Taoist Law

Chapter 43 Temple Fighting

PS: Thanks, EAGLE Zhou, no dead bird, hearing, the reward of the Ruyuyu. Thanks, monthly tickets are encouraged. Another: In order to thank the brothers, they will reward and Rongsheng Hall, the poor road is tonight, and the more chapter is added.

The Guangcheng's iron zen stick suddenly squatted on the temple wall, and the shabby temple wall did not collapse, but it was shocked, and the over-honest slamming.

In the Gao Chang Temple of the governed enemy, it has seen the clue, and it has been drinking: "The thief lays a mapping!"

Guang Cheng, naturally, the experience is deeper, and immediately triggered the sex of the child, and the Zen stick is a touch, and the big drink: "Give me!"

The temple wall is also a shock, the dirt and gravel roll fall. Guang Cheng and then drink "open", Buddha's turn, the iron pool, the iron pole hits the temple wall, sending a courage, the temple wall is dramatic, and it will not support the next impact. .

Zhao Ran shouted: "Can't let him smash, then collapse!" If it is the temple wall collapsed, it will form a bureau from the Gao Chang Temple, and it is definitely a dead road.

Yan Zhongze also knows that of these interests, may not have to cross the temple door, stop being prepared to continue to bombard the temple wall, really injecting bamboo, exploding three feet.

Guangcheng Road "Come", palm, a knot, Zen sticks, " long" wind " ︽ , WW □ ● WX.N ◆ ET empty fly, sweep the Zhenze. The Zen rod is flipped with the integrity. When the flexibility, I will never touch the swordsmanship of Yan Zhongze, just dodge the shadow. From all angles, I turned to Yan Zhongze. It is like a silver waterfall to dance in the moonlight.

This is a high level of the realm. Guang Cheng is flexible, as long as there is 10 feet, you can make a refers to the arm; Yan Zhongze is in the Huang Crown, and the sword is a new thing for him. Just getting started, just fled on the way. Back, the driver range is neat, and it is extremely jealous, it is not as close as holding in the hands. The only thing that can be relied. Only the sword is sharp.

The battle moment, Yan Zhongze struggled to block, it has been sweating, but it is standing in a long time. Just transforms from time to time. Different people have judged.

Zhao Ran did not dare to stay in the house. After passing through the Guangdong Three Zenneins, began to control the compass and mobilize the scroll to broaden.

These two days of escalation road. Yan Zhongze and Zhao Ran talk about the diagnosis of the law, although Yu Zhongze is not very popular, but after all, the eyes and experience still have, and Zhao Ran talks about the illusion in the array.

Among the major basic techniques, the magic zone is also extremely common, and the attack and defense of the killing array are different, and the effects of the cultivation of the gathering of the gathering, the function of the magic is to confuse the enemy. Miss enemies,

Of course, there is also a variety of different types.

When these things taught Zhao Ran in the law, they have talked, but she mainly focuses on killing, after all, the five-line gods in Zhaoran is the main function.

Yan Zhongze talked about the lactation of the magic, and Zhao Ran has tried a few times with his own fading. If you change it, you will not be able to set it up by this. , But Zhao Ran is different. He has a very high starting point. If you get it, you can see the running transformation of the heaven and earth gas. Don't look at the many laws in the blast, but the key node of the intersection of the gas. In the same way, you can complete the layout of the magic, but the effect is very strong.

Zhao Ranzhi urged the law, and Guang sincelban will immediately have a road, and the appearance of the eyes suddenly swayed. It seems that there is nothing to change, but the distance has changed, the orientation is not the original position.

Guang Cheng still must not college, there is no reaction to the sluts, still urged the Zen sticks, but the attack orientation of the Zen stick has changed, and the actual position in the Pai Zhongze is also in the eyes. See the difference, the difference is not far, but it is a certain or two, but it is enough to change the situation in the field.

It is also a magic magic of Zhao Ran's hand, otherwise it will be another scene of seeing in front of him.

