Taoist Law

Chapter 47 Security

In the gammon, Zhao Ranzheng is checking Suichuan medicine in Jingyang Tower. The real gas explores the merits of Suichuan's medicine has been formed. Suddenly feel a inexplicable familiar, just like a long time, almost It is necessary to cry.

Zhao Ran criticized: "The practice is already successful, why not earlier?"

Suichuan Phytophyls: "I want to refine some merits, and give teachers a surprise."

Suichuan's merits have formed in the sea last month. By helping the people's relocation and other matters, I started slowly refining the promotion effort. When Zhao Ran, I have been able to detect the collection in Suchuan's Pharmaceutical. Such a small powerful German law, this is the proof of the Judeness of Gas Sea.

Zhao Ran is difficult for a long time, and I don't know what to say.

The success of Suichuan medicine means he can open a self-inheritance. Of course, truly open your own inheritance, after entering the refining teacher, can only enter the refining teacher, can give the disciples into the ideographs to help them achieve their strength.

And before this, there is still a half year time, you can let Suichuan medicine continue to practice the virtues, see if the practice will have a deviation, at least in the previous approach, there is no problem.

Everything needs time.

Zhao Ran thought about it, said: "Is the Huimin Jiji Hall who opened in Longanfu and Song Fan?"

Suichuan Answer: "Know, listening to the brother said."

Zhao Rong said: "You contact it over, let Huizhu Ji Tang send people, do one in the sky, this matter is caught by you, you need money, just come to me. Remember, you must do it. For, don't slack off, otherwise I don't have your gas. "

Is Suichuan medicine: "Teacher is inconvenient, who is in service teacher? I still wait."

Zhao Ran shook his head: "Can not use it, I can go to the wheelchair can go, don't wait for you. This is your big thing, but also a big thing for the teacher, do things well, is the best return to the teacher."

Suichuan's medicine to prepare the Huimin Division of Beijing, Zhao Ran stayed in Jingyang Tower, and carefully appreciates the official documents sent by the parties.

The issued micro-ticket scheme of the drafting, and the punishment of the disrupt silver order have been passed on the front day of the day before yesterday. This is the result of Zhao Ran in advance and several of the students, Chen Hong, Gu Tengjia and others have had face-to-face conversation, no matter whether it is still not understood, at least before the meeting, it is fully communicated before the meeting, and it can be translated in the court. .

According to the results of the court,

The household has been responsible for the pilot staff, and everything will wait for Zhaoran's model.

Zhao Ran immediately asked Guo Zhiyu, Guo Zhiyu and Long Qing, soon rushed to the chicken in the spring breeze.

Guo Zhiyu and Longqing have brought a law with a copy of the Fragrance. The scene has printed a small amount of silver ticket worth one or two silver. The background color of the small silver ticket is red in powder, with the background of Lushan, which is the avatar of Wealth Zhao Yuan Shuai. This painting is when Zhao Ran went to Wudang Mountain, please ask the seniors of the red pine to draw, quite three-dimensional feelings, look lifelike.

The pattern itself is very complicated. The key is the eight-thirds of the eight-third of the gossip, which is the most technical content of the replication.

This watermark has a unique mark mark, and the prototype imprint is from Zhaoran's gas sea, and there is no budget with the flying compliance. This is a high degree of confidentiality. If someone will use the gossip watermark as a flying object, Zhao Ran can receive the other fider.

This printing machine is not complicated to Guo Zhizhen and Longqing, the main problem is paper and the bank.

The paper used must not be rice paper, numb, bamboo paper, too soft, easy to damage; it is impossible to use the paper, the cost is too high, the undertaking, the special print paper is required.

This point, Zhao Ran and Shiming have been discussed, considered from cost and durability, or have chosen paper, cheap, and wear. Although it is still not very satisfactory, at least this is ready.

In addition to paper problems, another more critical is how to distinguish between authenticity.

According to Zhaoran's model, it is marked, although it can be unlorated in the anti-counterfeiting, but the monks are a few, and some people who use small silver tickets are not repaired. How to let them learn this What is the unique model of road?

Zhao Ran proposed, making a simple counterfeit machine, it is best to be so big, it is available to major money, shop, and even personal use; at the same time, the imprint is made into watermark, or it can be convenient to do without a counterfeit machine. Discriminate.

The latter must not completely prevent counterfeiting, but at least the crude abuse of counterfeit banknotes, increase the cost and difficulty of the pen, the former is used for 100% identification.

One of this idea is, for Guo Zhizhen and Longqing, the rest is not a problem, Long Qing's saying that the user's counterfeit machine is very simple, the cost can directly press the following five or two silver, if large scale production And even below two or two silver.

Of course, this is now necessary to build a workshop and is specifically used to produce counterfeit machines. However, Guo Zhiyu and Longqing said that there is no such thing as the energetic and human hand, and they want to give it to others.

After Guo Zhiyu and Long Qing, Zhao Ran began to think about the issue of the counterfeit machine. When he was pondering which is more suitable, he received a fly.

"If you are a little friend, are you in the gammon? The old man just went to the day, come to you to drink tea."

Zhao Ran smiled: "How did An Space will come? The old man is in the chicken, waiting for Aber's visit."

At dusk, Aber's look at the Shengjing Shengjing under Jingyang Tower, and said: "It's a good place here."

Zhao Ran smiled: "Aberry is in Jinji Peak, there is a victory. I heard that the greece is not bad. I can only be a fireworks world. I will be quiet. I don't laugh the late generation."

Aberda said: "Also, don't lit with you, I have been very busy. I have seen the stock listing system you wrote, and I have a big talent. I have read more and more admire. I thought I thought, I have to provide it. This set of institutions, I am afraid that I can make the stock things, I read it on the side. But after reading a few times, I didn't dare to continue, I only had a big horror. "

Zhao Rong said: "Can tell this sentence, Aber is a big wisdom. The real stock trading, the set of the west summer is very different, the set of Xixia, no."

Aberphae: "So the old man is very confused, the set of Xixia has not collapsed."

Zhao Ran thought about it: "The body is too small, this is one, relying on Jinbang auction, this is the second, Western Summer goods, the goods are mainly, the casino is only the last day, this is the three. If you put it in Da Ming Come, need more careful. "

Aberway: "Then you still give me this set?"

Zhao Ran helid said: "The late generation thought that he had to die"

Aberha smiled and said: "The stock of the stock, I also know after reading the things you wrote, the time is still not mature, I heard that you have to do a small amount of silver ticket, I am thinking, this is the establishment of a stock market Creating conditions? So olders can't sit, come over and talk to you. "

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