Taoist Law

Chapter 283

Taoist law, the second hundred and eighty-three chapters, escape (not stupid, more than a stupid plus, more) audio novels online listening

Jiao Yuanjun stayed, did not dare to lace people asking "Duanmu predecessors, what happened to Shao Shi?"

Duanmu Chongqing has a face, no talk, just shook his head.

Also asked "Cold Qian, is you killing Shao Shushu?"

Longyang Zu Shi did not pay attention to him, gently greeted it, sitting on Shao Yuanjie, silently watching the other party's feathering body.

Jiao Yuanjun also went to the entanglement of Longyang Zu Zhu, and he was lifted by Tao Zhongwen.

Jockey Jun is panicked to ask Tao Zhongwen "Shao Shi's uncle walks? Really gone? Will n't?"

Tao Zhong sighed, muttered, "Shao Shi brother passed, early said, don't be so much, but he is not listening"

Jiao Yuanjun listened to a stupid, moved to Shao Yuanjie, sat down, reached out, returning to his old face, suddenly the same is very hard, it is very tasty, back to the ground, hands cover your face , Crying, crying to the sound and concurrent, almost I have to take it.

The sound of the temple is rumored, and the real teacher is finally arrived. When they were late, when they arrived, only Shao Yuanjun's exmusive.

Duan Mu Chongqing looked back to Yang Yunmeng, Yang Yunmeng will always "" The children's bodies are all in front, did not let them come in, the child is looking for life, there is no way, can only let her sleep more in the mountain. Summer takes care of her. "

Longyang Zu Shi opened a door on the big name, and the people were there, this is not much, the day is not scattered, the danger is extremely dangerous, it is just a monk, which is just a monk.

Zhang Yunyi has shortly informing the truthful situation that the trors happened, but he said it is very blurred himself, how can he expect to explain things? The real men only understand that the Shao Yuanji wants to refine the congenital magic weapon with Daming gas, but fail, and the cost of failure is to sit on site.

Looking at Shaoyuan Festival, the masters are so embarrassed.

Longyang Zu Master is like a moment, but I don't see the Han Bai Yuxi Watch stopped. The stone beast is still in the swallowing Daming Dragon, and the lotus is almost dripped. It is not right, and it is told that "all retreat!"

His face is so severe, and the monk feels the seriousness of the problem. Tao Zhongwen's prerequisites, the Zhaoyuan Festival's remains and the Jiao Yuanjun, who came to the ground, and handed them over to Guo Hong, and let the definition The monks retired from the hall.

After returning, I saw Longyang Zu Shi's emptie. I want to take Zhao Ran from the lotus seat, but I have never been actually successful. Zhao Ran is firmly sucked by the lotus seat. It is also in the same way. No good!

Duanmu Big Tianshi came to help, but there is still no way, look up, the Han Bai Yuxi Watch, the heart is not refined, but it is afraid that it has already had a congenital quality. Shao Yuanjie is really big!

Zhao Ran has already gave up, smiled and smiled. "The master is alive, this lotus is afraid to explode, the big thunder that Zhu Ming is condensed, the power is probably not small, since it saves me, or hurry Going out to do some preparation, I don't know how much this Ray will have the power, it is best to eliminate the people around Taimiao, so as not to hurt. "

Longyang Zu Shi cold road "Surroundings of the Taicai Temple? You think too simple, this is the uncomfortable congenital, Zi Yulian's explosion, the whole squad, the big array, the big array, life and death day!"

The result of him said, Zhao Ran didn't think of it. Sighed the mouth of the big monk, and the real people gathered here, not the blessing of our door, and asked the teacher to order, let everyone hurry, let's go. How far can you go, if you die, it is really a Taoist, the world is big. "

Longyang Zu teacher looked at the Ziyu lotus and rolling the blood color, the more heavier, and gently sighed, and walked to the back! Leave the big array! Never have to stay, fast .... No, I'm too late, I am going to Mao Mountain! "

These people are the top people in the door,

Jiang Tenghe and Zhao Li Niang are still unwilling. I plan to leave as much as possible, I don't even defend the cloud and Yang Yunmong points, and all of them, together, together.

Luohuai didn't go, was caught by Wuyang Zhong, forcibly dragged out.

Guo Hong quickly rushed to Qixia Mountain, Yu Dazi and Zhang Yuanji have followed it. Guo Hong is worried about Chen Shan Dao. Yu Daji and Zhang Yuanji are because Qixia Mountain is closer to the capital. They don't know, in fact, I can't enter the mountain gate.

See Zhang Yunyi and Wang Changyu, Pan Yuanjun is not moving, Longyang Zu Shi Road "You have not arrived, stay fierce, go. Let's not help, who will be dead, will be the majority of our door Loss. "

These ports are also close to. The army god and Ma Wang Ye squeezed to Zhao Ran, Zhao Rong, and Zhao Rongchi waved, the big channel "Quickly! Do not delay the time! These two are only turned to run.

For a time, only Longyang Zushi, Duanmu Dazi, Tao Da Zhen, and Fengling, and these four are basically guaranteed to be able to live in the upcoming crisis, so they have not left.

Fengling is a tone. "The morning knows, so I shouldn't let them come in. No matter who is accident, it is a major loss of the door."

Only four of the temples left, surrounded by Zhao Ren, continue to ponder how to crack the way Ziyu Lotus.

Tao Zhongwen took out a glass bottle, patted the bottle mouth, flew out a drop of water droplets from the bottle, and the water is actually aggregated by countless fine runes. This name "True Water" is Tao Zhongwen. It has been made for sixty years.

This dripper has floated to the upper insulating pan and slowed down. This falls, it seems like water into the oil pan, and suddenly splashed a lot of smoke, the blood waters on the undersiscies began to boil and burst it.

The entire undelands are unstable, and the purple Yunlong is mad, the dragon is surrounded by jade column, wants to break freely. In the blooming lotus in the lotus seat, the purple blood is getting faster and faster, and the unstable is more and more obvious.

Fengling fly out of a bunch of seedlings, slowly falling next to the lotus, root into the lotus seat. He wants to suck the blood waterfall, compete with the lotus. However, only a few blinks, the seedling fader declined, and the residual branch was absorbed by the lotus seat.

Two covarian monks, a dilution from the top, a salary in the bottom of the lower kettle, but the effect is not good, but accelerate the daemon of the lotus, I don't dare to move again, I can only get my hand.

Taoist law

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