Taoist Law

Junshan Notes: July Essay Activity Award

Thanks to Taoist people to actively participate in the "Junshan Note" monthly event, thank the depths and administrators represented by the Linghu Demon, the mother deck three or the like, completed the notice, design, finishing, return. Set, and report the entire process of the official website. At the same time, thank you for the hard work of professional vision, respect for it! Winning Taoist friends as follows:

First prize:

Teacher, you see him (calligraphy, the work will be in the poor microblogging)

Bear_0408 (coming in the same person)

second prize:

Wolong Museum Xiaoguang (the same person essay)

Amber Creek (the same person essay)

Staying up late is a pig (same person essay)

Third Prize:

(the same person essay)

Earl DDDD (Essay Essay)

Mo smile (the same person essay)

King Kong is also also (the same essay)

Participation Award:

Mother buckle three three (same person essay)

Linghu three in the Linghu (the same person essay)

Silly is not stupid (the same person essay)

(The same person essay)

Xiaoyao Jingyi (calligraphy)

The above-mentioned princes have been rewarded from 1500--12000, and the winners have been issued to the official website, waiting to be issued to the starting account. Due to the limited space limit, some of the second-class fellowships can only be shared with the friends of Junshan, and the full text of the work can be viewed in the comment area, please also ask the friends.

"Taoist law is the same as people. Mao Shan high school" ----- First Prize Bear_0408

It has also been to the time of the Maoshan Senior Private School (hereinafter referred to as "Mao Gao").

Seeing the principal's assistant Li Da Yin Station at the school gate, the young son knows that today's new entrance enrollment is enrolled. Mao is one of the best schools in Daming, so the family's aristocrats send their children here. I often see the post of Li Huan at the school gate in the past few days.

Some of the students from Ming Daming, such as Zhaoran, who took the box to stand outside the accommodation area. Zhao Ran graduated from the Sichuan Building Middle School, which is the first place in Chuancao this year. In order to fight for him, Mao Gao gave a full scholarship, and can hold a single-room package three meals in the school, and subsidized 50 two silver. Said so much just to tell you how good Zhao Ran has excellent. But at this moment, excellent Zhao Ran hoped a little bit of a big school: "Turtle son, this school is afraid that it is better than our Huayun Town. Where is the Gray Son Dormitory?"

Originally, the school specialized a second-grade student reception Zhao Ran, but the seniors saw a beautiful newborn with a delicate dripping in the roadside, and the farting rushed to help, and then went without Returned.

Zhao Ran, who is committing, suddenly feels a bit shakes in front of it, looks carefully, a pair of white and tender (not described) reflects the eye, looks up, only one backscham, the female classmate, go forward. Zhao Ran quickly chased it with Kawague: "Classmates, classmates, etc." The girls heard the voice stopped and looked back. Zhao Ran's eyes bright, only the girl has closed the moon, the appearance of the sashimi, the two steps ran to the front of him, and asked: "Classmates, do you know that the Aquarium is not?"

The girl is slightly looked at Zhao Rong: "Are you a Sichuan?

Zhao Ran shook his head: "He is not embarrassed (no)."

The girl whisper complained: "The school is really anything, and I have never." I also said to Zhao Rong: "Where did you say?"

Two people have been talking together with ducks. It is difficult to bring Zhao Ran to find his dormitory in A District, and they see the teaching director Shen Yunjing swayed over the opposite side. Seeing him, Shen Director first smiled and greeted the girl: "Rong Niang reported, why didn't you see Li-made, he was waiting for you at the school gate early." Zhao Ran knows girls Rurong.

Only listening to Rong Niang said: "Shen Director, I don't like Xing Mun, I came in from the small door east of the school." Said that Rong Niang is going to put the "trouble esp" Zhaoran to Shen Ran, But see Zhao Ran smiled and bowed to the Director.

Rong Niang heard the official rules of this word, then I was stunned, and I realized that I was already played. She stared at Zhao Ran with her eyes, I can't wait to give him a five-day god. I'm going to wait for Shen Yun to have a guilty of Zhao Ran, but Shen Yunjing is finished with Zhao Ran and Zhao Ran, and I am also waiting for you to Rong Niang: "Let's go, the school leaders are waiting for you, don't see you." I can only follow Shen Yun, I saw Zhao Ran, I blinked her eyes before leaving.

After the report, it is a cruel military training.

........ The length of the space, please look in the book friend after the text ...

"Taoist law is the same." "- Second prize. Wolong Museum Xiaoguang

Should Tianfu, Tongda gambling, account.

