Taoist Law

Chapter 49, wind, gourd

The closer to Baima Hill, Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze encountered more obviously. There are three or two two Buddhist monks, but also secretly dive the Taoist disciple and various types of scatters, fortunately, it is mostly not high, and it is not clear to the end, and Zhao Ran and Yan Zize are directly from the side. Of course, there are still a few people who have a higher cultivation, but the Zhongze has a big intention, and it will open it one by one.

The two men have encountered a whistle card set up by Summer Army, but these more than ten soldiers will have the footsteps of the two people, and they will be too far away.

Also, I went on a moment, and Yan Zhongze pointed to the front of the gorge: "After the canyon, I went to the gourd, there is my Ming army control, this is constant, running for a day, I am really Tired is also exhausted. "

Zhao Ran is looking at the meaning of Yan Zhongze, and only the canyon is very very narrow. The mountain peaks are steep and stand up, the terrain is very dangerous, and the Summer will not set up this. "

Road: "Don't worry, here is not within the main battlefield ... ? I am coming to the sky, where is it?"

Zhao Ran is speechless, gives Yan Zhongze a white eye, the heart talks when you come over?

At this time, the two have been in the canyon. When I was close to the defenders, I immediately had a row of bow-headed iron and arrows, and I finished the two people, and an officer helped the arrows in Guanjing. "This is the southeast of Dadia Monitoring the military, the singer, the people stopped! "

Zhao Ran whispered: "Let's climb from both sides, don't you?" He knew that he didn't play. Sure enough, Yan Zhongze shook his head: "It's too high and steep."

Zhao Ran hated iron: "You are a yellow crown ..." Many said no good, his eyes turn, from the spanner to take a copy.

Yan Zhongze has hopped. I quickly stop: "Zhao Shi is not, this thing does not care." It has been planted twice in a row, he has a psychological shadow of this thing.

Zhao Ran did not matter, anyway, it has been blocked here, what is the relationship between aunt? Then there is so bad luck, the so-called thing is not three, it is impossible to be a flaw three times.

Large squares. Zhao Ranliang identity: "Is it a big Leungus Temple to stay, why?"

That officer has gone. The letter will be suspended: "This will be patrolled by Li Guangxian, and the Huli is inspected. This master is about to pass the way. The master is about to fight, the master is not a matter, or he is talented."

Zhao Rong said: "Tianlong Hospital law. Recruitment of all temples to the military, the poor brothers are going to help, and also ask Li to check to make the switch,

Put our brothers. "

Li Guangxian said: "Don't dare to be 'Please' the word .... So, can the master have customs clearance?"

"In the past, I won't know when I got all at all, there is no instrument, but I am sure."

"That is sinful, please also ask the master to settle in the basket ... This is a military law. Master is forgiven."

A bamboo basket pendant, Zhao Ran will put it in. The bamboo basket pulled up, Li Guangxian took the degree to turn around. Looking for the test of the school in the military. After a long time, this opened the door and greeted it. Zhao Ran returned to the rushing Zhongze made a eye, do you see this is not?

Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze have delayed many hours in Guanjing, and the heart is anxious, and I wonder the gains of Li Guangxian. On the instrument, the dragon flying dance is the word, and after the excessive, immediately go to the other side.

One fat and one thin and still just stepped. Seeing Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze went back, asked Li Guangxian: "Who is this?"

Li Guangxian said: "This is the Lei Yang Temple to live, Feng Tian Dragon Catering, go to Baiman Mountain to help."

Fat monk is one, said: "Daren Temple is far away? It seems to have heard it? Can you have a level?"

Li Guangxian said: "It has been verified, and verified."

Skinny sudden suddenly took the brain: "Bad, there is a public letter to me when there is a meal, one of which is the long-term loss of the Temple of Lei Guang Temple ..."

