Taoist Law

Chapter 278 1 Step 30

Taoist law, the second hundred and seventy-eighth chapter, a step thirty years (for the Linghu three-in-white silver alliance more than four) audio novels online listening

Zhao Ran sucked the sake in the Queen's sea, as a black, shot into his own merits, so that the original shallow gas sea wall turned into a deep color. Efficacy is also an accelerated refining of merits, and the efficiency is doubled!

Zhao Ran's self-defeating, the people in Beijing began to "pay" merits to him, this whole day, harvest is not small, single quantity, equivalent to practice Huangshou The total amount required.

Of course, there are many increments, but it is worse than expected, not as expected, not as expected, not as expected, and it is nearly 10 million people who are shrouded under the big array.

Zhao Ran gave it, maybe when I broke this red, I could I received a million people. Will I fill the sea?

Can I still can't help but disappoint, four Solitan, did not say that Zhu Xian saw, Jiajing and the Queen, immediately entered the right, Zhao Ran, it seems that it is only a legend.

After absorbing the black loze, Zhao Ran did not have time to consider the rest, and there is no time to refine the power. He wants to pull the teacher immediately before the Shaoyuan Festival, go to Hongze Lake, this retreat is in his plan. Preferred.

Simplely collected the Queen's storage instrument, immediately out of the housing, preparing to rush to Taimiao

Then, Zhao Ran saw a Taoist who had a vertical age, stood quietly under the hedity of the sky, and the breeze in the clip blown, it seems to be blowing him at any time.

Zhao Ran looked up to Cheng Tianmen, the knife on the heymen door is coming to patrol, and the guards each hold the blade, but they all seem to have seen the old road that suddenly appeared, turned back, behind the end. The same is true on the door.

Lao Taoist is so excited to stand on the royal road, quietly look at Zhaoran.

Zhaoran is a creepy!

"I am Shao Yuanjie." The old man did a self-introduction.

Zhao Ran bitterly nodded "Big Tianshi is so fast?"

He seven years ago, in the Qingcheng Mountain, in Wudang Mountain, he has seen this Doumen's name and Xian Tianshi, but did not expect this big teacher in seven years, it is so old and old. I didn't recognize it.

What I didn't think of Zhao Ran is that I just absorbed the fourth fine search. The other person has already blocked at the door. It is not bad at the time. I have not given him an opportunity to escape. There is no time, no A pillar, even a tea is not.

The nine sets of emergency plans that spend so long, but it is a joke.

Shao Yuanzhen hoped Wang Tian, ​​said "this step, I got 30 years, not fast ..."

The voice did not fall, Zhao Ruyi suddenly disappeared from his eyes, and Shao Yuanji looked up, he was already in a group of light and shadow, appeared in Baizhang!

Zhao Ran knows that he is afraid to hit the junior in the high altitude, but this problem is no longer a problem now. Anyway, he has never thought of able to flee the Red Badge, no matter where you go, first escape from Shaoyuan Festival. It is best to fall in the river, it will be the best choice!

The shadow of the man's famous tree, standing opposite this old guy, it is too scary.

So fast, he didn't hit it ...

wrong! Zhao Ran looked up and didn't hit the neighborhood of the big array, but hit it in the arms of Shaoyuan Festival!

Zhao Ran, nine Wei Diguan, with the Jiucong Meihua Characters to Shaoyuan Festival, nine after nine, then nine, three TX Miyama flower strokes rolled up the storm, put the Shao Yuanjie package Strictly realistic.

Zhao Ran did not think that the three storms can stop the Shao Yuanjie, tightly followed, dozens of high-level fire characters are mixed in hundreds of low-level fires and ice, the madness is raining. He shot all the five-line characters accumulated in the storage in the store.

For a time, I fried a dense sea sea around Shaoyuanjie.

The monks on the ground have to be true, they see very clearly, among the sky, causing this scene, exactly the imperial palace.

Lin Ayu and Liu Chunjiu are in the courtyard of the courtyard. They also grabbed a melon to the mouth of the mouth next to them. Talks, Tongzi, there is a good memory of the ruthless swordsman to tell the ruthless swordsman, and suddenly see the intensive light spots in Baizhang above the capital, short arm rendering. Folding is pointing at the sky, a melon seed is all in the ground to "see ..."

Two swordsmen look up, Lin Ayu Road "Zhao Fang!"

Liu Chun Jiu muttered "Zhao Fang Shi ... is there?"

Entering the virtues often also exhibit some of the ability to fade, but not real floating flying, but it is overjoyed a foreign image character after the extreme. It is the ability to fight for a hundred feet high.

Zhao Ran definitely not a big monk, which can seem haika, just because of the direction in which you fall in use, and has been an output to Shaoyuan Festival, this will cause the illusion on the line of sight.

Another wave of various attacks surrounded by Shao Yuanjie, the highest peak after shorting a few breathing, a team of gold armor shield soldiers appeared in Zhao Ran, three team gold armor Live Shaoyuan Festival, dozens of long guns are desperately stunned, and the two teams have no difference from the two directions to Shaoyuan Festival. ...

This silence is more gorgeous, and sixty tall golden trenches have formed a strict military array in half air. The various streets in the capital have already stood a lot of people who look up to the world, and many of them have been born.

The bears of the flame extended a arm, gently smashed, just like a few dust on the cuffs, then the intensive explosion fell, re-exposed the trembling old man.

Liu Xijiu saw it, the difficult swallowed mouth, unbelievable road "Shao Da Tianshi ..."

Lin Ayu ate it "You didn't see it wrong?"

Liu Chunjiu "Liu has been fortunate, five years ago, it is indeed Shao Da Tianshi."

Lin Ayu blinks "Da Tianshi ... pointing to Zhao Fang ...

Liu Ethijiu shook his head "looks more like death."

Two people have a good answer, and they are looking for a stupid, and they don't stop their mouths. "It's great!"

When it is late, it is fast, Shaoyuan Festival will "shake" with hundreds of sea around me, and the left hand is very sleeve, passing through a row of golden armor, and explored Zhao Rong. Sixty golden soldiers Qi Qi zone is not seen in the point of fluorescent star.

Taoist law

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