"Second uncle, you have to save me!" The young man talking to the 20 years old, at this moment, at the foot of Tongda's betting book.

"You are a small animal, how many times, don't go to gamble, don't gamble, you don't listen! You lose your home in the home, I can save you!"

"This time I can't blame me, the second uncle is absolutely tired, you check it, you will know that Li Da Yin and Zhao Ziran," We are doing good things! "

"Oh? Do you tell me carefully, what kind of cat ?!" Zhou Qi Ming is a book of the book of the gambling, in fact, the scene of the Jingwangfu, Tongda's playback of the ball, listening The game has insider, can't help.

"You know, the fairy tires above Jin Dan, the mortal of our mortals do not understand, they can arrange the result of winning anymore!"

"Hey, don't say a big master, is the Jin Dan Master, which is not a face, but also inside, you give me a focus!"

"Yes, don't say those, the immortals of the yellow crown group play, I have been able to see a clear two. This time, the nephew is planted on the Cai Zhikun, who is in Qiyun Hall of the Zhangzhou! This Cai Zhikun, According to the strength and squad, Yan Zi Chican is between Jianzhong, but the last deflected foreign province is not seen, the scattered strength is flat, I can't even remember. At that time, Cai Zhikun's last one was originally It is a deceity, but he is in front of him. It is still a word in his mouth. It is a ball to play the clouds, and the life is lost! At that time, the gardst was in the sky, and the nephew Will lose such a miserable, second uncle, you said this is not intentionally arranged by him, you have to save me! "

The front side Week also heard it, and he knew it behind, this nephew was pulled. Such a cold door, almost no impact on the lottery money, but in the mouth of your own gambling, you have to make a big pen. I can't help but be upset, this gambling is privately opened, and finally, I got myself. If I can only buy lottery tickets, how can I lose so miserable. But the annoyance is annoying, always can't stand by, this dull, look back, if you make a private thing in the gambling, you can't eat it. Some thinking, finally gauge, said: "Less less here, I will roll back to my hometown, I will give me the voucher, I will pay attention to anyone, I will mention anyone. Things! "

...... The length is long, please look for book friends after the text ...

"The Taoist law is the same as people. The word two" - second prize amber creek

Dreamland .. Rong Niang tears Zhaoran

Jiang'an light wind is ring, embraced Xianzhi pray.

I have a long time, I'm hoping, I'm hard to crush.



I'm afraid.


Filling the word background: Scene is from the chapter of the "sentiment and practice" of the Taoist law, Zhao Ran sent a box of rituals and a box of fragrant fragrance, and then Rong Niang sent Zhao Ran to leave, here we saw Rong Mother crying. The trendy scene is really very good. At that time, I touched me. I am actually tears in a big man ...

Watermark song. Shao Yuanjie

The wind is arrow sand dance, blood fog covering the sky.

Leaning on bone crimping, mud fuel flooding.

Stepping in the knee body, closed eyes, it is difficult to dream, and the sound rolls.

Rained Wanshan change, Bertouli River.

Sorrow, and the flag is closed, but sleep.

Recognized Tian Emperor, let the miserable life!

Want to protect the door to life and death, but the weather is causing, the gas sea is difficult!

The bloody is with the king, and the world is still flying.

Filling the word background: Talking about Shaoyuan Festival, it is necessary to talk about that he in order to protect the door and Daming, the bloody Western demon, causing thousands of people at the same time to attack, leading to difficulties in the sea, and infected countless causality. Since there will be decades, all events are therefore affairs. I think again, I added a question mark at the end. Every time I think of Shaoyuan Festival, I have an old man in my mind, sitting in the plum tree alone, staring at this question mark, lasting.

"The Taoist Law is the five-color master" - Second prize. Take the night is a pig pig

[ ] Furong Jin Yu

Zhao Zeng Renli has not known how many spring and autumn have been spent for many years, but always remember the fall of that year.

Furong sparse twice blooming, the beautiful five-color master fly into the branches, his posture is only slightly lower. Just a pair of butterflies, chasing each other, the five-color master looked at the round eyes, slowly red face, small channel: small Taoist, you see the butterfly ... ... he said It's a bit annoying, I don't dare to look at Zhao Ziran, and I don't turn my eyes. I look forward to the pair of , my heart is a group of numbness.

The branches of the hibiscus were gently trembled, and Zhao Zhili's heart was also moved.

The world knows that the mountain passenger is not good painting, but I don't know, on that day, Zhao Ziran also draws his best painting in this life: Furong brocius map.

I wish you picturesque, so you can have you always have you.


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