Taoist Law

Chapter 39 Small Silver Tickets

Welcome, please remember this site address: Small silver tickets, which Qianzhuang must promise unconditional exchange of casinos, and never allow for the release of not redeemed, once verified, to disturb the silver-money order regulations. Daming did not have this crime, so Zhao Ran said the regulations. He asked to draft a decree with the name of the Baoarian Division, and the contest. Li Da Yin and Shim Ming were also praised: "Yes, so, the risk will move to major money, the small amount of silver tickets will have problems, nor the court, but the big money!" Zhao Rong said: "Although it is said that it is a big money, but which small amount of silver ticket has a problem. Baoarian must take a picture." Li Da hidden questions: "Is this?" Zhao Ran strangely asked: "Baoarian is not Why do Qianzhuang buy your small silver ticket? Not only the bottom, but also agree to repurchase, which Qianzhuang is now silver does not make a hand, you can take a small silver ticket to buy online banknotes, treasure The banknote must be paid unconditionally! "He put forward that the Bao banknotes built a strong underground silver library, and the major Qianzhuang purchased a small silver ticket with the real gold and silver. One or two silver exchanges were exchanged for one or two small silver tickets. The small amount of silver ticket is established, and the Bao banknotes rely on the huge amount of online banking, and the issuance of the Bao banknotes. Li Da hidden photographed his head: "It is a bit dizzy by you." Time Wei Ming said: "I understand the meant, all the small silver tickets have only the powerful printed, after printing, sold to each Jia Qianzhuang, with the credibility of each Qianzhuang to promote the small amount of silver tickets to the world. Wait until the credibility of the small amount of silver ticket is established. When the people in the world trust, the Bao banknotes have issued their own small silver tickets. How much is it earned, is it this? "Li Da hi did not take a head, change the thigh:" Wonderful, the original is the same, it is really a talented scorpion! "Zhao Ran's face black line, Is this my intention? Improve: "Two can have this idea, so, do you return to the old way of Bao Bao's money? Our ultimate goal is to solve Daming's money shortage, and Bao banknotes Relationship. Again, do you have a money in your hand, do you have a money? "Li Da smiled, but it was obviously nothing to say to Zhaoran. However, sometimes Weimang and Li Da Yin's boots, and let Zhao Ran find a defect,

It is the risk vulnerability in the future, and after thinking for a moment. "You can set up a joint committee in the Baoxian Division, which is a member of the major Qianzhuang. The existence of the committee is to supervise the Bao banknotes Send a small amount of silver ticket, each printing small amount of silver must be agreed by the Committee. "

Time Wei Ming Road: "Zhao Shouzhang's way is very good, but there is a problem to solve, how can all be sent to Jinzhuang to the Baoarian Division, exchange the small amount of silver ticket printed by the Bao banknotes? "

Zhao Rong said: "Of course, it is impossible to have a spring, the larvity, the laughter, the flatness begins, no sound is released. Mainly two ways to make money in Qianzhuang when the issuance is maintained ..."

"One: Junshan Mobile sells the flything, unless the big wholesale of tens of thousands of flying characters, the rest of the small amount of silver tickets, do not collect casino, all home pole Zongmen want to buy the fidel, must pay Small silver ticket, otherwise not sell ... "

"Two: In the future, the chicken is in the future, and only the small amount of silver ticket is received. The rest is not, the silver, large silver tickets, the chicken gamings are not recognized, there is no small silver ticket? Sorry, go to Qianzhuang Forcontineting, which Qianzhuang has a small silver ticket, let's go where Qianzhuang ... "

"The three:" Junshan Notes "," Huangcheng Inside and outside "," Lingbao Xin said ", only the small amount of silver ticket ..."

Li Da Yin laughed interface: "The four: practice lottery sales, only the small amount of silver tickets, there is no small silver ticket? Sorry, this period is nothing to do with you! Haha!"

Zhao Rong Richang hiped the thumbs: "Da Yin said well! After these small silver tickets come in our hands, we will find a way to spend out. If you can't get it, you will save, there is a bank of the banknotes. These small amounts of silver tickets are not different from large silver tickets. In short, step by step, strive for three years and five years, let the world recognize small silver tickets. "

When I was crazy, I recorded Zhao Ran, and I waited for Zhao Ran to finish, inserted: "The following officials are seen, in fact, it is not used for three years and five years, the essence of small silver tickets is actually a large silver ticket. It is even more secure than a large silver ticket because the court is willing to exchange. "

Zhao Rong said: "You go back to call the people to study carefully, and strive to take a set of institutions and methods as soon as possible. Right, the Li Shen made how much earned, this sentence, don't take it back."

Time to Note: "The official understands. Then the rest is the technical problem, Zhao Fangzhang, the officer just thought of a problem, with the practice of Damshan, of course, can ensure that the big money is not self-printing small silver Tickets, but in practice, how to ensure the production of printed production? To know, this is not a few thousand, tens of thousands, but millions, tens of thousands. "

Zhao Ran smiled: "I can even produce millions of flying characters, and what is the small amount of silver tickets in the district?"

Time-dimensional returned, he needs to develop a lot of regulations, think about the specific operation plan, this matter is not an urgent thing, Daming's money is not a day and two days, and it is not realistic.

In the waterfront, Zhao Ran and Li Dawei finalized board, officially started construction of landscape belts in November, and Zhaoran designed the view villa renderings will be printed quickly, showing the rich in the "Huangcheng inside and outside" The household pre-sale, according to Zhao Ran, this is called selling.

Although Li Da Yin didn't know how to spend it, it would be veryaring this form and support her hands.

Talking about it, Zhao Ran asked Li Wei: "Lao Li, do you have a flight instrument?"

Li Da Houpeng: "Of course, if you want to use? I let the cloud wings come."

Zhao Ran thought about it: "After the day, I have to go to Wudang."

After Zhao Ran returned to the chicken, Xiao Taoist Yang Wenfu told him: "Zhao Feizhang, there is a monk in the East Pavilion in the Cihang Temple, I have been waiting for a time. I said that you are not, he said to wait until You are back. "

East Pavilion? Zhao Ran raised vigilance and asked: "Who?"

Yang Wenfu said: "He said that he surnamed Guard."

Zhao Ran immediately said: "This is a friend."

The Wei Chaozong was in the Cihang Temple. Zhao Ruo, finally came back, and Zhao Ran saw him, only feeling that God is different, and it is more high, so he is resisted; "Congratulations to the brothers successfully , I will learn from the children, thereby incorporated in the teacher! "

Wei Chaozong smiled: "When I got off, I rushed to Beijing to see it, where didn't go, no one next is."

Zhao Rong said: "It's really a brother, I am waiting here, a fly harder, I will return it right away. Go, go to my Jingyang Tower, you haven't been there yet, while watching Drink, you are something else. "

The Wei Dynasty sighed: "Not this, you can't show my sincerity. Stay, I am here to apologize, representing the Xingling Palace, representing the East Pavilion, the things in the past, it is really sorry." ! "

Taoist law

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