Fat and still wakes up, Rush Li Guangxian angry: "What is it so confused!" He also went to the skin: "Teacher, speed to convene the same door, this must be the door to the door, you must catch back to strictly interrogate!" See two The monk hurriedly called the Tongmen brothers chasing it out and shouted: "Where is the thief of the replacement, where to go!"

Li Guangxian is shameful, and then moved to the ground: "I am! There is this letter to give me a letter, but I'm blaming me ..."

When I was wronged and angry, I suddenly sounded, I went back, I saw that dozens of practice in the middle of the people, looking at the color, is the Daming monk. His mind was in an instant, and even quickly told the closing door, but where did it come, and the blink of an eye was passed by these monks.

Li Guangxian did not have a generation, and immediately tailored to the defenders, but unfortunately did not shut down the wall cover. The monks who helped the war just left. The enemy suddenly killed, many of the means of dealing with the monks did not use, and they couldn't stand it. In contrast, many killed by these monks. There are several Taoists who have lost a string of fire characters, lightners, will be bombed, and the two thick closures have been collapsed.

These monks do not stop, killing a bloody road, Yang Long, Li Guangxian looked at the seriousness of destruction, really want to cry without tears.

I haven't waited for him to recover from the mood of grief, and the canyon turned in and countless monk, when a first riding a hormon, another handheld a huge gold shield. These two monk saw close closing, immediately, for two golden, and more than one times higher than ordinary people, and the face is mighty.

The two prizes have just hit the door, and they will collapse the Wall, then rolling all the way, the mandarin, the whole number of the warehouse is pushed, and the hard-era has opened a spacious avenue, and there are countless monks behind them. Following it, the clearer it out.

When Li Guangxian suddenly, he felt that his own brain was complete enough. What is the situation of the roots can't make a clear, and the military soldiers under his hand are still a wooden chicken, the leg feet are soft, and even the station is unstable.

Then Zhao Ran and Yan Zhongze, he heard that some people shouted "thieves and took away", they can't help but look back, they saw five or six monks to pursue. Don't need Zhao Ran, Yan Zhongze, this "paper" is again acoustic, all the way to the gourd direction, while running: "Zhao Shi, you will come out again. When it is a embarrassment! "

Zhao Ran, wondered, how did it be seen again? But soon, his attention will be transferred to this official road. It is not allowed to remind : "The brother, be careful, this is very weird."

Yan Zhongze Road: "Yes, how can you be so quiet, actually a pedestrian." But then immediately said: "It's coming, turned this hillside, and then go."

Zhao Ran returned to the monk, and kept urging: "Something, it will be chasing it ... Do you want to add a giant? If you don't have much, you save? use……"

The ,

- Just turned over the hillside, in front of the mountain basin, Xia Jun is in the west, Ming army is in the east, the two armies are separated by two hundred steps, and the flag enters the cloud, the knife gun is like Lin, good, a sorrow,]] This is, you are afraid that you can't get it! There is a tall platform, which is standing outside the army, and is full of monks except for the army. The Summer Army is mainly based on the monk wearing the clothes, and the Ming army is respectful to the Taoist, which has already opened the scenery, and it is a faint battle!

Zhongze used a mouth saliva, whispered: "How is this?"

Zhao Ran also looked at the few monk, when he got his teeth: "Follow!"

Yan Zhongze is really unknown, I don't know, I don't know, pointing at the two sides of the rows of a row of a big legal army: "Zhao Shi, how to rush? People do a little one, you can get a slag Furthermore, people do not need these to fight in the instrument, as long as they will come out, you will be buried here. "

"How many monks come behind, are you playing?"


"But don't talk nonsense, rush to the past, I will always be strong than being caught!"

The two sides have already seen the two people to see the two, and they all have been in a hurry. Yan Zhongze took a deep breath and saw: "Walk!" Zhao Ran rushed to the past, these swearing horses the horses whistle, but where to catch up with God's footsteps, It was rushed into the battlefield. (Untrafter continued) (this article is started)

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