Taoist Law

Chapter 43, Net Lemon

Welcome, please remember the address of this station:, mobile reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Rules" at any time ... the Tuan law, the forty-third chapter, the list of materials, Sun Biyun, the list of materials, let Zhao However, if the fairy wants to die, don't say anything else, take out a need for a 10,000 pounds of fine gold, Zhao Ran can't be honored. The novel Ranena`s Song Cang have a fine gold mine, located in the swamp of Yuyang, but it will be killed in Junshan. In the same year, the building of the Jade Emperor, gave Zhao Li Niang's hiring list, and only sixty-six pounds, visible to the precious level of this thing. 10,000 pounds, need big monarch mountains for a hundred years, even if you collect from other places, this is a horrible figure, even if you can collect, Zhao Ran can't afford it. Moreover, there are soil, and the purple clouds of purple clouds are cherished. It is the measurement unit of metrics. It is really so dry, Wenchang, and the chicken gathering and the Yuan Fu Palace will declare joint bankruptcy. Buy. After Zhao Ran thought about it, I asked Sun Biyun's way to refine this total of fifty-three bridge piers. After ascending, she was relieved. Sun Zhen, senior four seas, nine-party predecessors, solid bridge piers, I am afraid you don't need it, so, really can't afford it, we can notify the hollow, it is better than the refining ruler, and it is empty "" " And the Hall of the French, how to bear such a huge force "" I have an idea, let's refine the wall thickness of the hollow bridge meager, after entering Jiangxin, Ignore the bricks in the inside, broken Stone, sediment, use these materials to enrich the hollow, there is not much affordable effect, "Sun Biyun and two disciples bowed their own, and finally regretted to Zhao Rong Road", as long as they come to a big monk, You can ruin the bridge pier. "Zhao Ran is busy asking" the big monk and does not consider, can I destroy? "Sun Biyun shook his head" This is not good, but also to watch the method, the magic weapon, general Word, at least five or six refining, can be made up, can also destroy the bridge pier. "Zhao Ren Song's tone" can also be accepted. "Sun Biyun Road" is not a millennium project, you don't say to make Did the great millennium project change, the wind and rain erosion, no millennium. "Zhao Ran is busy asking" How many years "Sun Biyun and two disciples discussed a moment.

Answer Zhao Ran "For five hundred years, top more than eight hundred years, every hundred years must also maintain it."

Zhao Ran raised his hand "No problem for five hundred years, five hundred years, enough"

So, Sun Biyun and the disciples resume design, and re-draw in accordance with the refining plan of the hollow bridge, this takes time.

Less Zhou Ke Li, Ling from Yun Yun, Zhao Ran from the Dashengnan Rock Palace, go to the red pine and dragon mother-in-law. These two passengers belonging to one of the seventeen veins of Wudang hidden fairy, in Wudang Mountain.

The net music palace is the big vein. The temple is actually Sun Biyun. The various palace of Wudang Mountain is very grand. Zhao Ran thinks instantly, do you want to mobilize the fairy sent each other, simply take the temple to re-cast the ball, hidden fairy hidden fairy, it should be a little hidden fairy. But still to hold back, so you don't have to agree, you can't agree.

Noctus and Dragon Mother-in-law are not living in the palace, they are used to living in the grass house in the hillside behind the net.

Zhao Ran came to this grass house, it was dinner, just saw the smoke, the chicken pitch, and he sent a living.

In the sheamer next to it, suddenly came from a dishes, and the sputum was awkward. A fragrant suffocating, the Suichuan medicine of the cart suddenly couldn't help but flow.

The red pine came back from the mountain road, and he grabbed a mountain in his hand, and he sat in Zhao Rao Road. "Waiting for the meal."

Zhao Ran is also welcome, sitting on a wheelchair to visit this milky house, refining, refining, tama, tama, chicken circle, cuisine, flower garden, orchard

After a circle turned down, the voice of the red pine came from "Opening."

Suichuan pushed Zhao Ranheng, just at one glance over the open sky, I saw the red pine sitting on the stone table, and the dragon mother in the apron.

There are five or six sea bowls on the table. They are all new dishes, what is the eight treasures, brackeous tofu, all have a hot aroma. Dragon's mother-in-law opened the bamboo basket, add two big bowls of rice, and the greetings of Zhao Ran and Suichuan, "I haven't eaten a few months. I have been thinking about it. This dead old man always said no appetite. I don't have to come, I haven't had this good fortune. "

Zhao Ran smiled and burying the tableware and burying the rice. Suma pills stuffed a group of rice, and the spiritual power included in the limbs of the limbs, and it was very cool. .

Zhao Ran urged her "Sichuan medicine, eat this eight treasure duck, no longer eat, the predecessors of the red pine will not leave you, you have to grab"

For the meal, Suichuan medicine accompanied the dragon and packed the tableware, and the red pine was greeted Zhao Ran. "Let's go, let's go fishing."

Zhao Ran came to the sky outside the hut, there was a pond of the square, and the pool was long, and the water grass was faintly visible to the water.

Zhao Ran took out the fishing rod made from the root of the root of the root of the roots. It is necessary to get into the pond. I will see the nervous staring at the red pine.

The red pine is "" a few times, takes out the fish, but still staring at Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran is inexplicably, first put the fishing rod

"Well", the fish hook made by Liuzhi, smashed the "" in the pool.

Summary, squatting, squatting, laughing next to it, smiling, not breathing.

Zhao Ran blindly blindred, trying to step on it, where is the pond, but a painting

Zhao Ran looked at the red pine, seeing the red pine has laughed and rolled up on the ground, could not help but he had to turn over the eyes.

After a long time, the red pine stopped laughter, and it was proud to "how my painting can also make"

Zhao Ran nodded to "" The seniors actually pondered this, and it seems that there is no use of a milesty. "

The Red Songzi Road "Junshan Note Recently advocated a realistic painting method, I watched a lot of paintings before, I wanted to combine this kind of authors and perspective."

Zhao Ran nodded, while connecting "the pain of the old elders, it can be called three-dimensional three-dimensional painting."

"Which three dimension"

"If the line composition is called one-dimension, this is the length without width, height; the addition of the width is surface, which is two-dimensional, and then the high degree of stereo interlaced is three-dimensional."

"Is there a four-dimensional"

"Plus time, may be called four-dimensional."

"Is there a five-dimensional"

"Yes, it is a scene that cannot be imagined, you can think with a symmetrical space"

"Zero Wei

"The late generation is considered an infinite point"

In the sunset, the red pine and Zhao Ran explored the composition in the house, and the oblique figure is more and longer.

Taoist law

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