Taoist Law

Chapter 22

Li Yuyang said, Wuyang becomes: "Li Tianshi said very well, I didn't overlooked for overseas, in fact, this is not the responsibility of the Empress Pavilion, but the responsibility of my Sanqing Court, at this point On, I want to apologize to you on behalf of Sanqing Pavilion. "

Li Yanyang said that "Wu Tianshi is too polite, it is not criticized by Sanqing Court. The case occurred in the states of the states, this is the Jurpt of the East Pavilion, which is the responsibility of my East Pavilion."

Wuyang Zhongdao: "Can't say this, although there is a government in all states, but the identity of overseas monks is the foundation of dividing responsibilities. What is overseas? We are concerned about the overseas words! What is overseas? Daming outside and also!"

Li Yuyang Road: "Donghai, South China Sea, all of my Daming is also, what is Wu Tianshi?"

Wuyang Zhongdao: "Who is the big hat, but what is it used? I also say that Western Summer, Tubo, the North Demples are the territory of Daming, useful? Only work hard, can eventually be included in the treatment, Let him truly bring the practice of practice to practice, bring huge credits. Light sits at home, there is meaningless. In this regard, I am now driven, one island is a island. At that time, we didn't say a sentence, no one dared to say this is not our site. "

Zhao Songyang plus the words: "Wu Tianshi said this, a island is a island, this is exactly what I have to do. But how can I take a island? I think it should be thinking about it. Pavilion? I am afraid that it is difficult. Only integrate strength, the political one can just integrate all parties, group and teamwork. Five refers to loose, only one fist beat people, playing it! "

Xu Yun smiled: "Songyang, are you talking to the East China Sea? Although I am a friend, I have to remind Songyang, this is the transaction of the Raytar Pavilion, Songyang still don't intervene."

When the Ziyi Temple argues, no one says anything, regarding two programs, in fact, in the three days, every real man is unconventional, there is no need to have more waste.

Zhang Yunyi looked at Wang Changyu. Wang Changyu nodded to start, so Zhang Yunyi: "Two programs, Sima Tianshi suggested to adopt Zhao Ziran, establish integrated Yuan Fukong, Shangsham, Tao Tao, Tao Division The Oriental Tianshi suggested that there is no business center, but the restructuring of the Yuan Fukong, Shangshagong, Dao Shi and the speech hall, so that the staff of all parties is more clear.

Today, the value of the Temple of Taoist Temple, the refining teacher Ming Yue people walked forward, took out the pen, and the masters were signature.

Sima Yunqing first signed in the center of the business center, the Empress Zhaosong, Li Yuyang followed. Three votes.

Dongfangming as an initiator, signed on the restructuring column, then the three clear houses Wuliangzhong, Yu Dao Pure. It is also three votes.

In this program, it is impossible to support Zhang Yuanji in order to support Zhang Yuanji. Now it is a three-clear cabinet and the Empress Pavilion. He is a real person who is a three-clear cabinet. If you stand on the Pavilion's position. I don't do it later.

Xu Yunxu signed on the reform column, four-to-three anti-super.

Guo Hong has added a vote after following Xu Yun, five to three.

Two days ago, Guo Hong was hesitant, but Zhao Ran was appointed as a Wenchang, he would know how to choose. Zhao Ran was kicked by Zhang Yuanji, the list of serials, which means that I still don't think about Zhang Yuanji, and Guo Hong, who wants to keep the three martial arts of the three martial arts. Always oppose the integration of the Division.

When I was turned to Zhang Yuanji, he hesitated, signing on the integration, four to five.

His hesitated is not really hesitant, so it is not a power, it shows that he is not for power, although everyone knows how he thinks, but the surface article, Zhang Yuanji still put it, although it is very reluctant.

Then, Zhang Yuanji has taken the letters of Shen Yunjing, and the letter shows that although Shen Yunjing did not attend a procedure, it will support integration and add a ticket in the integration plan.

Yang Yunmeng did not hesitate to add a pen to the "integration" hope to fight again, six to five.

Du Yanghong, the Raytar Pavilion, wrote a "abandonment" word on the paper.

"Integration" is a bit nervous, Zhang Yuanji, Li Yanyang, Zhao Songyang and Sima Yunqing are closely staring at Songyangshi and Zhou Yunzui of Kyushu Paradise. Kyushu Pavilion In the Master Hall, he did not show water for a long time. Zhou Yunqi did not participate in the agenda, although Song Yangshi often participated, most of the choices were given up.

For matters that should be suggested today, these two real men have no statements for a few days, and I don't know how to choose.

In fact, the statement of several real teachers just now, mainly is to fight for two opinions, especially the integration sent, always in the growth, just to hit Song Yangshi and Zhou Yun.

Speaking is carried out now, Kyushu Pass has become the final hope of Zhang Yuanji and other integration.

Zhou Yun gave a pen before Song Yangshi, looking at the signature on the white cardboard, and suddenly couldn't help but laugh. This is her fourth voting. The top three results ended in failure, and this time she finally became a decision to affect the winner.

Her laughed, the Ming Yue people in the temple suddenly lost their gods, and looked at her name in the restructuring column, this reacted, and quickly smashed.

Song Yangshi took a pen and pressed the last straw in the restructuring column, eight-speed, this, even if Zhang Yunyi and Wang Changyu voted to choose the integration and did not use it.

These two covlescents have a tacit choice to give up, and they are not sahed in the wounds of "integration".

Zhang Yunyi announced: "According to the resolution of the Times, the proposal of the Duographic Si Division is failed to pass, and it is recommended to adopt the reform of all the agencies of Jingshi Dao door. Please submit a detailed reform plan to the real teacher as soon as possible to discuss Speed. "

The practice of True Mastro, who advocates who is implemented, which real teacher makes the proposal, which makes the scheme or personally hosted. Therefore, the Sima Tianshi must grab the beginning, and the Oriental Ming Talent is willing to make a proposal for this and his own relationship.

Wang Changyu asked Dongfangming, and when and when I could submit a reform plan, the Oriental thought I thought: "Seven days."

Zhang Yunyi and Wang Changyu expressed his recognition. True Mastro is staying for too long in Beijing, it is time to return to Mountain. This is the last proposal. After the comment, you can leave Jingshi. Oriental Ming promised that seven days were set up, and the time was fast.

Zhang Yunyi is more satisfied with today's results. If you don't have anything else, you will be a new quarter, who is the new emperor, who is empty, behave in the same time? "

There is no one to answer, no one knows that after the court has become the imperial system, the importance of the new emperor has declined, and the real teachers are not interested in participating, and finally Zhang Yunyi has to pay attention to: "Yuanji, you are always Watch the abbot of ten-party jungle, or you can go to the real teacher. "

Zhang Yuan Jigang faced his voice, and he didn't talk.

Zhang Yunyi also understood his unhappy in his heart, announced the end of the agenda: "That's it, the reform plan will be decided after seven days, and now go out to announce today's outlider.

True fish is out, Sima Yunqing can't help stop Zhou Yunzu: "Zhou Zhen, you know that the integration of the center of business is a great benefit of developing overseas credit values, why also oppose?"

Zhou Yun is white, said: "The center of the business is good, just make it to you, I don't worry!"

Sima Yunqing suddenly said that he can't say it.

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