Taoist Law

Chapter 85 for maritime order

When Xu Yunyu was on the big monarch mountain, Zhao Ran came back from the water curtain hole. I heard that Xu Zhen arrived, and even busy chicken flying dogs rushed to the town of Lake.

Jiang Tenghe and Zhao Li Niang are speaking with Xu Yun, Zhao Ran stands on a somatling. When the teacher duplex, Xu Yun is coming to the ceremony, but a dual-cultivation of the disciples of the late generations must attend, explaining that Xu Yunyu may have something to find himself.

Accompiled for a while, Jiang Tenghe and Zhao Li Niang saw Xu Yun's eyes to sweep, and he was afraid that he had something to talk about it, and he asked him to rest early, leaving the house.

Sure enough, Zhao Ran was cheered by Xu Yun: "Don't go, at sea, you will talk to you."

Obviously, Xu Yunxu has a lot of understanding of the recent situation in the sea, and how much is the last understanding of Lu Xixing, so the two can skilled the process of explaining the process, directing the core problem.

"It's almost a big ship, I am afraid it is not only to kill the Ling Quanwei Tong Tao people? If you want to do this, Xi Xing and Yang Chen have suggested me and Du Tianshi, watch the time, hit! "

Zhao Rong said: "Xu Shibo said that, do you have a dagger?"

Xu Yun was stunned, and the reinforcement was reacted: "Dagger action? Well, this word is good, it is a dagger action. They have given me a suggestion, one by the merchant ship, worse the name of the ship, gradually relying on the spirit Island. On the boat, a flying manager is ready to touch the exact point of the humane people. You can kill it! You don't have to use too many people, gather three refining teachers, twelve big masters, form three groups, two groups A group of treatments, with this power, such as the eagle, the Linghadia is afraid to stop. "

Zhao Ran's head: "Similar programs, we have studied, even in order to guarantee the wish, it is possible to ask Pan Yuanjun and Hong Ze's main shot, because there is news, heard that Yu Tong people can invite two sizes in the East China Sea Demon. "

Xu Yunni nodded: "They also told me with me, a name called Cai Wei fairy, a truth, Taoist Pavilion is not much recorded in these two formal demon, so I want to ask today. There is no more news here. What is the number of two-digit big demon? What is the relationship between the people in Wutong? "

There is a custom-made big demon guard, and the severity of the problem is definitely different. After at least the Wutong Taoist people, the possibility of revenge is considered. Will it be retalled, but also to see what the two big demon and the Wutong people are.

The problem that still needs to be considered is that the fairy and live people are in the formation, if only the first chemical shape, go to the two refining deficiency, but if it is a secondary, it is as Zhao Ran. Words must be invited to Pan Yuanjun and Hong Ze.

But there is a lot of trouble.

If you are truth, things will be very difficult because it is difficult to kill, and if you can't kill, you can't sleep.

Zhao Rao said: "These news, Xieling Palace has been trying to play, the Tangyuan has made him tried to do our best, but it is very difficult. After all, the Xingling Palace has just spread it ... At the same time we are also strengthening communication with overseas. , Understand the relevant news ... "

Xu Yunni nodded: "It's still full, I thought that the head of the action is acceptable, why can I have been pressing, while spending a big spending to build a fleet?"

Zhao Rong said: "When it comes to this, we must go back to the original point, ie, we hit the Lingqiang Island smuggling group headed by Wutong Taoist, what is it."

Donned, continue to pass: "Overseas is so vast, we have always said that it is also the door, it is Daming, but it is not the case. In Yuanfu Palace, I mentioned it, the repair certificate is also good, sea During the trade license, it is in order to make the disorder become an orderly, this order is an orderly order under our Taoist, but not the order, so it can get the need to get ridiculous and flying. Robility and practice the resources needed. "

"Today's Donghai and the South China Sea are a plate of sand, dominant, is the jungle law, not order. In this environment, suppose we succeeded, what happened?"

"The next few years of Lingqi Island will enter the chaotic period, and the Wutong Taoist people don't have a powerful, and they will come up with power, and they will re-decreasing a new island owner, new Wutong Taoist."

"Because we don't have a water teacher, we can only look at all this happen. If the new Wutong Tao people can't make a good idea, maybe we will launch a second beam action. Then, Linglu Islands will appear Three humane people, the East China Sea and the South China Sea are still not us. "

"I think, this kind of behead action is not what I want, it should not be a real teacher. The disciple believes that the dagger action can be, but not now, only when we have strength to build an orderly sea, This program is necessary to put a schedule. Now, the existence of Wutong Taoist people is exactly the best excuses we build a watermaster. It is the best reason for our island, an island. From this perspective, I Even I don't want him to die early. "

Xu Yunzhen was in thought, for a long time, to Zhao Rong said: "I hope so. I will go back first. In the past two years, you are also busy enough, this opportunity to take a few days."

The six-seat villas on the lake will live full, followed by Xu Yunzhen, it is the side of the wood. He is the father of Rong Niang, nature is to come over.

And the long-distance Tao is really true, it is the real person, which is a real man, who is unanimously submitted as a celebration.

Then the red pine live and Dragona mother-in-law, they represent Wushuang hidden fairy to meet, and they also sent a greetings for the family.

Such a lively celebration, when there is a little in Hong Ze, Zhao Ran not only invited him to come to the congress, but also gave him a living, and the Mushan is a demon.

Hong Ze is prepared for this for this for a long time, and then she has come to the Junshan, and after returning to the lakeside villa, it will be closed, carefully try to make a class.

The Lord of Hongze came to Sichuan. It must not report the Lord of Qingshan. Zhao Ran also prepared an invitation to Qingjun. He is coming over, and then please go to the Daqing Mountain in the Qing Dynasty.

What I didn't think of Zhao Ran is that Zhou Zhen is actually invited, so that Zhao Ran has some handsome. Her arrival, all of the six rods of the lake are full.

Fortunately, Zhao Ran is a groom, don't have been accompanying, otherwise it is really divorted.

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