Zen sticks are still around the blush butterfly, but the cushioning points point to the one or two sides of the , , easily avoid the attack of Zen sticks, suddenly jump outward , The blink of an eye came to Guangmen, the swordsman spit, spurred and spurred.

Guang sincerely, the opponent is inexplicably out of the eyes, and he is surprised, and he has not thought about it. The opponent has been stabbed. However, it is a bamboo with the opponent. Although the sword is bright and long, it seems that the ambience is incomparable, but the position of the thorn is completely wrong, directly hit the empty stop of his left. .

What is this? What is the opponent is exhausted, even the bamboo is not stable? Guangcheng is not too much, don't go to the Jian Mang, who is , , then . He still remembers Master's, full of opponents, only behind the opponent, and still left a bit more

Seeing that when you see your opponent, you suddenly came to a few drinks.

"Guang Cheng, pay for God!"

"Teacher is careful!"

"It's a magic!"

"Quick retreat!"

These have been swearing, and the heart is depressed. Directly in the depths of the heart, it is unseasing that the sword miles from the air space is not known to the neck, it has been coming to his neck. Less than three points!

In the big shocked, Guang sincerely got up the whole body mana, mad madness to the throat, while the point of the foot, showing the Buddha's necrosis, and quickly flickering next to it.

The Guangdong's figure is like a shadow, sometimes there is no, and it is back to the three feet. Finally fleeing the Zhongze's , only the body is cold sweat, and then touch the throat, has been cut by the sword. A layer of skin.

The crowds of the war have been squeezed with Guangzheng, seeing him to flee the dead, and this is all relieved. However, the monk of several high-day Changchang Temples, such as living, the first Zhi Xin, Xi TX, Xi Tang Zhitang, and the inexplicacy of the temple have seen the roots of the two "murderers" in the temple.

Ideas: "These two Taoist repairs are quite low, but the cooperation is very subtle, it is unfortunately able to escape from Yongshan and Yancai."

Zhiyuan shakes his head: "Even if you cooperate, you will be too far away, I don't know how to escape from Yongshan and Yancai, and even more stabbed. Hui Shi and Baoguang Teacher."

Zhixin ignored: "And no matter what he, you must first remove the Tao in the temple. Otherwise, the Guangcheng Master is difficult to break the enemy. Nowadays, the fierce is clear, no longer delay, Once the treasure temple, this work It will be subtracted from three points. "At the time of seeing the intelligence, he said:" Teacher, shoot. "

The wisdom of the fighting law is a smart apprentice, and the others are not good, but they have to be taken by the intersection.

I am deeply glad, I am helpless, my hands is in the hands of ten, and the manifestation of the hand is inserted, and the lips and teeth spit out several syllables: "Amitabha!"

The four words are in the form of the shape, and the front of the crowd is a scene, and the temple is restored. Zhao Ranzhen, the manipulation in the temple, the heart of the earth, the throat is a sweet, and a blood passes overflows.

Rao is a brilliance of Guangzheng's many years, and it has opened an earlier. In the eyes of the average person, it is already a big morality, and it is often seen in the world, but this will be lowered by two. It was forced to the field of the field, and when he was in the face of the temple, he couldn't help but annoyed, and he was very angry. Seeing that the magic of the slide is broken, and immediately, the Zen pole is covered with the face and wraps to Zhenze.

Yan Zhongze urged the swordsman to fight, and Guang sincelban didn't look forward to the temple. He was determined to take the culprit Zhao Ran, but the fire of the heart. In his eyes, Although the Yanzhongze Jianmang is more difficult, it is actually a sleepy beast, but it is not too late.

Yan Zhongze's eyes saw Guang sincerely through him into the temple, and I didn't know that the other's mind, Nai Na Zen sticks such as angeredent, tightly wrapped himself, and the moment should not gap. He put his heart, simply gave up the resistance to the Zenneu, turned to seal it, and was taken on the back of the Zen stick. Fortunately, I will condense the back, and I have been hit by this hit. I immediately fly out of the temple door, but he also blocked before and sincere. The temple door. (This article is started)

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