Taoist Law

Chapter 36

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... Taoist Law Chapter 36: 300 Junshan Friends More Three) The standard of Lei Pavilion is quantity, which is also related to their needs, so the way is cheaper, Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran, has reached his desire: "Select two big masters!" Put Wang Zenghe A Bing successfully incorporated the chicken gammon, Zhao Ran joked the next, took out the five-flowers of the cloud, to Suchuan medicine: "Chuan medicine, drink a cup!" The responsibility of the chicken is mainly three: distribution and management Practice, publicize and guide overseas monks to believe in the road, issue trade permits. In order to grasp these three matters, especially to prevent trade licenses, trade (Zhao Ran is qualitatively smuggled), you need a cultivated power to maintain trade order, for this, Zhao Ran is in chicken In the architecture of the sound, it plans an inspection room. The inspection room is originally empty, and now the seven-star monks and two pictures like a posture will be taken. Plus the ancient K Xueshi, which he is with you, this initially forms an inspection of the backbone team. Of course, a little less. Since the inverse case is completely ended, it is time to recruit the last group. Zhao Ran sent a fly that Song Yuqiao in the Lion Mountain is quiet, let her put people over. After Song Yuqiao received a fly character, finally slammed the tone, will Li Xijiu, Lin Ayu, and find a child. "You have packed it today, go to the Chicken Cage Mountain to report. Well, wait until you come, wait until you come. In the evening, we have passed together. "After the capital of the Beijing-term arrived in June, Zhao Ran gave Song Yuqiao with Liu Xijiu, Lin Ayu, and Ji Dynasty, Tao Tao, the Tria, I ascend, I will show it less. "Off" for four months. This is the Song Yuqiao, which is seven or eight years ago, absolutely tortoys, but after Jin Dan, Song Yuqiao's sexual child has not been in the past, or it is still hot, but how much is more convergent. In addition, it is four months that can be arrested, and it is also related to something in her hand. After the night, Song Yuqiao took the Chicken Cage Mountain in the Children, Lin Ayu, and Ji Dynasty. Suichuan pushed Zhao Ran in front of the road, Zhao Ran to Song Yuqiao - mainly to the three introductions: "Here is the Duo Si Division, now is a chicken, the chicken is eight Deacuist room, here is six, repair license management rooms, sea trade license management room, custom house, subsidiary, book, warehouse. "

Introduction to several institutes in the law: "Here is a publicity and education room, and there is a planned chicken and the overseas monk training center, we must do a good job in overseas training, there is no similar training base. Can not. Fortunately, the original speech hall is enough, the facilities are complete, and it can be used directly. "

From the maintenance center, it came to the East, and the courtyard hidden behind the dense forest, said: "The inspection room is located here, before the replacement of the Division, the place is very large, the room is quite, enough for you The inspection room is here, interrogation, and detention. "

Liu Ethijiu Q: "Who do you say" Who is you said? "

Zhao Rong said: "The inspection room is divided into four groups, you are Group B."

Let's see the left and right, ask: "Is there anything in other three groups?"

"The A group is the gurch of the guru, and the group is the seven-star monk. Ding Group is Wang Zengpeng and the Terrace A Bing. Temporary for these four groups. If you want to go out, try to travel three groups, Gark Xue The Acts A group is dominated by the Town Chicken. "

Zhao Ran let them choose a room, three people selected a small courtyard with the garden. Juju Taoism is just drilling into the northbreaking room, and the room is a room. The west side is the bedroom, and the east side is a cultuchian.

She first entered the bedroom, a pierced a bed collapsed, rolling two laps above, happiness: "Good bed, soft mat, so comfortable!"

Liu Chengni came in, trying to sit on the bed, ratio, nod: "The bed is small, but also sleep enough."

When I came to Dan, the three people suddenly showed surprises, and the aura in the Dan is a few times outside!

Chicken Cage Mountain is a spiritual spring, but it will never be rich to so much, almost catch up with the Dao Dave.

Liu Xijiu is busy asking, Zhao Rong: "I spent a month-reform Feng Shui, putting the aura on the mountain to each Dan, no waste."

: "Abandon also has this kind of thing, staminated! In the future, you will squat in the yard, sun dry, cultivate a few hours in the room, I have to go to the city, the prosperity, Taste snacks, such a day game! "

Lin Ayu Road: "Don't you think about your mother? Go back and enjoy her."

Song Yuqiao is a habit of Dayun Mountain Cave. Ask the hills in the Victorial Valley, the aura is higher than this level, so this feels that this is general, listening to the three groups, , heart: "a group of earth buns ! "

Zhao Ran gave Suichuan to send a piece of brand to the Three Groups. "You are a person who is in the inspection room in the future. When you do things, you will show your license, bright identity, just law enforcement, remember that you can not protect Use, otherwise the poor pass can not make you! "

Three people have been hierarchical, the thin cards are deep black, and the fingers are touched. It is actually in the form of fuses, and it seems extremely equal.

Three horizontal gold words - "Inspection Team", the right side is three vertical red tips - "Junshan Wei". The lower left corner and the upper right corner are the white cranes that have a wings, and the white crane in the upper right corner is also holding a reel, and the whole is extremely beautiful.

Zhao Rong said: "Remember your double identity in the future, both the inspectors of the Jimmy Turkey, and also the guardian of Junshan Wei. Junshan Wei belongs to the Sanqing Pavilion, this is the identity of your dark, try not to reveal."

Actually, the spy of Sanqing Court! The three groups are more happy.

Juju Tao Tong put this nameplate, only love does not release hands, Moke a moment, pointing at the golden rune in the upper left corner: "Is this, what?"

Zhao Ran explained: "This is your attendance and finish contribution. After all the tasks come back, I have accumulated a certain number of points, and I can promote the duty in Junshan Wei."

How to promote? "

"Every day, I can get a little, one thing, one task, grant 10 to one hundred points, if I have a good job, the situation is granted more points. According to the contribution point, the evaluation level, 500 points is apprentice, two Thousands of points for the disciple, from this, can be advanced to the deacon, the rudder master, the main, protect the law, the old, the head, the master, the highest can be all the allies, enjoy the top treatment of Junshan Sanitary Ware. "Your life is trying."

Let's see the Tong Dynasty, I am very happy to ask: "Is the abbot, start today? I am playing a card, first take a point?"

Zhao Ran smiled and took out some part of the box in Suchuan, and inserted the famous brand of the game into the side of the aperture. As a result, a set of gears above the box automatically transferred to the word "Alliance".

: "I am a League! What a few points?"

Suichuan frown: "Isn't it bad? Lessing 100,000, how is it possible?"

Liu Chiji also puts the card plug in, and it is also transferred to the owner!

Suichuan drug made the box, whispered: "It seems that it is broken, please ask Guo Dafu to check. Go back to you."

Jufun Tao Tong is still asking: "If it is millions?"

Suichuan has turned over white: "You don't dream."

Lin Ayu couldn't help but came to test his nameplate. As a result, he turned out a trainee.

But see Suichuan Puertoise: "This is normal."

Lin Ayu refused: "Why are I trainees?"

Suichuan's medicine was a bite: "Why are you trainees, is there not a little bit?"

Taoist law

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