Taoist Law

Chapter 239 Continue to take the town

After the Hongze Lake came out, the teacher and the teacher were nodded by Zhao Ruyi, so as to show the affirmation and support of Zhao Ruyi refused to Hong Ze. General ordinary spiritual demon accepts Taoist monks to dispatched, so there is no problem, but it is a principle problem that cannot be easily unknown to the mouth of the government.

At this moment, Hong Ze's twelve spirit demon has been behind the landlord, such a force, Zhao Ran has a confidence and Zhu Xian's fight.

Yifeng Gate is Zhao Ran's choice of entering the city, although there are many garments here, but the terrain is complicated, which is to hide the shape.

Seeing that the city guards from the past, the exception is more, Zhao Ran Xiang Xiang Tao: "Teacher, seems to have changed, and there is more than ten times in the city."

Jiang Teng He nodded: "You know more about Beijing, when will you enter the city, how to enter the city, you will decide."

Zhao Ran nodded, did a gesture, he was close to the city gate, and he went to the front, the light was clear, bright as a white!

With the cover of a private room, Zhao Ran carefully identified, it is very doubtful. He has identified the Rune Erae and Man Willers wearing the defenders, and also saw two laws in the city. Heavy cannon.

What does it mean? It's hard to see if Zhu Xiang is really counter-negative?

In the late doubt, I saw that there was a soil behind the Turnshan feet after the fire, and Zhao Ran saw fun, quietly came above, kneeling down his head.

Soon, the soil was arched, and there was more and more, forming a tunnel of the square, and a head explored from the hole.

The head has just reached out, I haven't come to look at it, I was gone by Zhao Ran's neck, raised from the hole, while the mana was transfared into the gas sea and blind it. A yellow cross-crown in the district, now in front of Zhao Ran, not to watch, not to raise this way.

Zhao Ran refused to return to the teacher and others, put the hand, throw this yellow crown on the ground, and this guild coughs. After the cough, this is a bittened, the big joy is full of expectations, kneeling on the ground, holding Zhao Ran's feet, crying: "Zhao Fangzhang, it is really not easy, old days open eyes, original Your old man is not falling in the hands of Zhu Xiang ... "

Zhao Ran said: "Don't cry! Speak well, who you are?"

This yellow crown stops sorrow, and even busy wipe tears: "Abbot, I am Xiao Shao, the 19th Special Labor Brigade, don't you remember?"

Suddenly think of, I've turned out a little book in my pocket: "Abbot, you see!"

Zhao Ran thinks: "Are you a Tonghai scattered Shao Wei?" I took the practice of his hand, it is right.

"What caves do you have nothing to do?"

Shao Yuxing will participate in the Taimiao complaint, and the arrow is injured to the left strand, so it is originally described by the things you caught by the top three. After that, he also said that he had a name, a friend who was surnamed, was on the three palace. I found a chance to put myself, I found a place in the city wall, I used to avoid the hole, and finally dig it. after.

After listening, Jiang Tenghe, Zhao Li, Zhao Ran face each other, all were shocked by the turn of this day in Beijing, did not expect Zhu Xiang to see the soldiers, and did not expect a bunch of folk friends, the player actually made it. Large movement.

Luo Zhiqing asked Shao Wei, how to get out of the city under the various big and small laws of Beijing wall, Shao Yuhang is proud to show off the master of this master group. division……

Zhao Ran glanced at him: "Labor transformation did not transform, are you? Still playing with Shao Da Tianshi's banner?"

Shao Yanxing was scared: "Fang is sinful, habits ... I will change it later, change!"

Zhao Ran didn't listen to him and Luo Zhiqing, to the teacher and teacher: "It is very clear that Zhu Xian has met Beijing camp, and uses the military divorcerend bank, and set up a heavy guard in Tai Temple. We want to explore Taimiao. I am afraid that it is impossible, unless I hard hit it. "

Zhao Li Niang said: "If you enter it, you will kill in.

Zhao Ran has never seen the battle of Beijing, but he is in person with the battle of the Red League. As long as the Jingying sergeant has half of the Xixia Baimaoqiang town, the branch of the military, no, one-third of the war, It is not to ignore.

Zhao Ran and Xixia step hurt, the impression is extremely profound, suddenly remembered, leaving Song Qi for a whole year, I don't know how Wu's Chemicals?

Zhao Ran advised: "The teacher is courageous. The disciples only have the case. It is really that the towel is not letting the eyebrows. There is a teacher, the disciple is in the heart! But then come back, from another angle, Zhu First see the heavy soldiers to hoard in Taimiao, and there is also the quality of quality, there are so many sergeants. It is not practiced. Even if the military armor is equipped, it is still ordinary people. Teacher Niang goes to see more than ten If you kill, is it too much? "

Zhao Li Niang nodded and nodded: "It is indeed a loss."

Zhao Rong said: "So, the disciple is considering, you can't enter the city."

Zhao Li Niang asked: "What is your good idea?"

Zhao Rong said: "This thing doesn't know if you can't make it, you will sell a Guanzi, you have two old sitting ..."

Zhao Li Niang turned a white eye: "The Lord, Hong Ze is sitting in the town. Song Yuqiao is also sitting in the town. Now I am tie with your teacher. Who is you flickering?" Said that he couldn't help but laugh.

Zhao Ran also laughed: "The disciple of the fierce tried, you have two old people."

Zhao Ran took Yanyan six, hurried up, and he was hung to swim. Yan Xiaoshi is small in the south, and the Bai Mountain will be small. It is not very stretched to open, and it is also a lot of things. It is a little twisted when Zhao Ran took off. But after it flew, it was quite fast, and it was a lot in a lot of people and Bai Mountain in the south, and Zhao Ran is very surprised.

Leaving Yinmen, flying along the Jiang'an, from Song Yuqiao, Qufeen, and Feng Tang, "guard", "guard", in the dark, these three pressure roots will not be aware.

Flying for a moment, I suddenly feeled in my heart, I hope to the dark sky, I can't see the black shadow, I want to look at it, and I have been eloquent.

This black shadow is whipped by Shaoyuan Festival, he flew to Zhenjiang Dandies, falling in a hill, sitting on the top of the hill.

After half an hour, from the south and two movies, the male and a woman took along the East Line of the Big Arrang, the man was shaped, the female pizza is neon, and she is talking. Outside the line, the two figures suddenly stopped, looking at Shao Yuanjie on the top of the hun, and the two felt huge dangers.


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