Taoist Law

Chapter 25 Reform Plan

Listing, although it looks a little scattered, Ming Yue Tao is finally relieved, seven pairs of seven, just a family.

Duographic is affiliated to the bottom view, Yuan Fuji is handed over to Qixia Mountain, and the Tiangong Palace is attributed to the Raytar Pavilion, and the Lingji Palace is placed in the Eastern Pavilion. The authority or the original belongs are famous, the rest of the chicken is ... It seems that you can give Jiuzhou Court, the most difficult to talk about the law.

According to the reason, the speech hall is founded by Zhang Yuanji. The training object is also the abbot in the ten-way jungle. It is very reasonable to return to the bottom, but in this way, what should Mao Mountain?

This is too inexplicably forum to talk about the temple in the palm of the Mountain.

Ming Yue people returned to the head to carefully examine the above distribution programs, and found that other institutions and Maoshan can only do articles on the speech.

I don't want to be so good to do it. Let's talk, at least some involvement, it is a matter that should be a way, and it is hard to give Mao Mountain, too much, how is it? it is good?

Looking at the note, Ming Yue people, if the chest is blocking the bar, can't say.

Zhao Ran is a sinking, copying the paper strips of Mountain, and smashed into one side, said: "Everyone is comfortable."

Ming Yue people vitably vomiting, and they were relaxed and smiled. "Sure enough, there is much more." Juxao said: "The Mao Mountain didn't have a wine, um, I can't get the table. Isn't it possible to balance? Sima Tiansheng is afraid that it will not promise. "

Zhao Ran re-examined the allocation plan, answered: "Balance is also relatively speaking, any business is impossible to do absolute balance, absolute balance will only be absolutely stationary, not the goal we pursue."

I suddenly said: "As for Mao Mountain, I can only say that he will definitely not agree, but he doesn't agree, in the real master Hall, he only has one vote. If you can make 70% The real man is satisfied, then it is enough, let me mean that at least eight% of the real teacher will agree, is there still been considering? "

Ming Yue people nodded, agreed to Zhaoran's statement, but he still wanted to be as perfect as possible. According to his words, at least let the Dongfang Tianshi and Sima Tiansheng can go.

He has a certain road, but more is from the test of the party or research scholars will have a commonly existed perfection. Zhao Ran can understand that after the Ming Yue people have bitterly grind a drunk skin, Zhao However, I finally sighed: "It's also on the face of the seniors, I will eat it for Mountain." Wrinkled with an eyebrows: "It is better to set up the eighth institution, just called the civilized city to create an assessment committee.

Ming Yue people used a lot of time to clearly clear the concept of this committee, and then used more time to understand the functions of this committee, and finally scratched: "Is this committee ... Mao Mushan accept?"

Zhao Rao said: "This is a big power, no more than a day before, I don't know much, Mao Mountain is next to it, Sima Tiansheng should know that this committee is in power, it is cheaper. They. If you don't, just put this committee in the Yuanfu Palace, Qixia Mountain is willing! "

The big frame is set, and the Ming Yue people must use this as blueprint, organize a formal program, reporting the Oriental Tianshi, this still takes time, no need to consume it here.

Zhao Ran squatted to the Oriental Tianshi, oriental asked: "Are it proper?"

Zhao Rao said: "There is a lot of people with Ming Yue, and the disciples feel that it is comprehensive and fully, with the basis of reporting the real teacher's committee, of course, the teacher is still needed to be done. Ming Yue predecessors are in this regard Novice, but the understanding is very strong, the disciples are very admired. "

Oriental is nodded: "OK, then I will see your solution. I am busy with you these few days. I am very embarrassed, but unfortunately, I have no a bodiand, but I have to go to you. , Look back, you have to cultivate a few disciples and listen to it around. At this point, I am not as good as your teacher. "

Zhao Ran is busy: "What is the first thing you teach the disciples' book is extremely excellent in each of the people, whether it is a gift brother or a brother, in the young people's disciples are the first grade, alone There is no problem, I don't know how many Zongmen pavilion Mr. Your old man. "

The East smiled and laughed: "I also expect these two sons, others can't do anything else. The ritual is still working hard, but the sake of respect is slightly lazy, I am in the Gao Baoge, he Also outside to travel swans, so far, wait for him to come back, I will hand it over to him, and I will have to help you. "

Zhao Ran came out from Fangziyuan, and he saw that Cold Tengxing and Jiang Shios were outside, cold Teng Xingshe: "The Monitoring House is going to find the murderer who killed Zheng Fang, I have been investing it for this, today's special abbot "

When Jin Yiwei seals the Xuanzhan Palace, the Xuanzhan palace master Zheng Xinnan led the square temple to fight to defend the "Huangcheng inside and outside" editorial department, and finally the unsolicion, for the Time of Jinyiwan Town, a thousand households.

After the Jingshi is replenished, Zhao Ran heard that this is, on the one hand, let the cold Tengxing thick shirt Zheng Xinnan family, and set off "ZHING JIANG Ji Jun" in the Ten County of Tianfu, on the one hand, seeking a few points.

Unfortunately, the city is broken, and Zhuo is unknown, and it is disappeared along with the old and wife.


"I found it, according to it is convinced, Zhuo You should take the family to escape overseas. His last appearance is recognized, it is on Chongming Island ten days ago, witnessed, he bought a lot of daily goods, sail. "

Zhao Ran did nod: "This debt, give him a lifetime, escaped to overseas, do not worry? Not necessarily!"

Jiang Yiguan held a journal in front of the journal: "Abandon, this is the latest publication, including our" Imperial City ", you gave it."

Suichuan has passed the past, Zhao Ran asked: "How much is this issue?"

Jiang Yichang smiled: "Since Zhu Xian, he is seen in June, we have a large amount of sales, now in Tianfu, every period of the" Huangcheng inside and outside "has become the must-see of the capital, the latest issue Already sold three thousand six hundred books! "

Zhao Ran is still satisfied with this figure. The capital of the capital is relatively high, and it is relatively rich, and more than 3,000 volumes can be sold, almost a little powerful person is booked.

More people, mainly accepted the information of journals through tea floors, saying books, party chat, etc., this issue is basically completely covered by Tianfu.

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