Taoist Law

Chapter 80

() Under the overtime of the amber Taoist and the body, the Dragonfly, the first five hundred parts of the six hundred and five-level container ships created by the Longjiang Shipyard.

Zhao Ran rushed to see the water ceremony and was more satisfied with the overall situation of the ship. After the boat is underwater, it takes a while to equip the ship sail, anchor anchor, and other equipment. In addition to the sea trial, it takes about a month to officially constrain, and it is urgent.

But Zhao Ran believes that the problem should not be large, after all, is a wooden sailboat, basically use after the water, there is no cumbersome and long-term debugging process. Therefore, he directly paid the first silver directly to the Longjiang Shipyard, a total of 100,000.

Zhao Ran is currently the most concerned of the zero-five-level warship and fast patrol boats are still in the process of preparation. If you want to see them, at least two months later, this makes him some regrets, sorry to do it too late. .

In order to encounter three hundred and two silver, Zhao Ran specially issued a "Mid-Autumn Festival condolence fee" to the new Jiangkou shipyard, and the Mid-Autumn Festival condolence fee ", motivate them to work overtime, and add bricks to the ship's shipbuilding.

Just after the Mid-Autumn Festival, Zhao Ran began to consider the sailor recruitment of the inspection fleet. After half a year, the auditor ships will usher in the first batch of ships, the warships, four patrol ships, 36 container ships, a total of nearly a thousand sailors, artillery and nearly 60 monks.

The sailor also said that Nanzhi and Zhejiang are all in the sea province. As long as the sapphires are given, the self-owned sailors are willing to raise. The key is that it is willing to go out that the sea is less than the monk of the captain, and now you must prepare in advance.

To this end, Zhao Ran once again summoned the young monk again in "Junshan Notes" and "The Imperial City", this time, his number of ordinary numbers is less.

Above is an illustration, an illustration is a wave of wars in the sea. It is actually only a bow, and the bow is standing on a sword. The left hand holds a halves, the right hand is holding the rudder, the sea breeze It seems extraordinary.

Below below, write such a sentence: Do you want to be a captain? Our journey is the star sea! Chicken spells in the fleet invites you to join.

This is a picture of the photography, the protagonist on the picture is the Du Yangchen, which is a resolute, and the photographer is a girl. Zhao Ran believes that Du Yangchen's face is thin, compared to the mirror, and his own battle is a model, so it is good to say that he promised to serve as a propaganda ambassador.

After the announcement was issued, he immediately attracted a number of monks to come to apply. In view of Zhang Hao's previous car, the chicken governed to correspond to the background of the fundraising. It is a hundred and fifty monks to the end of the registration deadline.

among them,

There are twenty-seven in the hall, and the family and the door are one hundred and twenty-three, and the golden monk is 18, the rest is the following.

In the course of the course, in addition to inviting experience in the coastal watermakers to give them a school, please ask Wang Chengyu, seeking the Triaowi, etc., the chicken gave them to explain overseas affairs, and the first ship created. The container ship has also taken it out, while the sea trial is held at sea training.

Lu Xixing has been in the preparation of the monks' training. At the opening ceremony, he reported to Zhao Rong: "The sea captain of the chicken is trained, and the Raytar Pavilion is very important. My teacher and Du Tianshi often contact me, inquiry progress "

Lei Qi has not put too much attention to the sea business. Their focus is the West and the north of the Buddha, Zhao Ran does not necessarily can't really lead the attention of two sits. It is in the gap to fill the Raytrane's affairs, and it is not surprising that the eyes of the two real men are not surprising.

In the discussion, Li Da hidden in helping the preparation training course: "When is it going back to Da Junshan?"

Zhao Rong said: "Tomorrow, this month, please have two more people. In addition, the Ministry of Military and the Military Supervisors have agreed that the officers and soldiers in some water camps will be disbanded. Please prepare for the two. It is our backbone that we prepare the inspection fleet. "

Zhao Ran wants to go back to the pro, the captain training class is handed over to Lucyx and Li Dawei, Lu Xixing is responsible for training, Li Dawei is responsible for management, and all the division. They will also rush to Junshan in the Double Ceremony, and then come back after the ceremony.

Li Da hiped his hand: "Let's rest assured, we can't slack off, I recently feel that I have a bridge, the watermark, and more than the money is more thoughtful, and I think of the kind of maritime warship that I said. The grand scene of the gathered, I couldn't sleep. I will move the chicken in tomorrow. When I stare at this guy, I dare to be lazy every day. "

Zhao Ran smiled: "The practice of the ball competition and lottery tickets can not be handed over, but we will build a big bridge and engage in the fuel support of the fleet."

Li Da Hiword: "Reassure, Yuanfu Palace's affairs, Peng Shi has been able to take over."

The next day, Yuan Fu Palace disciple Zhou Ke Li and Ling came to the chicken governing from the cloud, will be Zhao Ran, Luohuaiqing, Suichuan and Zhuge Jiaguang and others to pick up the Junshan.

The instrument is steadily in the high altitude, leaving the shackles of Jingshi, only the blue sky and group of the blue, Zhao Ran, is quite a few more times, "I have been in Fan Causan, and I have returned to the nature" a feeling of.

Luo Zhiqing closed his eyes in the corner of the lotus, which belongs to his normal, and everyone does not make up.

Looking at the white clouds outside the lotus and the green-free mountains and rivers, Zhao Ran asked: "Is there a new journal?"

Zhuge Jiaguang took out the latest "Huangcheng inside and outside", Zhao Ran, head: "Mind."

Suichuan took over and opened the first page: "" "The sea is self-intercepting the vessel, just in order not to pay the sea trade license management fee?" Recently, there is a rumor saying that a few overseas monks have a party, ready to establish ...... "

Listening to Suichuan, Zhao Ran closed his eyes and debugged, and the inner should sink into the sea.

The gods in the gas sea from Jin Dan's gods have completed the substance, and no one in the room has been accepted, and the merits are still filled with the gas sea, the meridians, and the ridges. The body is still surrounded by a lot of merits, and the drill should be squeezed into the body.

It is so suspended as the substantive gods, and it is high in the gas sea.

Zhao Ran started to apply, catalyzes white light in accordance with the practice of congenital merits.

"Water is turned to be fired, and you will die. The sun and the moon are neurifold, often in the mouth. Shui Shengkan invaded the sun, the fire fell from the white and yang phase, the symptoms nature."

The yin and yang two in the body, the yin is the true yin, for the next day, the yin, the Yang is true, for the congenital elevation. Ganlu as in the Chinese palace, the same as the relationship between the day, condensed to Greater Dan.

The feelings are Yuan Jing, the sex is the same, the weather is the wife, the two are true, and the lead mercury is condensed.

The sacred tires are built, and the sound of the cry is faintly echoating in the four weeks. Within the sea, there is no damage to the world, and the hand is held. His breathing has been in the body and is extremely mysterious.

The god of infants and the baby are already. On August 28, China, the 16th year of Zhao Ran, stepped into refining troops.

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