Taoist Law

Chapter 256

Dynasty Yuan Yi Rei was eaten by Jiang Tenghe's unpolated map, even the water is not splashed halfway, seeing Zhu Xian to see it on the spot, and I will ask: "What is this baby?"

Jiang Tenghe Answer: "No pole map."

Zhu Xiang saw itself: "It turned out that this is no pole picture? It's great!"

Jiang Teng Hechao: "You are also good, actually can get out of the poor trees, still have a few things."

Due to Zhu Xiang, Jiang Teng cranes from the Dan, and the blue road and Duan Duan have escaped. These two people are sweating back, and they are not breathed. They protect themselves in the law. They have seen it with Zhu Xiang, and they have been a strong battle, but no one dares to work.

Zhu Xian saw the last killer has already played out, fighting for, fighting spells, than the magic, no matter which one is the opponent of Jiang Tenghe, the heart is in the heart, and he wants to be mad.

But what can I be crazy, in the face of Jiang Tonghe, he is very powerless. Once again, I looked back to Qixia Mountain. At this moment, he suddenly hated the hill big array of enclosed mountain gates. He really wants to rush into the mountain gate, go to Meiyuan, ask yourself, you are the cheap teacher, you are sealed Mountain, is this not recognized by the weight of the heavens of the tree? You will be half of the South Zhili, isn't it to help me kill Zhao Ziran? Since you help me, why should I put Jiang Teng?

He is more want to ask, if you accidentally put it in two people, why don't you help me out?

At the four Gu, the war is close to the battle, and many defenders have begun to throw the blade surrender. Although Chen Yizheng is still desperately supporting the battle, he has to rush down the enemy, but it is very effective. micro.

Zhu Xiang saw the enemy killed in the direction of the Huai door, and the leader of the three thousand battalions of the rebellion were thousands of households who were selling with silver, and they were rushing in the forehead. It is called Xiangling Palace. The two swords of Liu Yin and Lin Aya.

Zhu Xian closed closed eyes, and looked at Qixia Mountain again, but he couldn't see anything, nothing felt, what is expected, the change is just a luxury.

The opposite Jiang Teng crane once again shot, the Dan is formed in the air, the Duan Dao and the blue road are very nervous, they don't experience the terrorist power of the unpolar map, but they are afraid of this Dan.

Duan Dynasty couldn't help but said: "Qi Wang, let us withdraw."

The blue road sighs: "Where can I withdraw? This big array locked Zhao Zhaoran, and also locked us."

Duan Duan pointed to Jiang Tenghe: "How did he come in? He can come in, let's go out! The opportunity is defeated, let us escape into the East China Sea ..."

Zhu Xiang saw angrily shouted: "No, there is no defeat! Go, let's go back!" When I got down the city wall, I went far away.

Duan Duan did not return to the same head, the blue road is in the air decree: "Departing the Taiwan Temple!" After the command, the blue road to play a few words to Jiang Teng crane, covering himself to Tai Temple.

Under this order, the defenders on Yinmen were collapsed, except for the foundation of the city, directly put down the blade surrender. In the city, a little sprinkle is to escape from Tai Temple, and most of them are in the leadership of the school, and they will abandon it.

Jiang Tenghe accused, and these three big refining teachers were all grinded by him into the man, because a negligence escaped it, fails to stop, but they had to follow. Zhao Li Niang worried that his safety, throwing Death and Gong Kepei, and the seven stars monks all threw the Lu Lu Qingqing, and followed Jiang Teng crane.

Zhao Ran did not reassure them two, and he greet the army and Ma Wang Ye had to fight, with a bunch of Junshan Ling demon followed. The cattle is not arranged without them. It does not arrange them. If you ran to Zhao Ran: "Zhao Feizhang, is our Hongze Ling Demai? What is the difference between the big monarch? Why don't I let me wait? Mo, I can't afford me, etc. ? "

He is really right, Zhao Ran is looking for the fighting power of the Jiangnan spirit.

As a saying, the cattle is full of worry, greeted the Zhao Rong group, a group of Zhao Rong group. Zhao Ran couldn't help him, when Zhu Xian saw the battle of the flag door when he was on the battle, if you put this Human Lingzhi to protect the Chinese army, would it be harmonized to be collapsed?

De Wang and Gong Kepei have been almost dissevious by Zhao Li Niang, just getting out of the crack of Song Xue to Bookmark, Luohuai's sword is coming again. These two originally a chance to escape, and who is thinking that Luohuai's sword is equally great, Wrapped by swords and not.

Luo Zhiqing was cultivated as a big master, and a sword pressed the two refining teachers, played, and simply put the life of the River. The two high-end refining trails are in front of the sky, and there is a river that has across something. It is constantly struggling in the wind, but it is not allowed, and the final manual is exhausted, and the brick of the city wall was taken into the city wall. in.

Qixing Monchi wants to take the opportunity to escape, I was stared at Zhao Ran, told Gark Xue Shizi to take the Qixing monk. The so-called . ........

An anti-Qikai, Lin Ayu, and Yan Xi Tao, and other anti-monks have smashed the rest of the three hoodes, killing six people, caught more than 70 people, and went to the Chinese military flag door to Zhaoran. At this time, the Chinese army has moved to the Yifeng Gate City Building, Zhao Ran, Gu Tengjia and Zhang Dang on the city floor.

Zhao Ran inspected the captive, and the good life was caressing, announced on the spot, with the sin of the reverse, there is such a credit, but it can be saved. These anti-monks himself.

Yifeng Gate has broken, and a series of military orders are made.

Zhong, two thousands of thousands of households into the city into the city, and clear the Jinyiwei and rebel Jingying, which is still in the negative, and the insurgents of the rebellion.

Three thousand camps have commanded the rating of more than 5,000 people in the city, along Longtan Wei Zhong, Wang two thousand households implement curfew, block all walks of life, strictly prevent the splash and peaks, fight the robbing, Guaranteed the smooth and orderly in Beijing.

Mailing Wuchangwei quickly broke the gods, the army to the Yifeng gates and.

The army immediately accelerated, and the Yifeng Gate was busy.

The tree is scattered, and Zhu Xian saw waiting for the first foot. At this time, the battle on the wall has tends to end, only the seven-star monks are still supported in the surrounding circle.


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