Taoist Law

Chapter 96 Problem

Donadians and Yu Jingzi took a total of overnight, the two decided to go down the mountain.

Chen Xianshu said: "If you don't believe Zhao Ziran, you will cover the sky! , there is still no way to say? Let's go to the Tiangong!"

Yu Yuzi said full support: "I will wait for the negotiation, what is the chicken spending me? Caiked? Go!"

From the cage of the cage, walk in the south, after a book side, Yu Yuziz reminds Chen Xianshu: "Go in and see, there is no last time" Huangcheng inside and outside "."

There is a book in the bookmark, and it is an agency, so Chen Xiazhu bought a collection of Jiajing twenty-eight years, twenty-nine years and the first year of the Longqing, prepared to go back to "Shang Zhou League Guo Chuan". .

When I arrived in the Temple Palace, the door room listened to their home door, immediately entered the supreme, after a long time, I have to see my family hospital, first write a written application. "

Chen Xiazhu blind: "How to write? All said, I am a person in Lingqi Island, I will negotiate with you! I have to see Lu Xingxing!"

The door is now changing: "My Family Palace is the name is what you call it? Don't you want to make trouble? You are where you are here, you also dare to get wild! Roll!"

Chen Fenzhu angered: "Lingqi Island! You didn't listen to it? Lingqi Island!"

The house snorted: "Ling for the island? Which island can't!" He said he greet, out of the two monks, and the face is not good.

Chen Xiazhu is a golden Dan, Yu Jingzi is also a spirit of Kidan, and it is not afraid of two yellow crown. But is this a fight? Is it a place to fight?

Forcibly put the anger and turn it.

This day was busy, running the Lingji Palace, Xingling Palace, Yunyuan Fuqong and even the Division Division did not have exception, asked him to first fill in the form, make an appointment write application.

They returned to the chicken and sit on the chair.

Chen Xianshu thought for a long time, said: "It seems that the Beijing said that it is necessary to talk about the procedures, and it is not a roam. It is also, the tao said is right, don't take the procedure, who meets us and we meet the enemy. I am suspicious ... Yu Yuzi Yu friends ... Taoist friends I discuss with you ... "

"Ah ... discuss, um ..."

Chen Fenzhu smashed the "Huangcheng inside and outside": "Don't look at it, let's talk about it!"

Yu Jingzi is sitting opposite the table, the snake head suddenly pulled on the table, and the heart is not willing to say: "Hey, first let this fairy look at it, just start ..."

Chen Xianshu said: "What should I do if I say?"

The two little eyes of Yu Jingzi stared at the "Huangcheng inside and outside of the Huangcheng", and the heart is not here: "Write ..."

Chen Xiazhu asked: "True to write?"

Yu Jingzi saw that his eyes were free, it seems to be out of the window, so he quietly swimped to him the right hand of the journal: "Write."

Chen Xiazhu thought: "The spiritual citizens and Chao Tiandong attitudes are the worst, the Xingling Palace is polite, but also more enthusiasm, let's write to Xingling Palace!"

"Why don't you write to the chicken directly?"

"That Yan Manager, cold ice, refused to be a thousand miles, I would like to let her know, my Lingqi Island monk is not impair! There is no thing I can't do! Waiting for her in the future.

I want her to come back to ask me! "

"Do you look at her?"

"Hu said, there is no thing, Pu Tongtong a Kun Dao, I look at her? Joke!"

"In fact, if you change the eyes of adults, it is not so ordinary, and you know that my family is in Bai Yujing, and the eyes are naturally high ..."

"Is it really ok?"

"of course……"

"Well, I decided, please post it to Xingling Palace!"

Yu Jingzi finally waited for a good opportunity to act, and smashed the journal in the past, reappearing to the top of the table.

Chen Xianshu and Yu Jingzi once again came to the Xingling Palace, and the door monk smiled and took them in two forms: "Two fills."

Chen Feizhu frowned: "How to fill? Yesterday I didn't just fill it?"

"It's a charm of the road. I gave you two old versions yesterday. That has been abolished, I fill in the new table after the first year of Long Qing, fill in the project."

Chen Xiazhu looked at it. Sure enough, it was better than yesterday, such as "residence", "currently", "Zeng live", such as "island", "current position", "The affairs", also added "" Testable Insurance (at least two) "," Flying Connection Print ", etc.

Chen Xiazhu fills on one side, asked: "How to fill two?"

Xiangling Palace Monk Answer: "Sorry, I didn't see this big franchise yesterday, since I saw it, please fill in it."

When Chen Xiazhu fused, he was fainted by these messy projects, and there was no thinking about it, and the pen was flying. It's hard to fill it, and the twist is seen next to the table is still a blank, urged Yu Jingzi: "Hurry up the pen!"

Yu Jing sub-disk is on the chair, and he is said: "This is not waiting for you to fill."

Chen Xiazhu is not good. "You are not doing you know!"

Yu Jingzi looked down at himself: "This is a literacy, but this fairy is not able to write a pen!"

Chen Xiazhu scratched his head: "Well ..."

After the two forms were filled, the door monk was satisfied, and the Yan Yue color said: "What is the two?"

"Isn't it said yesterday? We want to see the Tangyuan!"

"Written application……"

"Have yourself, take it!"

After I took the application, the monk took only one eye, and the face is now color: "Sorry two, this application ... Hey, the format is not right!"

"What do you mean?"

"You have written in the format."

Chen Xiazhu thought, yesterday in the chicken, the small road named Yang Fuwen handed it to a single child, and the format of the application is listed. I didn't think of it last night.

I quickly took it out, I saw it on the spot, I couldn't help but smash: "Is this complicated? What is this? The title is not to bring an application?"

The door monk is patiently explained: "It is for convenience of distinguishing, application, reporting, notice, program, briefing, decree, etc., all according to this classification, will be good in future.

"The left and right empty three points, why?"

"Convenient to bind."

"There is only twelve rows per page, two lines are separated, what is this?"

"Easy to get on the head to get the opinion. You are all filled, what opinions do you have?"

"Why do you have to use a book?"

"The official document, prevent identification ... Yes, your content has to be re-complied, first clear your origin, write, then apply it ..."

"Do you have to write this?"

"How many official documents on the day? How can I go to your article to find these things? Usually, I have to write. You have to write, it is likely to take care of the things. Who is crying? "

"Why do you have to write Rass's 'is correct, please display'?"

"Wen text is like a dialogue, you don't ask questions, how do you pick you up? Of course, you don't like this sentence, in fact, you can change it, such as 'hope, please approve it,' ..."

"Yu Jingzi, which sentence do you think?"

"Still ', no, please" good.' I hope that I will be approved to be a little humble, and I don't meet your identity. "

"It makes sense ..."


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