many times, and it is also not allowed to enter. From the Lake in the lake, you have been here, it is almost over, the branch line does not leave a slit.

The wind can pass, the water can flow, the sound can be passed, that is, I can't go, I can't go to fish and shrimp, even the mosquito flies can't go, in other words, I can't go to almost everything, the spirit, including the ruler.

The reason why it is almost because there is a thing that can go in, but it is flying, but after the fidel, it is like a stone sea, there is no radio.

Waiting for a moment, Xu Zhen people sent a fly to Wu Tianshi, asked about the other party, Wu Tianshi quickly replied him, saying that it was immediately.

After waiting for a few hours, Wu Tianshi arrived in front of Xu Zhen, and the two said a few words, Wu Tianshi took out a pair, and the pen was drawn on the top. Xu Zhen people took a pen and also draw a straight line above. Two straight lines became a straight line, and Xi Mountain in the nest of Chaohu.

Looking at this straight line of hundreds of miles, Xu Zhen people and Wu Tianshi shocked to speechless, nor to talk, and continue to wait for the other news.

I have waited for a time, Xu Zhen people received a fly character of Yang Zhen people. After confirming that the pen put a slash in the map, the southwestern starting point in the mountains of Chaohu, the end point in the North Shore of Hongze Lake in Beijing.

Then, the immigrant flying in the east is also here, Xu Zhen people add a pen on the map: The starting point is the North Shore of Hongze, the end is the Jingnan Mountain of Taihu Lake.

A complete graph is labeled in the map, focusing on Beijing, with Zhengbei Hongze Lake, Southwest Chaohu, Southeast Taihu Taihu, and forms a very rule of triangle. The three sides are almost five hundred miles, including almost all of the days, and the state, Zhenjiang, Zhangzhou, and some of Yangzhou, Taiping, Fengyang, Zhangzhou, Changzhou.

An unprecedented big big array will have a large half of the South Zhidi to cover it in it, and the spirit is separated!

Xu Zhen's head is full of light, there is a flyer, after receiving, to Wu Tianshi: "Wang Datong said, the real teacher is replaced in the mountain."

Soon, Wu Tianshi also received a flyer of Zhang Yunyi, and the same thing is the same, so the two immediately started.

There are two small islands in Chaohu, one is the mountain, one is a lonely mountain, and the mountains are in the east, it is the west of this big array, and then to the West, it is an alone outside the big array.

When Xu Yunzhen and Wuyang beam arrived, Zhang Yunyi and Wang Changyu were in the mountains. The inspections of the West Line of the West Line, the real people Yang Yunmeng, the Dongji Pavilion, the real person Zhao Songyang has already been waiting here. When I didn't have much, the Sanqing Pavilion in the East Line was a true person, and the Lei Zijutang Tianshi Du Yanghong also rushed to the Lonely Mountain.

After another, it is the Taoist Parents, the real man Guo Hong Jing and the Tang Tianshi Dongfangming, Kyushu Pavilion is in the Tianshu Song Yangshi, Dongji Pavilion, Tianshi, Li Yanyang, and the viewing party Zhang Yuanji.

Seeing that the real teacher arrived, Zhang Yunyi: "Zhou Zhen people sit in the town of Jiuzhou Pavilion, Sima Liao Liao, Shen Yunzi, I'm going to break, the real teacher is aligned, everyone is a big question, what is this big in front of you?"

Wang Changyu shakes his head: "I really have a lot of things in these years, I still remember that I have gathered it once a year. I don't know when I started, and we have more and more times ..."

Xu Yun said: "From 19 years ago, the Bai Maoshan Wars began."

Wang Changyu sighed: "It's so true. Well, don't get gossip. You have seen it, three days ago, there is an imagination, some people have a big array, this is very big, I am alive. It's almost two hundred years old, but I have never seen such a huge law. A few real men have been busy yesterday, and it has measured the scope of the Fair, and I also said that I also reported it. Hundreds of southward Internally and outside, when the true people are thinking! Is this big array not the hand of Jingmiai? Why do you want to do this? Who knows? "

The East of the New Pavilion Asked: "Is this a fractal from you, can't you crack?"

Zhang Yunyi shook his head: "The poor road and Changyu real have tried it once.

The East indicates the opposite Lushan: "This is the big array of West Lines and the South Line intersection, can you start this island?"

Xu Yun said: "Although it is an intersection point, it is not supported, not the Mountain supporting a big array, but the Lushan is just in the intersection. All places along the way, there is no dish, so we said it is a cover "

The Wuliang Bell is inserted: "Perhaps the most literary thing, it should be Chen Shan Dao and Sima Yunqing, but these two are not in contact, if there is two news, please say it." .

In fact, more than 10,000 people are watching Guo Hong, all of the real teachers are watching him. Such a huge law, it is necessary to say that Shao Yuankki, Jing Wei, Miao Tianshi, is not there, everyone knows Shao Da Tianshi and Shen Baolu National Trustee Tao Zhongwen's relationship, Tao Zhongwen has publicly declared many times, Shao Yuanjie is not only It is his friend, more teachers, on his practice road, Daoyuan Festival pointers and guidance. Therefore, since Chen Shan Road is not, the nearest Mushan Sima Yunqing, the nearest in Xia Mountain, is also isolated in the array. Of course, it can only be hosted by the disciples of Tao Da's real person, Guo Hong, is explained.

Guo Hong Jing smiled and said: "I don't know if I am, I really know one or two, and I have been here. Just on the road, my teacher flew in me, said this big array is also a large array of Shao Shibo, but more Many news, he nor. As for Shao Shibao what I want to do, I am also waiting for news. "

With Guo Hhong confirmed, this knee master is clear, but many realist is very awkward - even if you are a good look, it is so moving, it should know it before. Teacher? Is there anything that can't be discoval, your old man does not want to look at us?

Silence for a moment, Zhang Yunyi asked: "Who is in the big array?"

Of course, he is not the accommodation of the accommodation, he asked the non-Nanzhi monk and trapped in it.

In this regard, Li Yanyang learned more, "" "Mainly:" Mainly to the participating monks and watching monks, the specific number is unknown, but the total of thousands of people, including the three cases of the East Pavilion. Main It is the realm of the big mage, the big refining teacher, the refining teacher only has a little, and the definition is not. In addition, according to what I know, the landlord is in it. "

Dongfangming added: "Jiang Tenghe couple, Luo Ziqing and Zhao Ziran also trapped in the array."

Zhao Songyang frowned: "Jiang Tenghe is also in the array? What did he run Jingshi?"

PS: Tonight True Mastro and poor voting, and 17:6: 1, plus added, and the poor will add this chapter.

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