Taoist Law

Chapter 25, the wind, the wind, the tongue

Zhao Ran didn't like Yan Yan and Yan Shi, but he had to recognize the achievements of people in these days, saving these Xuanzhan Miyao - By, "saving" more than ten scatters and nearly 1,000 Jin Yiwei and sergeants, It is indeed licking his worries.

When you are so good: "You are doing things, the poor road has been remembered in your heart. Don't worry, wait for the ball to recover, keep the squad, I wish you success."

Yan Shiyi is this sentence, even if I see Zhao Ran's tone is slightly reluctant, but it is already satisfied, and I will tell you.

Zhao Ran finally signed the opinion on the battle of Zhu Xiang, who was sent by the name of the next day: "See the head!" Was sent by the sergeant.

In the beginning of June, Tian Mengmun, the Taoist betrayal army has already started.

Longtan Wei's three thousand people are strong at the attack instrument, two thousand people quietly open to Sanshan door, and seize the city. The soldiers who lack in front of Yinmen, supported by several five military battalions, and the five thousand people of the three thousand battalions entered the city as the subsequent series, and the order of the city was maintained. At the same time, Luohong's Wuchangwei three thousand people have also come to the got of the gorsks.

Of course, the layout is arranged, Zhang Dang also awarded the power of Luo Hong and the cow, the main attack is not enough, and the virtuality can be converted, and the final purpose is to raise the capital as soon as possible.

Because the army came from yesterday, there was an anti-accepted army of the city outside the city, Zhang Dang can put the army directly in the instrumentators. Two high-graphs of the Lion Mountain and Hydrange Balls have a siege system, including heavy-sized, artillery, fire dragon, etc., will take advantage of the city wall to defend the advantages of the city.

The main street under the gate of the city is also in the hands of Longtanwei. The two-sided house has been shaped by the protection of the protection, and it is possible to prevent the defenders from being airspeed. It is the best Tibetan. One of the main camps headed by Longtan Wei Zhongnu has already placed in advance.

Since you want to see Zhu Xiang and he is firmly attracted to the Queen Gate, it will definitely be a long time, so Zhao Ran people will visit the Fengmen, which is called.

"Wenchang observatorial hospital, Dao door recruits, Xuanzhan Palace Zhang Zhao and so on, anti-thief Zhu Xiang see and Shang Sangong Da Master, etc., immediately tap, or can avoid Ling Chi bitter. City At the Beijing-Guangzhou school, the speed open the door, all returned to military camps, can forgive and wait for the sin of the reverse Qi Wang Meng. When the time is fixed, otherwise the army into the city, and there is difficult to escape the rule of the country. Why go, respective thinking .. .... "

Zhu Xiang saw the wall of the city, looking down, I saw the other side of the thousand soldiers, along the street under the city gate, and the flag dozen clustered a group of Taoist, military, leading Gu Tengjia, Zhao Zengran, Zhang Dang is known, there are many or unfamiliar faces.

Looking back at yourself, the city wall put the most elite two five military camps, this is your own heart, take the silver, there are two camps in the city as prepared, and there are two days. A camp is placed in the streets of the streets, and this strike is more than enough.

Because of the laughter, I will take the city: "Zhao Ziran, come out!"

Zhao Ran rolled his old man to sway how long, said: "Zhu Xiang see, it is difficult to talk about today, what can be said?"

Zhu Xianwei said: "You just not a limited time? Lonely also give you a moment, speed your own self-circulation, or your bits of the Dichitan Palace can be died because of you!"

Zhao Ruyi said: "What is the mysterious martyrdom? Zhu Xiang see, are you sending a dream saying nonsense?"

Zhu Xiang saw a clear laugh: "Since you are so mood, you will be ruthless, you will send you this sentence, first send your Xuanzhan Ten people and say it!" He turned back to: "Come, put the thief of the Dichitan Palace Brought up! "

There is a monk on the three palace to go to the order, and there is not much time, the seven-star monks followed up, and one face is very bad.

Zhu Xiang saw it: "What about people?"

The command of the monk did not have a good gantry. "" There is still them. "

Zhu Xing saw the giantheng mountain: "What about those thieves?"

The Juheng Mountain is tainted: "Everything is running ..."

Zhu Xiang did not dare to confuse: "Run? More than one hundred people run? When is it?"

The water is on the second road: "It is about the early morning of the morning ..."

The giantheng Mountain took these two to you: "Shut up! I will say,

Duan Dao is also anxious, and I will take a giantheng Mountain asked: "Not ... You can say it clearly, more than a do person running? Are you running under your seven-star monk? Are you cultivating?"

Juma Hill Road: "It is the Lin Ayu, which is the Tongyin Palace. He is rebellious. It should also have Liu Chunjiu. They have the excuse of the two perspective people. The fire of the water is not obeying, and they trust them too much. ..... still finds a boy ... "

Duan Duan is used to stay, angered: "These two guys, I have long known they can't reach!" I have not yet, and I have said to the gianthengshan: "In this case, why not report? So big movement, Jin Yiwei? So many Jin Yiwei will not report it? Chen Yu! Chen Yu ... "

Next to Chen Yu head, a males, grinding, he is still unclear, and I don't know how to return, I am a giantheng Mountain to solve it: "No need to find, Chen command makes the three hundred Jinyiwei should be internal, they run. "

This even Chen Yu stayed, suddenly yell: "Zhuo Yi! Zhuo one gives me death!"

I didn't find Zhuo Yi for a long time. I just had to worry, next to a Jinyi Wan T tripped over to tell: "It seems that it seems to have seen thousands of households, Zhuo Qian fooled the Yanyin Street, look like it seems to go home."

"He thought that he still ran? Go, bring Zhuo one to me back, today is not killing him, you can't!"

Zhu Xiang saw that I haven't spoken it. At this moment, the anger in my heart suddenly broke out, and I went to the hill face of the mountain, slammed, and immediately reached the palm, and Zhao Fei. The gun, the water is two, the squad, the face of each person.

The seven stars monks are too far away. Where is the flashing, it is also true, I don't dare to break, each strong supports this ear.

Zhu Xian saw that there was still nothing to sprinkle, and he went to the giantheng mountain, but he was stopped by Duan Dynasty with De Wang. He is a great refining teacher, this feet hates, it is not hurt, and if you use people, Lin Ayu and Liu Chunjiu have run, and then the seven-star monks are injured. A person who has to force a lot of people will only result in the fast effect of the parents.

Zhao Ran saw that there was something to move on the head, but because there was a city block, it was not very true. When he was busy, it was busy, and he quickly smiled, and immediately laughed: "Zhu Xiang see, you don't want to kill My mysterious Miyamo? I also kill ten people? When you are so laugh, you are not afraid of the wind big fan! "

Zhu Xiang saw that this breath did not finish, and listened to Zhao Ran's midness, and immediately turned red, biting his teeth, I didn't care from the head of the city. In a single excitement, five fingers became a grasp. Zhaoran.


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