Taoist Law

Chapter 71 is qualified and unqualified

In order to this important pressure test, Zhao Ran not only invited Hong Ze, but also the red pine and the dragon mother-in-law were also invited to the day by him, plus Sun Zhen people, and the headquarters gathered a place. It is closed, two refining, and three big refining teachers. In this power, the test can truly effectively.

At first, Hong Ze is unwilling to go out, when the family is in trouble, he was blocked by Shao Da Tianshi in the cave house, consciously did not have exhausted, seeing people.

However, Zhao Ran personally went to the door, and said that the two refining @ @

Zhao Ran specially prepared a welcome ceremony, and made Hong Zezhen a promotion, scratching the itch of this old squid, and he kicked him that he would not win, which began to discuss the test plan.

When I arrived, I confirmed that the riverside has been cleaned up, and several great refining teachers were highly revised at the same time. Fourth Sea, Vuluder, and Dragon Mother's mother-in-law, the bridge pier, Hong Zhenzhen and Sun Biyun, and the red pine was under water.

Hong Ze is in the case, starting the turning circle around the pier, the more tour, the more you rolled up a river, and a vortex of a rapid flying. The whirlpool rides the river to rotate, form a long and sustainable force, pick up the eddy current tear pushing the bridge pier.

It is a force, even Sun Biyun and Nagonians can't bear it, and then withdrew from ten feet.

The two are not idle, each of the magic weapons, Sun Biyun is a Zijin Luo, and the red pine is a glazed town paper, and there is a way to control the magic weapon, and the trend of eddy current helps it.

At this moment, there is a lot of big waves on the river. The water has skyrocketed three pieces high, and the waves are connected, and they hit the bridge piers standing in the river.

The headquarters on the shore have long been withdrawn from the high embankment, and though, there is still a non-stop wave. The waves rolled up the spray formed rain fog floating to both sides, like a rain, and wet all people's clothes.

This lasts last more, and the upstream puts a lot of rolling woods and ships, driven by wild water flow, such as rushing towards the bridge, impact on it.

At the end of the ugly, the bridge pier has been observing the bridge-shaped Wudang's big refiningant to take the flight instrument to leave the bridge pier, fly to the upstream direction, and jointly play a set of high-order characters, constitute a hurricane in the air.

At a moment, the wind is mastering, the rolled up higher waves should be put to the bridge pier, and the wind is affected on the high embankment on both sides of the strait, blowing the big tree in the vibration, the tree leaves are awkward.

A set of characters can continue to be fragrant, and the law is just consumed, and the three big refiningors are also a set of high-order characters, keep the wind keep.

In order to test this test, Zhao Ran prepared three three-order advanced character of three thousand two silver to ensure that the wind did not be reduced.

The embankment is a monk, and the vanish will have a long time, otherwise it will be scraped directly into the river directly.

By the wind, Hong Ze began to force, and the river was jumped in the sky, jumping through the bridge, falling from the other side. As he jumped out again and again, the waves gradually rose, formed more than ten huge waves, took it from above, and hit it.

A huge waver is then a torrent, and the river is flourishing. The whole rumor is under the scope of the rain.

This is the right!

Until the beginning, Hong Ze was stopped, and the rebound was brought to the shore. Sun Biyun and the red pine also collected the instrument, plunding the bridge pier.

Zhao Ran got Xie: "The old senior has worked hard.

After the bridge is built, it must be printed on the stone monument in the stone monument. After thousands of years, the world people still do everything from the old senior. "

Hong Zai is a smile: "That is not enough, let me know that the people in the world don't remember, by him." Polite two sentences, and added: "But if you really want to be a monument, the old man is recommended Pavilion is scheduled to be inscription, I don't know if it is? "

"Haha, it is like the intention of the old senior."

Zhao Ran accompanied Hongzhizhen to eat wine, Sun Biyun took people four to check the status of the pier, check the damage of the water, after the inspection, to Zhao Rongfei: "Strust like Taishan!"

A high-end joy is on the top of the high embankment.

Zhao Ran announced that from the beginning of August, the Heavenly Changjiang Bridge officially started!

It is necessary to wait two months, one is to wait for the completion of the Jinchuan River, to verify and test the tensile force; the second is to leave time, reserve massive materials.

Zhao Ran urged Yang Huinxin, asking Taijuan Pavilion once again accelerated the speed of refining steel, and built the steel volume and Jinchuan river slope bridge in Heaven, there were several times!

Yang Huinxin immediately said that the three iron-iron furnaces made from the end of the wood have been completed. She has been to the road to the road to receive, there are three blast furnaces, and the muanxuna can start at the same time. Refining special effects steel and ordinary steel, guarantees that it is not treated to the bridge to drag the leg.

I saw the construction of Jinchuan River, the Scholand Bridge, witnessed the test of the pier, Yang Huinxin has been excited to participate in such a great project.

If you say that he is a long repair, earning the silver is her most beginning, then from today, her wish has increased in the wishes: everything for the bridge!

In June, Zhao Ran is waiting for the feedback from all parties, including the progress of Wudang Mountain Refined Pier, the completion of the mitastery refining steel steel, should be the brick, gravel of the official kiln and quarry in the Tianfu Save the amount, the classics of the third training course in the Architect Monk, the Ministry of Education calls the number of traits in all provinces, as well as the payment and income account of the money.

He even purchased the first batch of five thousand two small silver tickets to the Baoarian Division, it was too busy.

But there is a brief from Tianfu, but he has to find a way to solve.

This is a document transferred from Mao Mountain, which is a civilized city creation assessment committee.

Last year, Zhao Ran has launched a civilized city creation activities in the county of Tianfu. With the support of the Dali Temple Shaoqing Zheng Pengong, the activities will be paved throughout the South, but after being opened, there is no sum of it, because Qi Wang Compromise.

In November last year, after the top three palace, this matter was handed over to Mushan. Zhao Ran did not expect that Mao Mountain did not stove, but the shipment of the boat accepted his assessment approach, and even the creation of Nanzhi-civilized city created in the front of Qi Wang.

Mao Mountain used two months, quietly visited the county of Nanzhi, and suddenly launched the results.

Wang Zongyi forwarded the briefcase, because Shangyuan County and Jiangning County were listed in the last level, named unqualified!


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