Taoist Law

Chapter 29 September

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" ... Taoist Law Chapter 29 September "What is the meaning of this special debt? I am not It is necessary to pursue, just curious. "Zhao Ran tried to ask Gu Tengjia with euphemism. Gu Teng Jia said: "The six hundred thousand two thousand two thousand, Mao Mountain required must be a casino, in order to make this casino, we must take the real thing to take the sale, usually to discount the sale to change To so much silver, this special paper fee is the loss of the active time. "The proportion of the Daomen's practice resource payment is the principle of seven or three points, which is 70% of the payment, and 30% stay in the province. In the province's resources, according to the seven-three proportions, it is divided into the provincial housekeeper, and the provincial housekeeper, 30% stayed in ten-way jungle, as basic expenditures and brimple spending, unless there are special policies, it may be down to six or four proportions. When the ten-party jungle pays the cultivation of resources, it is usually more than half of silver, copper, etc., etc., such as Wenchang Guan Ji to Maoshan, should be 300,000 casinaries and 300,000 real things. However, Mao Mountain asked the full number of casino, Wenchang will produce a large number of discount losses. Zhao Ran is in the Huali Hospital, the White Horse, Tianhe Palace and the Tianfu Xuanzhan Palace, and it is halfway to the hall. I didn't expect to go to Wenchang. I met so bad thing. He was originally planned. From Wenchang Guanxiao, take the money to subsidize the Hebia Bridge project, and now it is, this is a little hanging. "Mao Mountain is so doing, what reason?" "In fact, it is not their own one, recently these years, but there are many places, there are more places. Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian or less there are few problems, Only the Lingxu Court, Zhao Zang, the Heilin Pavilion is not like Mao Mountain, asking all banks to pay. As for the reasons, it is a silver valuer. As for the reason - there is no reason, the silver and the active are half a half, This is only the rules of the total, there is no clear text to all local gates, and Mao Mountain is only a silver, and Wenchang is not a way. "Zhao Ran is silent. He has already felt the shortage of shopping on the market a few years ago. But there is no effort to pay attention to this issue, and there is indeed a plan for the proportion. Since it is not only Mao Mountain, there are many places in coastal, and it will not be simple forced to correct - he is also difficult to correct . Zhao Ran nodded, temporarily letting this, continue to study other materials of Wenchang. The last agenda of the real master finally finally ended in a fall, and the aspects were got at the table. Although there was no more satisfied, especially Mao Mountain was the most dissatisfied, but they all had eaten, so the program Finally, the full lottery passed. According to Zhang Yunyi - from Zhou Zhen people to transcribe, these years have rarely see the scenes of "all in favor",

It is very gratified after the agenda.

A business center eventually became eight institutions, which was not thought before everyone, but this is the most equalization program.

The looks got the Duo Division and the Tagan, San Qingge got the Xingling Palace, the Eastern Pavilion got the Lingji Palace, and the Rayle Pavilion got the Tiantian Palace. Kyushu Pavilion got the chicken gammon, Qixia Mountain retained Yuanfu Miyama - Mao Mountain is divided into a assessment committee.

Zhou Zhen did not delay in Jingshi. When she departed, I made a short conversation, ready to give the chicken to Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ranqu: "Jing Hui predecessors? Shouldn't you come to the chicken to see the abbot? She is a big refining teacher, the disciple is only a big master, it is a bit far."

Zhou Zhen Answed: "If it is a place to spend the palace, she is willing, but the chicken is now the repair certificate, this kind of thing, she is not working, I will not let her go to this idle, This place handed it over, you should take care first. The ability of overseas monks will not have to worry, these affairs are separated too much, not you can do it, I will not give you pressure. What levels can you do, what is your current main firm, or the credibility of Nanzhi.

Zhao Ruyi Head: "Yes, the real people are relieved, I must grasp the credibility of Nanzhiyi."

Zhao Ran's current duct has added a chicken to the abbot, he needs to give this stall in the business as soon as possible, so he moved to the chicken gammon on the hills of the chicken.

The chicken is before, and later, it will change the use of the law. Nowadays, the personnel have been withdrawn, leaving only a road to the empty road to give Zhao Ran. He is now the smell of the chicken. Everything needs him. Come to build. As for the fund, Zhou Tong did not think about this problem, so Zhao Ran wants to find a way.

True Masters have finally returned to Lushan, and Yuan Fu Gong suddenly stopped.

In the entire September, the Doumen has been reforming the newly established eight institutions. San Qingge is to rebuild the Xingling Palace is the long and old Yunfeng; the Employepa is to rebuild the Laoji Palace is the long and old Qiu Yunqing; It is the old man Peng Yunshou - he is also the protection of the Heilin Court. He once sent a gift in the Jiangteng Crane, Zhao Li Niang twice. The Division and the Taoist Tagan were responsible for the general view. Zhao Yunyi.

These are Zhaoran's acquaintances, especially after two, and Zhao Ran relations are very good, but because they are too busy, there is no time to get together.

As for Mao Mountain, after the assessment of this institution, it was closed in the mountain gate, and now Zhao Ran did not hear what the pattern they tossed.

Yuan Fuji is reopened, thoroughly determined by the real manner and the relationship between the Jiuzhou Court, and the relationship between the three martial arts, and clarify its management responsibility for the mobilvement and practice ball lottery. The monks and monks were completely stood, and they held the game with one heart, and the release of the lottery ticket was held.

In this month, Zhao Ran did four things, one is to identify the party in the chicken gammon, and when he served as a student last year, the Jingyang Building lived together with the nine girls, Yan Zhongze.

The second is to complete the architecture design of the chicken, determine the staff and personnel preparation of each house.

The third is the first batch of construction of the repair certificate.

The fourth is to send an invitation to the relevant personnel. I hope they will join the gammon and create a "exciting big scene".

At the moment, Zhao Ran is in the newly established archives, let Suichuan medicine enter the first batch of overseas scatter files to the archives of the archives.

The file façade is actually a lottery box, but Guo Zhiyu and Longqing have made a lot of arguments. On this basis, the added cabinet of the store is added - Zhao Ran called the storage cabinet. .

The invention of the storage cabinet is not complicated, with Guo Zhiyu and Longqing's ability, it has long been designed, and it has been installed in Xianglu Xuan in advance. At this moment, it has been urgently issued a circle, and even the archive cabinet. Can use it.

The first batch of overseas scales have been distributed, only 38, Suichuan medicine quickly entered, Zhao Ran said its praise: "The finger is really flexible, the efficiency is very high, so I will take it out soon. ! "

Suichuan took the wrist, laughed: "It's so tired, your hand is sour."

"You are all monks, will you still sour?"

"Teacher, you are sitting and talking without backhache, you try, have nothing to do with the air, all in the wrist."

Zhao Rong said: "If you don't need to write a way you write, I am studying the Hanlin Institute, let them split the stroke or sound of the word ..."

Seeing Suichuan's medicine is a bit awkward, so he shakes: "Forget it, then say it later, it is still handwritten."

I am trying to call the entered file, I suddenly received a fly harder, flying from Yuan Yifu Peng Yunyi:

"Zhao Shi brother came to Yuan Fuqong, Li's brother was hit!"

Taoist law

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