Taoist Law

Chapter 287 recommended flying

Zhao Ranzheng is sorry, and suddenly it is a convulsion to fall since heaven. This is hung in the top of Longyang Zu Shi, and the fortune is more than the white crane, it is nine feet, and the wider is three feet.

" : Tianzun released the road, if you want to ask for people, let's make a confused. What is the three confused? One is confused, the two are confuse, the three senses, the evil. Instead of this three confused, you can see it. There is a positive disciple, the disciple is cold, the row of robbery, swaying, Ciunpu, Run was born, received by the Qingzhong Lord, the original sin, the top of the world, gave a dollar life, the number of Longyangzi, Emperor Qian Yin Guangdong listened. Qin this. "

Longyang Zu Shi was heard: "Chen, Cold Qian, contribute!"

This suddenly, all in Beijing, all the monks who heard the convulsion - Longyang Zu Shi is to fly! Just in the most prosperous place in the world, it is necessary to fly in the face of the monks and the people!

The Doumen's monks flew, and they were invited to participate in the flying ceremony. They were highly revoked. In addition to this door and very rare, basically only invited the big refining master level, almost very few people can watch the scene, in Beijing Almost all monks are crazy! Watching the Temple Week, I don't know how many people's roofs, and some even directly on the wall of the palace. It is more clear here.

Without robbery, Daming has six hundred years old, Longyang Zu Shi is a head, heard of this, Duanmu Chongqing, Tao Zhongwen, Fengling, Zhang Yunyi, Wang Changyu, Jiao Fengzhen, Pan Rui, etc. The big monks, one is shocked.

What is the real white day? Without the confidence, it is not robbery, this is the real white day! This is the law of the ancient immortigation, and Shao Yuanjie has not been able to do, and it is done by Longyang Zu Shi.

Zhao Ran also looked up at the Longyang ancestors floating on the sky. On the one hand, it was very envious. On the other hand, he paid attention to another sentence in Fuzu: Entering Quanyuan Mountain Golden Cave listening.

Not in the Immortal class!

What kind of scene is there? Zhao Ran thinks this problem, not helpful.

I saw that Longyang Zu Master took the compliment. I didn't know when I flew a lotus-shaped white cloud. The white clouds were bullied.

The Golden jester, the more high, finally took out a drop of water, falling from above, and smashed the top of Longyang Zu. Longyang ancestors were shocked, and there were countless lights on the body, and they were washed with Jin Guang.

After the flesh washed, Longyang Zu Shi has the conditions of God, and Baihe flies to the nearby, around him.

He sinked a moment, bowed to the square: "I stayed in the same way, the Mission of the Masters, the big monarch mountains have been dedicated to the chaight of the building." Said to play a wooden cassette, fall in front of Jiang Teng crane, Jiang Teng crane I quickly passed the hands.

Inheriting the road, it means that Longyang Zu Shi will enjoy the main hall of incense sacrifice in the future, will be built within the day of the Dunshan Cave. Since it stays in the road, there will be a relics that can be taken away. These relics are in the wooden cassette. Of course, I will be inherited by the first floor of the Junshan.

A road, a hole, a niche, this is the legacy of Longyangzi left the building. The ancestors' attention to the building is not necessarily unfold.

Jiang Tenghe and Zhao Li Niang respectfully worshiped the ground, Zhao Li Niang was full of tears, she was taken care of Longyang Zushi for the longest, and the benefits of the benefits were also, almost a grandfather of Longyang Zu Shi. After the Songxue passer, Longyang Zu Shi came again, and there was no longer in this world to be filmed. It is also in Jiang Tenghe and Zongsheng Pavilion. If it is also in the Jade Emperor, it is, it can be uncomfortable.

Longyang Zu Shi is over, looked at this world, no longer nostalgia, ride a white crane. The white crane called, the wings are hovering, and go to the sky, it will disappear.

The road has walked two times in the day, and there is a strong impact on the situation in the world.

In addition to the seven coarses outside Zhang Tieguan, they touched one place. After a hurrying, they quickly spread.

Tao Zhongwen wants to go to the north.

Today, there are five refining virtues in the closed time. The most promising is the Zhangyang Ming Ming Ming, the two rooms of the dragon, and the Pan Tianshi, the Wanyu Palace, and all parties will be unprecedented before the crisis. The between each other is looking forward to the vacancies in the top of the Monk.

The building has returned to the mountains of Mochi Lake. Zhao Ran asked the teacher to name the mountain, Jiang Teng crane striped the brain, Zhao Li Niang interface: "Just call the spring breeze."

Jiang Tenghe looked at her, Zhao Li Niang blinded: "Don't you? Do you want you to take a name? Let's say good, don't toss the name before the building, this is a manor, not a road."

Jiang Tenghe took a long time, finally nodded: "That line, listen to you."

Just back to the manor, Zhang Yunyi and Wang Changyu came over, there is something to ask Zhao Ran. This thing is very hidden, so there is only five people in Jiang Tenghe and Zhao Li Niang. There are only five people in the house.

Zhang Yunyi's question is that Shao Yuanjie should put Zhao Ran on the lotus seat.

Regarding the secret of the five So, the people know very little. Shao Yuanjie himself never talks. When you enjoy the hall, there is no mention, and after the Longyang Zushi and Zhao Ran talking, there is only his two present, so Even the way to connect the Tianshi and other people will not know. Zhao Ran used to guess, perhaps Tao Zhongfang knows a little more, but then feels that Shaoyuan Festival Lian Zhongwen concealed the truth.

Therefore, Zhao Ran's answer is that his cultivation is a common cognition of the high-rise, and Shao Yuanjie believes that he is a merit owner. The so-called natural selection, so to join him to Han Yumei Hua Tu Lotus Color. The results showed that he pulled him into a wrong choice, and the idea of ​​Shaoyuan Festival is wrong, so there is no refining that can not refine the congenital magic weapon that can be flying.

Zhao Ran's answer does not have a true and false division, and there is no violation of the heart, because Shaoyuan Festival has never said where the five sorts are from, what is something, so Zhao Ran does not know.

Zhang Yunyi and Wang Changyu sighed the spring breeze. Han Xiaoyu Hua Tu Lotus has been completely damaged. No one knows how the congenital magic weapon is made by Shaoyuanjie, and the last root is also destroyed in the gorgeous fried, and Zhao Ran can no longer confirm, and five strokes What is the effect of a meeting?

Perhaps this is a suspension.

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