Taoist Law

Chapter 41 Escape from Gongboshankou

PS: Thanks, not dead birds, hearing the reward.

Seeing a lot of monks in Gao Chang Temple, each stick, holding a stick, and sealing the Yamaguchi trail, there are several monks that have been high and low, and along the trail comes to the mountains, Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze know that this is staying here. Can't live.

After the two slowly retreat, with the shrub to cover up, it took the foot to retreat and drilled into a small wood.

Yan Zhongze frown: "It is good, it is blocked in the mountains. It seems that you must return to return, or try it from the northwest direction?"

Zhao Ran did not respond, he leaned against a tree, it was descending. I want to go, it seems that the suggestion I mentioned in Yan Zhongze is the most feasible, no matter how it is, it is much better than the toughness, let alone, it is really not strong.

Nowadays, I will now get a Gongbishankou. It is not far away. It can escape from the "suffering place" in Ba Zala, this time, I really feel frustrated and unacceptable.

During the hard thinks, Zhao Ran is a way to move, to Yan Zhongze Road: "Yes! , fast, make your bamboo from the sword, let's sharpen the bark! Strive for a long rope, let's fall Rope jumps! "

When I heard in Qianzawa, I also said, "wonderful", soon began to cut. He is responsible for cutting, Zhao Ran screened the bark, picked out the bark of those fiber, tough, and kept buckling the knot.

It has been more than a long time, and Zhao Ran's rope has reached 20 feet.

Yan Zhongze roughly visually tested the length of the rope, stop Zhaoran: "The difference is almost." So two people put the rope and climbed back to the hill. The top of the mountain is uncertain, and the back is also different. Two people chose a Gao Richang Temple to see and not too high, and the rope is hanging down, and the rope is fixed on a rock.

"It seems to be some, there is no hanging to the end, five or six feet? Still seven eight feet? Yan Jie, you can see you?"

"Almost, this is nothing to do."

Yan Zhongze also did not climb the rope, directly jumped, and once a few feet, he reached out gently on the rope, leaking the falling strength to half. Then continue to fall, not much, has arrived at the bottom of the rope. He hangs up on the rope and then sprinkles the rope, and the body turns in the air. It is easy to fall on the ground and then wave yourself.

Zhao Ran can do not have a matter of Yan Zhongze, can only turn it back, and climb the rope one inch and one inch. If it is placed in the past, I am afraid that I haven't worry when I climbed half, this world, he can still stick to it.

When he finally climbed to the bottom of the rope, he went down. Can't help but take a breath, ok, at least four or five floors are so high! He looked at Yan Zhongze in the following. Two hands in Qianzhenze moved inward, and it was shown that Zhao Ran jumped. Zhao Ran took a breath, sprinkled with his hands, and his body fell.

When I went to the ground, Zhao Ran only felt a strong force, and he hit him with him. When Zhao Ruwei, I feel like falling in the cotton pile. I don't feel the pain, this is entirely on the practice of Zhongze.

Yan Zhongze whispered: "Walk!" Pull up Zhaoran's clothes. With him, he went out far away.

It is no longer within the perspective of Gao Tianchang Temple, and the surrounding is full of hills to be blocked, calculating temporary safety. The two are in cautious, and they still have to go to the eastward, and then they look for the direction, turn around to north. Don't stop all the way, I don't know how many small hips, how many old forests are passed, how many flats are full of gravel, how many gully, the two people are branches and pointers The stone hook hangs is broken, and the shoes also broke a few big holes, and they were exhausted, and they rushed to a temple.

It is already in the evening, and the red clouds slowly moved on the top of the remote mountain. Zhao Ran squatted in the weeds on the slope, shouted with sour water in the mouth, breathed the gas: "No, brother, Let's have a rest. I see this temple is good, first sleep two times. "

This is a long-term dismisive, and the alone is alone in the hills of the three feet. The door has a bald pole, the door has collapsed half, full of spider webs. The temple wall did not know how many years were played by the wind, revealing the soil stone, only a few old branches of the old branches, a few unknown birds on the tree, sing a few words from time to time, showing a filament.

In Zhao Ru, he looked up at the temple that was not far away. He looked at the grass in the door of the temple. He turned his head and saw it. Seeing there seems to be no trail, so I nod: "I will rest this at this time." Said that it is finished first, and carefully went to the door of the temple. It is gently used to collapse on the half of the door, and even the remaining semi-sloping. Become a piece of residual.

The spider web hangs at the door is dial, and the Zhenze is moving into it. It turns a circle inside, and then it is called Zhao Ran. Zhao Ran's sorrowful waist, toughly walked to the temple, and did not feel the time before escaped, just stopped with the Turning slope, and felt that the double stalls were not only, and the road came In the case of a crash, it is really exhausted to the extreme.

Into the temple, regardless of the slap in the roots, I took a few mouthfuls, I started the arrangement of the temple. The half-cut Buddha is arched, the mud is like a mud, and the mud is like a head, only half of the body sitting, the left arm is broken, and it does not look at the Buddha.

In addition, there is no time in the temple.

However, this floor panel is clean, and it is paved with stone bricks. It doesn't see some dust, and there is no spider web bird nest on the corner of the corner. It is just cleaned.

Zhao Ri Li sat up, rushing to Zhongze Road: "Yan Jie, this temple is living, you see, just being cleaned!"

"Zhao Shi, I just used a cleaner ..."

"Hey ... It turns out ..." Zhao Ran rely on the corner, and asked: "Yan Dynasty, you are very good, then you will have the children, the temple is clean. Yes, you have There is not much, borrowed two times. "

Yan Zhongze shook his head: "There is a lot of time when you go out last year, but it is exhausted, this is the last one."

Zhao Ran is disappointed, and I am not willing to ask: "Can I still draw some help after going back, I don't know when I can practice, or I am simple, and the same, Compare me. "

Yan Zhongze thought, said: "I can give you some questions, but my family is not good ..."

Zhao Ran was surprised: "No? Taoist Taoist Taoist, actually no painting? Hey, , I don't do anything else, just some curiosity."

Yan Zhongze smiled: "Nothing. A few generations of specializes in the special letter, the main point is mainly, and it is not very penetrating."

Zhao Ran, "Ah", said: "It turned out to be a brother of the whole truth, disrespectful and disrespectful. I don't know which part?"

Zhongze Road: "It is not to talk about the whole truth ... I have tried Luoyang in my family, and I went into Fengxian Cave as a disciple of disciples, I got the Qing Dynasty, but the truth is very strict, not advocated his wife. Room, the old ancestors did not dare, so he did not enter the internal door of Fengxian Dong. "

Zhao Ran praised: "Yes, I learned that his skills learned his skills, what should you do, peace, and heaven with heaven ..."

Zhongze wants to think, said: "The words are so saying, but it is not so, my family has made a few generations of geniors, and I will eventually be able to have a certification, and the people who have been in the family, maybe because there is no clear future. I can't get real work. "

Zhao Ran said: "Everyone has the fate of people, the genius is, how many people can do? Cannot be not imposed that the road is not right, or the opportunity is not available."

Yan Zhongze sighed: "I hope so."

Zhao Ran took out the barbecue from the split, and I ate some of the Ze Zhongze. Because too tired, I will not have more words, and I will take out the Wuzi Pills to swallow, he will call the big sleep, Zhongze closed the eyes repose.

I don't know how long I have slept, and the two will blink at the same time, and Zhao Zhongze, Zhao Ranran, and the hand is coming to the door, and it is condensed towards the darkness of the temple. (Untrafter continued) (this article is started)

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