Taoist Law

Chapter 247

The big army is not a matter of easy things, especially after Zhao Ran's strictment of the disrupting people. Fortunately, there is a Jinghai Temple on the Lion Mountain, and there is a ready-made military camp with the hydrangea mountain, which solves most of the problems.

The rest of the rest of the restaurant, ancestral hall, and the people's home house, for this reason, Zhao Ran also specializes in the temple of Yu Yu and Jinghai Temple to spend the head, to the household owner And the Original Specifications indicate the original, thank you for your support of Taoist beta.

Everyone knows that it is necessary to fight, these places have been no longer living, it has been eatest, Lu Zi Yu, they want to find someone to thank, according to the instructions of Zhao Shizhang, left a note apology. Of course, there is also a price of two silver every day, and the arrears are registered Zhao Ziran.

According to reason, "Assisting the door to destroy the chaos is the obligation of every belief" - Gu Teng Fei, but Zhao Ran's own small abacus: there is not much money, that is, dozens, less than 100 and two silver What is the ability to generate the reputation from the door after passing it out? Until now, he did not forget the initiality and mission of the imperial palace, and the brain juice was accumulated.

This time, the capital is chaotic, I really don't know what impact on the credit will.

In the middle of the night, the Jinghai Temple is still in the mission, and the front attack is of course the instrumental. In Zhang Lang's assessment, the defenders are not strong, there is no need to "turn on tricks", the teacher of the Tang Tang can, the direction of the gods, the direction of Luo Hong, his mission is to hold a batch of defenders. In addition, a combat direction is joined, which is the three mountain doors in the south. This is a temporary adjustment plan, which changes from the three thousand battles of the San Ying Si Die - in the evening, by Yan Shifang, these two camp have been determined, and the agreed to celebrate the army into the city.

At that time, there will be a tie to enter the three mountain doors, and the main force of the north is hitting the chaos in Yinmen: five battles nearly 3,000 people. The purpose of this war is to solve the main force of the defenders, not even destroyed, Zhao Ran believes that it is necessary to destroy Zhu Xiang, who is headed by Zhu Xiang, and the generals of the belly, most defenders are actually convincing or blind .

Zhao Ran sat next to listening, but did not inserted, his mind has been in the Yinmen, according to the news received, the Xuanzhan Palace Cold Supervision Hospital, Jiang Gao, Zhang Juzheng, and some scattered hundreds of people were pulled downstairs, Prepare the hostage of Zhu Xiang. According to Zhu Xiang, let Zhao have personally entered the city "Received", of course, Zhao Ran will definitely will come back later.

This test is very serious. If Zhao Ran does not enter the city, the conscience will not be condemned, but in the heart of practice will definitely appear.

Zhao Ran is now waiting. When I arrived at the time, I finally waited for the letter from Zhu Xian, and it was indeed like Yan Shifang that Zhu Xiang saw him to enter the city. Looking at this letter, it is still a sacred purpose, Zhao Ran can not help but be pleasant.

Gu Tengjia also looked at this mission, and others may not be familiar, but he is more familiar with the sacred desire, and then laughs: "It is said that the Tianzi has been disabled, and the situation should be true, the print is all right, it is the signature Very like, very vivid. I heard Qi Wang is safe to imitate the handwriting of others. Today, see this. "

Zhao Ran did not take care of this "sacred", continue to wait for a sound ...

At the beginning, the Master of Xingling Palace, the passionate forest Ayu is coming out from the ground, quietly went to the city's troops to see the troops of the mysterious martyrs, this is originally the station of Jingying Wheel to guard the Queen Gate, It can be stationed for more than 500 people. At this moment, it has become a place to pay for the Xuanzhan Palace, cold supervision department.

Lin Ayu entered the yard. He became the backbone of the three palace. Lin Ayu had the treatment of his own identity. He can almost enter all important places at will, and of course it also includes it.

Greeting the golden Dan monk responsible for the detained: "Water people, is your seven-star monks to see this?"

The water trades nodded, nothing to say, he is this frosty sex,

Lin Ayu frankly: "Talking about the review, the same and cold supervision halls have been a little, and seeing that he may be brought to the flag, so I want to narrative, I don't want to interact. Yes, two friends hurt Are you ready?"

The fire man replied: "Almost healed, the battle of the riverside fishing village is really dangerous, almost faded."

Lin Ayu is curious and striking: "I heard that the fire man is injured by Zhao Fei. The Lord has not arrived. How come you have to kill it?"

The fire man couldn't help but somewhat self-commendation: "At that time, there was a high-altitude of the empty people in the middle. It was used as the means of god attack. This is a high-spirited high person, what can we do? Can we do? Retreating, it is already the result of fighting the battle. My brother seven people can fight with the refining virtues, and they can remember the life, the experience and feelings, the life is not finished ... "

Lin Ayu is not present, do not know the situation, but will not believe that the seven-star monks can "full body", "if it is really refining the virtues, he estimates that most of the other part is in the hand, by This became the capital of the fire.

I held two words, Lin Ayu asked: "How can I only have two? What about the giantheng mountain? Zhao Fei? ?"

The fire man explained: "Three classes guarded, the next class is only round to them, and now it is in the back house. You know, and the imperial fighting method, our damage is relatively heavy, although it is two months, But there is still no complete recovery, especially the gianthengshan and Zhao Fei guns, and the brain is still confused. "

"How long does it take to them?"

"One time."

"They are cultivating, will we do so loudly?"

"Haha, rest assured, will not, this is not superior to the three palace, it is to set the satellist outside the house, temporarily isolated."

"It turns out, two Taoist friends, I plan to visit. I have a small friend, and a scattered understanding, um, debt relationship, I want to ask, see if I can't take bad, two friends got it."

"Haha, understand, just now ..."

The fire man is talking about it, see Lin Ah Yuhu, and holds a small head in the corner to explore a small head, and be careful to do it.

The water is in the past, see this person like a child, but he is three feet, so he asked: "Lin Da Master, this is your home ... um?"

Lin Ayu Road: "This is the Donghai scattered, and his mother is a three maiden. It is more famous in the East China Sea. This child comes to the Central Plains to play. In the past few days, I accidentally injured when I was fighting with Zhao Ziran, and I will recover today. When we went to Yuan Fu Hao to save people, you didn't go, so this didn't know. "

The girl came to the near, and he stretched his hand and greeted the water fire: "Two friends are friendly."

The water fire two is low, and the fire smiled: "Small friendly."

The water trail did not speak, but the eyes were slow and slow, nodded.


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