Taoist Law

Chapter 20 Credit Objectives

Explain to Zhou real people, let her digest for a while, Zhao Ran finally said: "Nowadays, the disciples have been in Wenchang, it is impossible to be , so the road recorded the way is not too big. Probably this situation, hope Please ask Zhou Zhen people. "

Zhou Zhen listened to the anger, patted the table: "This gang official, you will be happy in the power, don't do something practical! Tomorrow, I have proposed it, not only promoting your Division, but also. Also let you sit in the position of the palmatop! "

Zhao Ran saw her temper, did not dare to persuade, only have to include her gas, from the perspective of her, persuade for a long time, Zhou Zhen people slowly gave the gas to sprinkle, said: "You just said Nor is wrong, any struggle must pay attention to the strategy, can't be worn, I will suffer a few times a few times, so I will always lose. This time, if it is true to build the Division, Zhang Yuanji is also It will definitely not let you take the Division, let them do it, will definitely do not do things! I told you that the East Pavilion is two, I have always dislike, especially Zhao Songyang, too much ... "

Zhao Ran did not dare to respond to this topic, see the eyes of nasal nose, um, haha, I will pay for the past, and finally listen to Zhou Zhen people: "It's all, let's follow your method, step by step, let them temporarily You can rest assured, I have said before, Kyushu Pavilion is the strong backing of you doing things, but what do you think of thinking, just say, I will support you with the old Song! Division, I will give you later. Come! "

"It's really gratitude, you see that I am doing the landlord, I don't accept you well, are you living here tonight?"

"There is no other place to go, and here will be here, go back to the mountains."

Zhao Ran quickly invited: "Would you like you and Jing Hui to go? I put it in Mochi Lake, my teacher named the 'Spring Breeze Garden', the place is also big, more wins, afterwards, Disciples are also asking for a long time. "

Zhou Zhen is a refreshing person. I don't feel good. I don't feel uncomfortable. Once I feel who I feel, I feel close, when I promised.

Zhao Ran is not a particularly enjoyable people, but if there is conditional case, it will not delvewhere yourself, so his cars are very spacious and comfortable, and Zhou Zhen people and Jing Hui will not feel crowded.

In a sense, Zhao Ran did a quiet for half a year, and as a deputy, it took half a year. Although there is a deep feelings, it has long been there I have no obedience and resentment in the day of the day.

Jing Hui did a more than a year in Jiuzhou, for Zhao Ran's contribution to the credibility, very admired, this moment: "If this year, I promise the credit value of Zhou real people this year, there should be no problem."

Zhao Ran has always been very interested in the credit value. Every time I hear these numbers, there is always an inexplicable love. I will talk about it at this moment: "How? I listen to the cloudless Tianshi said that there should be one thousand six million ? "

Jing Hui smiled: "Zhang Da Tianshi said the number of July, and in August, I have risen more than 250 million. Yesterday I also glanced at it, it was a thousand8,750!"

Zhao Ran quickly calculated, waiting for the past, the credit broke through a thousand and nine million, and the remaining four months, as long as each month is 10,000, this year's two thousand millions of target values Steady.

In fact, it is likely to reach two thousand eight million!

Zhou Zhen snorted: "Let your boy occupy a cheap, June has risen to nine million, otherwise, how can it be so fast? The Lai Longyang Zu Master is flying in the day, not only the day, after July, the whole Nanzhi In late July, since August, the entire Ming's credit has been rising. "

Zhao Ran said: "The disciples can also have a good luck in it? Zhou real people can do not overturned the little credit of the disciples."

Zhou Zhen people have a white eye: "If you do this, I heard that you have to turn around Wenchang to the 128 states, I will stop it, and the goal of the day is not completed.

Zhao Ran patted his chest, a face nervous: "Cheap insurance, embarrassment ..."

Zhou Zhen suddenly laughed.

When I was deep, I rushed to the spring breeze of the city of Mochi, the sky was very dark, but Zhou Zhen people and Jing Hui were cultivated by generations, and they did not hinder their views of the view.

Zhou Zhen people nodded, Jing Hui evaluation: "There are rare wilders around the market."

The so-called wild fun is not modified. This is the manor of Zhao Ran, which is of course full of wild, and did not expect to comply with these two hearts.

When the manor was suddenly busy, Zhou Zhenren and Jing Hui were placed in the courtyard of Jiang Tenghe and Zhao Li Niang, Zhao Ran said with it, and he went back to rest.

At the end of August 27th, Zhao Ran sent Zhou Zhen to Zi Zijin Mountain Fuji, and then settled in the door of the Palace, and I waited together for the resolution of the resolution of the Dynasty.

This business is about the interests of many people, so the Yuanfu Palace has waiting for many people. For example, Qiu Yunqing is the Monk, the Sanqing Pavilion, headed by Zhuoyun, and the monk of the Raytar Pavilion. Several elders and disciples - including Sima Fengfu, the monk of the Dragon Hill is a must-have.

Peng Yunyi, Zhou Kequi and other three mutters were also around Li Da, this agenda is very important in the three martial arts. They have been unattractive to practice the ball. All comes to hear the results of deciding their destiny.

In addition, the three Cabinet University, the gift is Shangshu Mao Cheng, the town of Shangshu will also have the same relationship between the DPRK, and have come to Zhao Ruo, gather to wait for the results of the results. Publish.

Although the Jinhui party where Jing Hui is not belonging to Maoshan, but has been borrowing Maoshan. I saw a few old ages in Maoshan, and I have gone to talk together.

After arriving with Sima Feng and Pan Jin Niang arrived in Yuan Fukong, he saw quiet and spitted his tongue. It was very well-behaved to stand behind.

Jing Hui Shen face will be asked to go to the side, whispering: "Since last year, let you get the mountain to increase, but you will play wild, and you will not be returned to Mountain for a year. What is it? Is there any grow? "

An unmourts: "The teacher said that the disciples know, but the disciples are not worthless, the Huangshou has been successful, only the opportunity to come back, returning to the mountains."

Jing Hui's face, looked at Sima Haica, and a few Mao Mountain, and the heart of Mao Mountain, and the heart is not happy. To An Miao said: "Don't let you go down the mountain travel, but travel not to visit the mountain to play water, mix In bustling, but more about it, open a lot of knowledge, do good things, more people know some truth to help you to grow up, know? "

"Disciples understand ..."

"I see you don't understand, look back, talk to the teacher, tell you how to travel!"


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