Taoist Law

Chapter 271 Longqing

Zhao Ran has a point in all, a magic weapon: Moon Queen, two-piece magic weapons: ingot with ingots and not dead Dan, two high-end environments: sun moon hammer and mystery knife shield.

In addition to the law, it has also seized five steps, the fourth order, the third-order, the third order, and the plenty of spiritual medicine, which has a large number of psyllium, there are even more than ten bottles of Junshan Pharmaceutical Simplified Edition of Wuzioli.

Many gold ingots silver ingot beads jade, visually discounts in more than 80,000, and silver tickets are seven thousand two.

Zhao Ran remembered a thing, and quickly told the roof of Yan Xiaoxue, let him find Song Yuqiao.

Song Yuqiao came later, there were a small housing that Zhao Ran, borrowed, said: "How do Zhao's brother hide here? Why don't you still have? Looking at the sister in late night?"

Zhao Rong said: "Today, there is too much, just can't keep it, it is a bit excited, huh, huh, so ask the teacher to come over to help, otherwise I can't sleep anyway, I can't sleep anyway."

Song Yuqiao has a little twisted, and it has once again got a small room. The hook will close the door. "This is not very suitable. How did the brother think of me ..."

Zhao Rong said: "I have just thought that the top three palaces did not have the first, afraid of being chaotic, you must have to take a look at it, otherwise, what is the blend of mixers, what is the harm of the three palaces, so I want to ask the sister to go to the horse, bring a song And, Yan Tang, or the sister will choose someone else, immediately stay in the three palace. The focus is to take the warehouse and books and the like ... "

Song Yuqiao said heard for a long time, waiting for Zhao Ran to finish, he he left nodded: "... Nothing?"

"If this is something, the teacher is going!"

Song Yuqiao turned over white, turned to go out, and there was no heretic hand, and the door hit it back and collapsed on the spot.

Zhao Ran, wait for Song Yuqiao to go, "neuropathy!"

This room must not live, next to a banned army is interested in the army, and quickly rush, saying is that many palace in the harem are empty. Ask Zhao Fangzhuang to live, such as the soft temple is very spacious.

Zhao Ran shook his head and took him away and was selected as soon as possible. Just entering, there is a small mission to find it, but it is the Yue Wangfu, which is temporarily taken into life by Yu Wang into the palace.

That little : "Abandon, the Hall, ask the abbot to sleep, if not, I want to see the abbot."

"It's already ugly, in the middle of the night, the Prince hasn't slept yet?"

"The Hall has just come out from the West Palace, and I will have an emperor to Xiaoke Huang."

"Where is he?"

"The Hall is waiting in the end, if it is an abbot, he will move it."

Zhao Rong said: "In the middle of the night, I don't want to enter the palace, please ask the Prince to move."

He is a teacher, the Prince is his disciple, the disciple meets the teacher, the sky is justified.

After the princes followed the old acquaintance Feng Bao, Feng Bao is a big companion, everyone knows that a prince is boarding, Feng Bao should use it. However, the Division has been printed with this duty. It has been booked by Zhao Ran to give Chen Hong. Feng Bao can only take a way, such as the ritual supervision, if he is not willing to pay, you can go to the interior The local supervision or printed place in the supervision of the mission.

At least Zhao Ran's predetermined location, there will be no more people who don't act easily in a few years.

The remaining ends of the Prince, the palace girls and the guards left outside the door, only Feng Bao held a tray, followed the prince into Zhaoran's embarrassment.

Zhao Ran said: "The Prince is not to see, I am small here, I am free."

After sitting and Zhao Ran, the Prince sigh: "Teacher is a powerful, but simple Ruos, it is really difficult to be in the heart, it is better to enter the palace ..."

Zhao Ran hook: "Not right, this is good. How is the prince? Is there anything?"

Feng Bao put the tray on the table, a pot of wine on the plate, a few desserts in the two food boxes, Feng Bao put it on Zhao Ran and the Prince, after retreating.

Prince said: "Adaptation,

Feng Baoyi fun: "The Queen is very experienced on the law of the health, and there will be some medicines in the next day, and I will send a pot today.

The prince is in the invitation: "This is a little bit of the emperor, please ask the square to laugh."

Zhao Rui held the cup, put the wine and drink, "Sure enough, it is full."

After the prince was dined, sighed, said: "I have seen my grandmother today. She has to cry, saying that if there is no flush, there is no mother, there is no mother, I'm listening, my heart is also uncomfortable."

Jiajing Tianzi is not a personal son of Xiaokang Qi, so I will pursue my biological mother to pick up Wang Hao into the palace, the Shang Zun is the mother of the mother, and the two years have begun to take the mother to take the emperor of the birth. . Once success, it means that Xiaokang Huang is going out.

Yu Wang and Xiao Kang have always been close, just before, the two are still anxious, but now, everything has changed, Yu Wang has become a prince, and the status of Xiaoyang Huang is also resolved.

Zhao Ruyi Head: "After a few days, I have to respect the Emperor Queen."

Prince: "Yes, what is the sign, the alphan is being considered ... Yes, today, there is also the annual number after the allowal position. Xia Hou old them are fighting, and the lonely is also pondering. But I didn't think of a good word for a while. The emperor said that Zhao Fangbu is my poem. Why don't you ask Zhao Hui? This is not, I will come, please ask the teacher to help think about it. "

Zhao Ran sneakers, said: "That is called Long Qing. Xinglong, festive, meaning is simple, don't give so many complex doorways."

Prince and Feng Bao looked at the eye, Feng Bao nodded, the prince was tied: "The teacher is good, look back, I am talking to Xia Xiang."

I have a few cups, the prince is full of red, the wine has been drunk, Feng Bao seemed to be ugly, even busy Zhao Rong said: "Abbot, the Taizi is too tired today, and it is not a break to the East Hai. "

Take the prince, Zhao Ran returned to the room, self-feeling is also a bit dizzy, just want to close your eyes and sleep well. I am going to bed on the bed, suddenly ambient, the repair of my big master, no matter what wine is afraid, it is impossible to drunk, what is it today?

Before walking to the table, the pot of the pot the pot is taken down, smelling, smelling, and the wine is fragrant, and it feels less than half.

However, although there is no difference in the water, the eyelids are getting more and more sinking, and they can't scattered around the sky. Zhao Ran is really surprised.

Seeing that you can't rest, you can't rest, nine days, Xuanlong's big ban, the fourth layer of merits, Yunyun brushed it in the body, and clear this drunk instant.

Then, the fifth floor of the big ban is preferred to open, Zhao Ran after some peas, lying on the bed, for a while, the housing in the house.

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