Taoist Law

Chapter 253 1 Sword

I saw that the arm is laughing, and there are two sharp ​​, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I took out a stroke of the sparkled spark.

Hu Daishun visited the gentleman, just touched the same play, the army of the same play, did not help but Dafa, smile, drink: "Monkey, look at your stick, or I Hu Da Shun's double hammer!"

The gods will continue to laugh in the sky, just like provocation. Hu Da Shun is clear, the left foot is flying, and the body is spacious from the city, and the body is more high. The gold and silver double hammer has also risen to the grinding disc. It is going down in Hu Daquan. The head of the head.

The surrounding defenders met Hu Da Shun so many killing, morale rose, exclaimed, and shouted in Huada, Huada, who was unique.

Only Zhu Xiang saw, Duan Dynasty was noticeable with two people, while shouting: "Keep God!"

Zhu Xiang saw a long sword to the army gods, and the Duan Dynasty used the mouth of the mouth, and I sent a disturbance of the people. A surrounding Wei Zhao, one interferes with the enemy. But these two people want to take a rescue segment, but it is too late.

Zhao Li Niang's Songxue rose again, stop Zhu Xiang to stop the long sword of the god of the armo, and smashed a five-order note and dismissed the true words of the Duan Dynasty.

Zhao Li Niang's shot is just for a purpose, giving Jiang Teng cranes to fight for a chance to interfere with no interference.

The Jiang Teng cranes standing at the entangled house in the city of the city moved, and the simple and thick brillion after the brain jumped out - just gently jumping, suddenly skyrocketing, the radiance shrouded the whole Yugumen Tower, shot to all sides!

No sword light, there is no sword shape, I can't see the fierce shot, I can't feel any swords, Hu Daishun suddenly rushed to the sky, with a bloody fog, I didn't know how many circles in the air, heavy Under the city gate, I fell before the Chinese army flag.

The two eyes on the head are still awkwen ...

Hu Daishun is still in the air in the air, and the handsome hands are unable to fall, and the golden silver double hammer also falls on the ground, and the hair of the gods did not get a root.

The quaint radiance that enveloped on the Yifengmen Town is dissipated, and he didn't enter the back neck of Jiang Tenghe.

The entire battlefield is shocked. The top three palace is famous, and Hu Da Shun, who is refining the teacher, and is like a sword!

Zhao Ran was also shocked, and he kept returning to the teacher. The teacher did not seem to happen, and still hind his head, and touched the battle on the wall.

Zhu Xiang saw the Yuefu Emperor in the top of the head, and shouted towards the Jiang Teng crane under the city: "Jiang Teng crane, what kind of demon? There is a kind of kind, let's fight! Hide in the dark, there is a ghost, what is the truth people?"

Jiang Tenghe came out of the house, laughed with Zhu Xiang: "I haven't seen it, this is the fantasy, the magic weapon passed down by the ancestors of the ancestors, to say that Xuanmen authentic, there is no right, in you It is a demon in the mouth? It's really ridiculous! "

Zhu Xiang saw angry: "I managed to mix the holy sword, there is a kind of play!"

Jiang Tenghe laughed and did not speak, and stepped into the steps, so that he had embarked on the Yifeng Gate City Building.

Zhu Xian saw up, Jin sleeves, rolling, rolling Jiang Tenghe. Jiang Tenghe's hands, pulling out a hurricane, such as sharp blade, the two big sleeves of Zhu Xiang, lost in the wind, cut seven zero eight defeated by the wind blade.

Under the heart, Zhu Xiang saw the secret: What is this? I don't dare to keep the big, the life is in the middle of the cloud, the sword is from the brain, and the scarlet huge is caught.

Jiang Teng crane smiled: "Listen to my people who can't be instructed, you are very common, now it seems that it is general." The mouth is talking, the hand is not stopped, rendering points out of the man, and the rotation is integrated into "Hand" word, reverse in the past, pinched the scarlet.

The scarlet huge palm has risen,

Although it is a compassion of mana, it can see all the neck, it seems that this big "hand" is pinched on him, and his teeth are sour ...

Zhu Xiang saw the greatness of this time, and the knowledge of the clouds of the clouds was unstable, and the face was pale.

Jiang Tenghe said: "This life is unable to send, especially if you are so weak, it is to find death, who is your teacher who is, even this most basic truth has not taught you?"

Zhu Xian saw it could not still be able to fight back, only with the three martial arts Makun, the palace, the smart support, the more shocked, and the means of Jiang Tenghe also recognized it more and more clearly, and I know that I am not his opponent. So fighting, it is only a thing sooner or later. So I turned to help: "Duanshi came over to help me!"

He just shouted this sentence, Jiang Tenghe is like a rhinoceros, and the target is aligned, the Dan is all around, and the Zhao Li Niang will play the wolf, and one person is full of Zhu Same and Duan Dynasty use two compared elephants.

On the side of the fight, I shook my head as soon as possible: "Do you go to the Three Palace monks? Do you learn? Your teacher doesn't teach ..."

Zhao Li Niang took out the hand, and the seven-star monk who was siege from the army and Luohuai took the hand, and he told the two channels to continue to open the city.

Death and Gong Kepei front, once again, once again, the army god and Luo Zhiqing were turned off, and he was fighting.

Under the wall, Zhao Ranzheng, who was evilted by the crisis, was stable, and listened to Zhang Dishi.

Zhang Dang also took the emotion with Zhao Ran: "Zhu Xian see the defeat has been fixed. In fact, I don't want to use the Qi Jun in the direction of Sanshanmen. Let's take it completely. The other side of the city is not in, the five military camp The training is really poor, empty, rune heavy armor, manifold blade, but does not understand cooperation, waste so much good things. There are so many war array environments in the city, they have never used it once, it is incredible! "

Zhao Ran also nodded: "It is really not able to keep the city. The other owners will not be integrated with the military array. It is not cooperated with the army. It is not in the order of single fighting, and I can ask for a fight. How is it? "

Zhang Dang Rating is the defending army, and she still doesn't forget to review her mistakes: "We are actually very chaotic. At the beginning, there are some chapters, and the siege routines in the weekday exercise are played, but after the city Annone, still have a lot of actual combat ... "

I am talking about it, I suddenly chaos in the south of Yifeng Gate. The brigade guarded the wolf of the Yifeng Gate. Zhao Ran's ears listened to the noise of the city, and then to Zhang Dang, Gu Teng Jia Road: "Three The mountain gardens came into the city, and they were attacked along the city wall according to the plan. They have already occupied the Huai Gate. Soon, I will want to hit the Fengmen, my Song, the cow, and the Ma Wangye and other spirits can remember one. Gong! "

PS: Linghu Road ancestors, today is the same birthday, so the eight treasures, the eight treasures, the eight treasures, I wish you a happy birthday, happy, healthy and safe.


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