Taoist Law

Chapter 94 Expansion

Chaohu is located in Southeast, a small half in Changzhou, mostly in Suzhou, and is connected to the Yangtze River.

The Ministry also has a shipyard in Chaohu, which is located in Qishuguan, which mainly creates a river boat below 100. Every year, hundreds of various types of patrol boats, wind boats, etc. are built, and Jianghuai Shuiuan and the three water camps are added.

Before Zhao Ran and Lu Xixing came, the situation of this has been understood, after the field exploration, the recognition is more clear.

It can only create a boat, and basically mainly flattened, eating is between two feet and three feet. I want to let the build five bass, even if it is only three hundred or more sea boats, I am not reality. The top is more than 2,000, but also to transform the boat.

In addition to the experience and ability of the boats and workers, the ship here is not suitable for the big ship construction and needs to be transformed. In addition, the three hundred yards of the created, the water is six feet to one feet, so deep to eat water, there are some waterways that are still caught, need to be excavated.

It is nothing to see on the current situation.

After the military department of the shipyard, the contract was negotiated, Zhao Ran down thirty two hundred patrol boats, sixty one blem of a happy trip. The patrol boat's drawings and instructions Zhao Ran came over, directly gave it to the leader, the fashion shipyard of the trip ship.

The total price of the order is 120,000, which is equivalent to the total amount of Shiwu shipwrend's order in the past eight years. It is better here that there is a lot of boys and workers, and it can be built in three batches. It is expected to be able to pay in June.

Zhao Ran took the order and 60,000 pre-payment, and pulled Lu Xixing to Longjiang Shipyard, on the road, he said to Lucyxue: "My fault, I'm negligent, didn't attract enough attention, no full Prepared, there is a single ship, it is over half a year. It is too important for half a year. If there is no delay in these half years, Li Dawei has now got a lot of battles, not so difficult. "

Lu Xixing said: "It is already good enough to do it. In the second, March began to prepare, who can think of Lingqi Island to fight against me? It must be calm, take over the previous period, with Damo's strength, Why wouldn't you lose. "

After returning to the Longjiang Shipyard, eight ships have been all started, and four five hundred battle boats are being built at the same time. Four two boats are patrolling boats. Lucyx is directly under the nominality of the Tiandong Palace, and the new Jiangkou branch required by the Ministry of War will immediately expand the boat.

The company's car driver's official and the captain quickly took out the expansion plan and was prepared to add four boats in two months. This is already the biggest capacity, the ship is not complicated, there is no technical content, the real difficulty is the tramatic teacher and the shipper, expanded from the four boat, need to have more than forty experienced travers and two hundred boatman, Xinjiang mouth points There are not so many people in the factory.

Thanks to the rich labor system. Under the pressure of Lucy, the military department issued to Nanzhi and Zhejiang coastal government, forcibly recruited local experienced boats and shippets came to the sky, and they arrived within one month.

The two returned to the civil shipyard, and the 16 boat are busy building a variety of civilians. Lu Xixing also saved the shipyard of the shipyard with the name of Raytrane, and the vessel created on the ship is completed, and a ship is completed, and all the private ship orders are all retained.

Zhao Ran calculated the production speed. When the end of June, the inspection fleet will have the latest five hundred materials, the two hundred patrol boats, and the 100-year-old trocket is sixty.

As long as Li Da hides you can support it to the end of June,

The situation will be tilted towards Daming.

Zhao Ran siler prayed: "Lao Li, you must hold it."

When I returned to the chicken, Zhao Ran received the report of : "Brother, Donghai is coming, I have to see you."

Zhao Ran asked: "Who?"

"Two, a surname is ancient, a surname, said it is a Lingqi Island."

Zhao Ran Shen Yu diamond, told: "You see it first, I am very busy here."

Specifically, only one of the people is Lingqiao, name is Chen Xiazhu, and the other is called ancient rush, it is not a Lingqi Island, but Nanzhi's famous scattered martial arts - Baisha Bang .

Baisha helps the water, and their site is also on the island, which is Baisha Island, Northeast, Chongming Island. The distance between Baisha Island and the land has also caused the subtle relationship between Baisha Bang and Duanmen and Officials.

It is well accepted, but it is not so easy.

The ancient Chong took the identity of a group, accompanied that Chen Fenzhu came to the chicken, which it also illustrated this. He smiled, he was so late: "Yan Manager, I am also homoked by people, referrally. This is the main leader of Lingqi Islands," Tsamu, Chen's leader is entrusted by Wutong Island, there is something Meet the abbot. I am a middleman, what is wrong, you have two talks, I will stay outside. "

I nodded, Gu Chong's meaning is very clear. He is actually an insured, to protect Zhao Ran, and Chen Feizhu does represent the Linguan Island, not anyone who hits the flag.

After the ancient rushing, he didn't move to Chen Xianshu: "What is your business?"

Chen Xiazhu smiled and was very casual, sitting on the chair opposite the rock, and climbed out a long white snake, wrapped in the wrist, and spit the snack in the mouth of the tongue. , Then turn to Chen Xiazhu: "Sleid bamboo, this is the manager?"

Chen Wongzhu nod: "Yu Jingzi said friend, opposite the manager of the chicken."

Yu Jingzi's screaming: "It is said that the manager is like a flower, but it is so, Pu Tongtong."

Chen Fenzhu smiled: "Taoist ancestors can pass Bai Yujing, and the general figure can certainly can't get your mental eye."

Yu Jingzi said: "It's so truthful, Bai Lai, I am not fun. I have said that Zhao Fangtu said, I took a nap."

Is this deliberately invited a demon to show yourself? In the middle of the heart, I am so laughed, and I don't have much tongue. Ask: "What happened? Say, Zhao Fangbu is very busy, I am very busy."

Chen Xiazhu shakes his head, said: "Yan Manager, are you busy at the moment? It is also no wonder that the East Sea Army will kill the door. Zhao Fang is afraid that it is a hand-held? Hey."

Yu Jingzi also took a smile, and he won't be hit.

I don't say that I don't say it, I don't think about Chen Xiazhu. After a while, these two were borne, and Chen Xianshu said: "Ming said, he has been to ask Zhao Fangtang by my family of Hundred Islands."


"Sea Trade License, withdraw or non-withdrawal?"

Diki is nodded: "Are you coming to the chicken and talk about the sea trade license?"

Chen Xianshu said: "That manager believes that I will come to you to drink tea? Haha ... nor can it ..."

If you are a person, he has a lesson, but it has been the command of Zhao Ran, knowing that the overall situation is heavy, endure: "Since it is on the official, please ask two rest. Old ancient -"

Gark Xue should enter the house: "Yan Manager?"

: "Prepare the room, so life, don't slow down."

Chen Xiazhu is stunned: "What is this?"

Zhong Sini flat gas and explained to him: "Since it is on the official, it is of course a procedure."


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