Taoist Law

Chapter 39 and Shangcheng bald

PS: Thanks, he is listening, not dead birds are rewarded,

After Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze, Yanga made a selfishness, and I was afraid that the two three-column temples he came to listened to the movement, so I mentioned the two people to drill behind the mountain.

Looking for a quiet place, Yancai and Shangchang have received the angry gold, throwing Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze on the ground, and he hit two people. Looking at Zhao Ran, said: "If you can't think of, a person who has not been repaired is actually supported under the hand. Although the home is not absent, it also knows that you are in this way. Just unfortunate ... "

Zhao Ran looks at this smile with a little gli-critical face, the heart is angry, and the mouth is in the mouth: "You are bald, as a person, it actually killed in the middle of the night, trying to make a fortune ... "He is this is an idea to irritate the monk and kill him.

Yancai does not listen to him, turn over and look at the Zhenze, handy, put his bamboo sticks in his hand, kicks and enters, do not know, and then said: "It turns out that this bamboo pole is also a Baby, today is a bad law! "Stretching the bamboo sticks to the Zhenze:" Are you erased from your own, or yourself, or a home? "

Yan Zhongze is cold and cold. "The demon, the hand is, where to come, many nonsense!"

Zhao Ran shouted: "Bull, there is a courage to take the old man to start, come and kill me! Don't dare to do it! | Long | Wind | Literature [C] [F] [w] [ x] t Turtle Wang Ba Lamb, Your baldness is harder than the turtle shell, iron is a variant variety of turtles ... "

He hopped in this head, he groited Yancai to kill him. In the heart of the life life, it is still pondering, and I don't know if the horror Buddha statue is not reliable, and there is a chopstick-like spell, but since it is a mirror and still charge it. It is estimated to be a bit hanging.

Yan Zhongze knows his thoughts, seeing him to save himself, do not hesitate to die, touched, turned to Zhao Ran, said: "Zhao Shi ..." I don't know what to say. The eyes are red.

Yancai is still ignored. Only for Qi Zhongze, "What is it, I will delay! I have to three, if you don't want to wipe it on this bamboo stick, I will send you to the tire. Re-do people! One ... two ... "

Zhongze is extremely hard. Only staring at Yanga and not laughing.

Yancai and sighed. Finally, to the third, the foot will go to the face of Ze Zhongze. But he certainly did not want to step on the death of Zezhi, he also expected the excitement of Yan Zhongze and Zhao Ran to Baotao Temple to exchange the places of the Tianlongyuan Janland Festival **.

When the feet are going to step on the face of Zezhi. Yancai is slow,

When I first recovered the foot and then found another law, I suddenly heard a tiger behind him, and there was a big voice shouted: "Thief, dare to rob life in my Barzala Mountain, when I really don't know the death ! "

Yancai and the faders of Yancai, the body shape is a long figure, and it will look back, a white-fledged, a tiger, a tiger, who is just standing, roaring against himself. The monk ride a monk on the back of the tiger, and his own anger.

He has just entered the three-column temple, and the monks in his temple have not been recognized, more people who don't know the Yongshan Zen of Shoufang Temple, so it is a smile: "Where to come, dare Shijia's idle! "It is also the wild and still of the clouds, and the speech is not changed, this words are deeper.

Yongshan Zen Master is also a temper, heard the angry, jumping from the back of the tiger, straight to Yanga and rush. Although he did not see the previous fighting scene, he knew that this Yanhua was high, so the scene of the past appeared, but actually launched his strongest books. From jumping, the tiger is to the Damage to the Damage, just turn it in this blink to the black paint, holding golden, and smashed the past.

Yancai monk is not good, no longer reserves, directly in the gangli. The two golden body collided with one place, one made golden, one made Golden shield, did not have fun, there is a tiger next to it.

Suddenly I was not flattened once, Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze have not turned around for a time, until the two gold body laws gradually, the two finally accepted this fact.

"Zhao Shi, that is, if you say, the baldness is a robbery."

"The brother, I am also talking, I didn't expect it, I thought it was a question ..."

"You said that the baldness is so good, why don't you find a temple? This is called, where will he eat, wear, you say how he can't think about the business of dry robbery? It's really a bad thing. "

"Hey, Lin Zi is big, what bird has, Long Sheng Jiuzi, alone,"

"Also, you look at the monk's monk, it seems to be fierce, but it is a good monk, and the road is not flat, this is a Heroes."

"Unfortunately I can't see them fight, I don't know how to win the tiger, I can't win ..."

The two lying on the ground whispering, and the roar of the golden stone collision in the ear, just couldn't see the situation of the fighting law, and it would be anxious.

After a long time, a figure suddenly flew over, slap in Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze feet, Zhao Ran got to see the head, it is Yancai monk.

Yanga was scattered, struggling to get up, but was thrown by the white amount, and it was unable to move, and he saw Zhao Ran.

Yongshan Zen Master retired gold, and the meteor came over. I played a foot on Yanchi. He said: "The thief bald, nor to see where this is, it dares to do the three abuse."

This sentence "bald" is coming out, Zhao Ran can not help but, only the monk's monk is very happy, because: "Thank you Master to save."

Yong Shan said, "I am compassionate", shot, Zhao Ruen, and still have a hot flow in the palm of the palm, and the bones that are scattered, and the bones of the shelves are recovering, and the people also stand up. Yong Shan also joined Yan Zhongze, and then explored in Yanchi, and asked Zhao Ran and Yu Zhongze: "This baldness grabs you? I have been recognized."

Yanga is full of angry, and the evil is in good pleasure: "You dare to cover the crank, when you really don't know the life!"

Yongshan smiled: "Huiji, I don't know where you come, to check your roots, you will sweep you out of the Buddha!"

Yong Jiasi explored in Yanga, first took out two parties, he was angry, and suddenly stayed, then his face changed: "It turned out to be a fierce. Hui!" Big happiness, secret road is really a Buddha open your eyes, I actually told me that I met this murderer, next year's Ban Bin Festival Fair, there will be Yong Shan, also!

Previously, Yongshan accused Yanga is a thief of the robbery, Yanga is still afraint, not to mention that he does have this thought, I don't know how to deflate. Waiting to take out the two parties from his arms, and then say this, Yanga has already resisted, and the perception is not right. It seems to have misunderstood, busy opening explanation: "This is not a home ... "

Yong Qi smiled and nodded: "Of course not yours."

Yanga is a long way: "Sprinkle home is not this, this is a sprinkle home from the two thieves, the monk of Baotao Temple is not a home, it is the two thieves killed!"

Yong Qi shakes his head: "You are a baldness, you still fight? When is it stupid? These two monks have this book to kill the Ming. Huihe treasure bottle? If the non-iron card is here, you will repair this For, I don't believe it is you killed ... Let's say how you have a trick? What is the means for spicy hands? "

Yanga shouted: "The sprinkler is the first seat of the three temples, how can I say you ..."

Yong Jiasi listened even more laugh: "You have a baldness, even if you want to be poor, you also choose individual temples. The first seat of the Sanzhu Temple has been in a circular, now the first unmanned, you are poor. Is the three-year-old child? "

Yanga urgently shed, shouted: "The two thieves are not monk, they are pretending, it is the details of the Taoist delivery!"

Zhao Ran can't listen, and quickly defended: "This master, I don't listen to this thief, my brother is the monk of Dalong Temple. It is ingenious to travel, encounter this thief robbery Life, if the master is saved, I am afraid that it is now dead. "(This article is started)

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