Taoist Law

Chapter 1 Bone Dan

PS: Thanks to the quick knife 123, an obsessive-compulsive penguin ,,, EAGLE week, reward, and monthly tickets encouragement. ⊕, w ¢ ww.2 ■ om

On September 15, Zhao Ran all the road has a servant, and he rushed to Ye Xueuan from Baimanshan Camp.

Compared to the last time, the grand occasion is unprecedented, he is a bit quiet and cold, except for yourself, only the old age. After the inspection, after entering Guancheng, he came to the Temporary Department of Taoist to present his own "upgrade".

After the Taoist inspection, he introduced him into a temporary department, placed Zhaoran in a jury, told him that the Shengmen altar will be opened after three days, and he is best waiting in the hospital, otherwise missed it. The altar ceremony, I don't know when the next time.

The so-called migrant discipline is actually the way to help them get practiced in the Radi ceremony of the so-called "unsupportless, non-rootless". In fact, there is a good default, there is no saying, affecting the practice of practice and is difficult to practice, from another perspective, in fact, it is true that the Buddha's "everyone has a sense" concept.

The root bone is directly related to whether it can practice, and for those who want to enter the door, this is the most critical issue, only to solve the root bone problem, they will talk about the quick slowness and difficult way to practice. For example, Zhao Ran, he has a good qualification, but the root bone problem has not been solved, so it is not possible to take practice.

If you want to be root, you must quenpen the bones - this is the origin of the bone Dan. However, the process of bulk bone is extremely dangerous and painful. It is easy to take the bones of the bones, so there is a phenomenon that the bones cannot be continued. Therefore, the Doumen specializes in the landing altar. Through this particular race ceremony, it is given to the sorter of Bone Dan.

Zhao Ran's "Shengmen" is the credentials of participating in the upgrade of the Shengmen Ancestors, and Zhu Qiuntu is a good time to seek to Xuanyuan.

Zhao Ran, once aware of the matter of the matter, so staying in the garden, not going out to pursue fresh stimulation. He even didn't even go out, except for the door to the door.

What I didn't think of Zhao Ran yes, I lived next to him. It is an acquaintance - a good teacher is far away!

People are in his hometown, and naturally feel particularly kind, let alone this smoked, it is still the way to himself. In addition to surprises, two people talked about their own experiences.

Compared with Zhao Ran's thrilling, the experience of far away is placed. Once again came to Baiman, he has been busy and busy, or dealing with the public document. Or I have a job with grain, or hosted the Jami Kee, or helped to read and write the soldiers.

Zhiyuan has already taken two scattered bones,

It is essential that the huge dangers that do not mention the huge dangers that are thrown away from the third time. According to the words of the big refining teacher Yuanyang Bin, "must be realized between life and death, seeing medicine in that line. Otherwise it is still useless." But if you continue to bury in trivia, where did he have the opportunity to hone your own mood?

therefore. Zhiyuan signed up to participate in the task of the scouts, and the most forefront of the battlefield to explore the dynamics of the summer army and even the Buddha. You can imagine a slightest, not martial arts, and even never mention the knife gun, and in the vast Tibetan Tibet, do you have a screaming of the military situation in the vastness of the civil society? Zhao Ran thought of this scene, and immediately fell in the heart and respect: "Yu Shi brother. When it is really difficult for you!"

Perhaps the heart of Zhiyuan moved to the ancestors, he finally talked about important news at an accidental opportunity. The monk of the Tiger Mountain Yanfu Temple came to the battlefield, and they set a big array under the Daxue Mountain: 36 ghosts.

Zhao Ran is very interested in the law, and he is a query, and asking: "What is this array?"

Yu Zhi Road: "Tiger Tail Mountain is a Tibetan Bodhisattva. Repair is the Hell Rescue method. This series is for the search for thirty-six kinds of evil spirits, these evil ghosts don't commit ten evils or ten evils. The wheel must be degraded. Therefore, this will be arrested in the array, and it is affected by the 7744th to change the purpose of life. "

Zhao Ran wondered the moment, doubtful: "This is a good thing, what is fear?"

Zhiyuan explained: "This is a good thing of Buddha, and I don't deny it. But the key is that the monk of Huailong can move this to the two army, wherever the big array, no matter the ghost, as long as people Elevenian guilty or ten evilters are all being arrested by the ghosts - the ghosts are arrested by the 36th ghosts, and the living people will eliminate the cause of indifferentiation, and they convert to Buddha's door ... What is the eleventh crimes of the Buddha? You may be able to understand some in the future, most of the world has, especially the soldiers, almost unavoidable. "

Zhao Ran listened to understand, and he said: "Heaven, is this not to convert my Ming army to Buddha's belief?"

Yu Zhi Road: "After you know the news, I immediately let people fly a white horse mountain, and I also reach near the snowy mountains, I want to deeply sprout. Unfortunately, I underestimate the scope of the big array, after being involved in the array, This only knows the world's most horrible thing ... There is a high ordinary person, no face, hands and feet, the heat is burned; there is the throat, such as the needle, the abdomen is like a mountain, the calm call, hunger, but water You can't enter; there is that there is an inexplicable knife, and you will run away; there is also that the ants ants, suffering, miserable ... look at the miserable, think of it, can't help Shake ... I listened to the sky, the world's Tibetan bodhisattva was willing to pass, and I couldn't help but follow the Buddha's door. Fortunately, I will enter the door for many years, the Taoist classic is less than 20 years, this is only The greatness of his heart refused his summons ... "

Said, Yu Zhiyuan suddenly revealed the color, said: "One day, there suddenly came in a woman, graceful, and it could not invade. She holds a glass light, the lights are huge bright, Cover the four wild eight parties. That bright Pei Wei can resist it, countless evil spirits are what it is made, or on the spot is a gray smoke, or gradually merges to bones ... "

"What about it?" Zhao Ranzhi knows that the "women" of the Yuanyuan will be Zhu Qiku, and now I am in an emergency.

"Later, I suddenly became colorful Ruiyun, there were countless days of gods above the cloud ... At this time, I made a black and dizzy. Waiting for me to wake up, it is already in the Baimanshan big camp. I am in listening around, then The woman who saved me is called Zhu Qi ... Zhao Shi, you just said that you have given you a bone Dan is Zhu Qi, and I am really envious. If there is a good time, the brother will give me an introduction, but I will give you a grateful Dacheng. "

"The brother is rest assured, I will see her down, I will definitely tell you. My sister is very good, people can pro, the bones are not external to the outside world."

"So just ... I don't know what Chu Yang Cheng is injured. Non-Buddha is not a Buddha, I heard that there are many demon, I hope that they will be good for them."

The two are relatively speechless, and they all want to all. I don't know how long it took, I'm going to say this: "I have experienced this, I know my own opportunity, I will ask for a great refining teacher ... I hope this time I can reach a wish!"

"The brother will be able to do it, I am particularly confident to the brothers!"

"Multi-college brother Ji Yan, brother, I also wish you all the bones once, from this way to practice!"

The two encourage each other and the next two days. In the morning of the third day, the door came to a yellow crown, which is the Jindan who trial Zhaoran. He summoned all the seven people living in this embarrassment, with them out of the hospital door, passing several cloisers and gardens, came to a lobby.

The lobby is neutralizing a table for Zhang Tianshi. The table is surrounded by five-color silk, and the towns and towns are in the town, and the surroundings have a long case, and the case is arranged in the case of 36 days, the seventy-two-pointed lights, and there are also various fast-cutters. Zhao Ran didn't have the same day, and immediately saw that these laws can be a real instrument. It is definitely not the weibabare that I have presided over the nurture in Yanyu County!

Seven beds were placed on the lobby, which was prepared for them.

It is a big refining teacher Yuanyang Bin. The lobby is four corners. It has four Taoist who holds the peach and sword, preparing to match the Yuan Dynasty, the "Shengmen Altar", Jin Teng En .

Yuan Dynasty refining teacher explained a few words, then he said: "Ji Ni has arrived, opening an hour!" Xiang Tianshi went to the table, follow the words. After these works were completed, Zhao Ran felt that the whole lobby was wrapped in a solemn atmosphere, and the gas machine in the hall was one. (Understanding ..) (this article is started)

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