Taoist Law

Chapter 99, Spring

This thick signature list is sent by the transit vessel, and Chen Fenzhu received the best in the future, which means that he can continue to take the next step.

In addition to the joy, he asked: "Why is it for so long, it's a month."

The other party replied: "For this signature, let's talk to the people, do two island owners, have been a long time for a long time, it's fast!"

Chen Xiazhu immediately understood that there was a tragic battle scene in front of him, and sighed to Yu Jingzi: "Compared with the day, overseas days are really dangerous."

After leaning these negative emotions, Chen Xiazhu once again opened the days of rushing the chicken and the Xingling Palace. In fact, he didn't have to take the Showen Palace, because he has now no emotion of the chicken, not only There is no emotion, and there is a bit of good feelings.

Because there is an ancient refining teacher who is more likely to have a lot of pain, there are a few obsessive lottery and practice balls, and Liu Chi, who is drinking with him, Jiji Tong and Lin Ah rainy, a funny king Zengpeng and can pull a hills of the piano, and often fight with himself, and the seven-star monks who have been sticking together.

Finally, I can still see the cold beauty of the long legs.

Perhaps to adhere to the application for the Xingling Palace, it is only a matter of obeys. Of course, there is no such thing as the reason for the warfare. The other party has so much, if you change the door to turn the instrument, he doesn't know how to The other party explains, will this be a betrayal?

The door monk sat in the opposite of Chen Fenzhu, quietly looked through the materials he handed, looked over, smiling and nodded: "Qi, you can pay."

When Chen Xiazhu suddenly gave a breath, the tight sitting position was also released, and the chair was back, and the sigh said: "It's not easy."

The door is said: "Go, I will take you to the House Secretary". "

This is so many times, and the first time I went in, I walked through a red wall, turned a few bends, entered a small court, and people came to people, everyone is busy.

Waiting for a moment outside the bench outside the door, Chen Fenzhu heard his name, quickly enter, sit down before a table.

"Do you want to see Tangyuan?"


"Well, the materials are very sufficient, fill in the form."

Chen Fenzhu's skilled note fills the form, this form is simple, he will soon fill it, only one column can't put a pen.

"what's happenin?"

"This repair certificate number ... I have no practice certificate."

"There is no practice certificate? It can't, who knows who you are? How can this help you make an appointment? Who dares to make an appointment?"

Chen Xiazhu wanted to explain, but still responded, more than a month experience told him that it is useless, there is no, the stipulations are the provisions, the other party is sympathy, and it can be understood. If you can't do it.

He swallowed the distinctive words, and the edition asked: "What should I do?"

"Go to the revision"! "

"it is good."

After coming back from the Lingji Palace, Yu Jingzi's little snake head explored in a journal: "Haven't passed?"

Chen Fenzhu said: "Don't be so pessimistic, don't look more about grades and progress.

Good news, I have entered the secretary of the Lingji Palace today. "

"What about bad news?"

"Need to do the certificate."

"You see, still have a certificate? Let's see the time, even I have already done one, you don't listen, now?"

"Ok, look at your three countries. I didn't want to pass it at the time?"

"Then you hurry, I will not accompany it."

"Still want to tell the island owner, get the written reply to the island, go to the company. This program does not go, it will be a big loss in the future. Don't worry!"

After three days, in the repeated insistence of Chen Fenzhu, the reply issued by the Wutong Taoists finally passed to the hand of Chen Fenzhu. He was happy to rush to the training form.

Let's see the child on the chair, one side: "I have long been coming to you, I will come to the eye, see, don't listen to the old man, lose in front of you?"

"You just have a big point, the old man is old, don't call yourself, it is not high in the future."

"Hey, dare to damage me ... Little face, bow, over, take a little bit, oh, ok, don't move!"


"Is there a time tonight? Go to the town Jiangyin."

"Okay, so far ... Hey, this time there is a flying instrument? So big movement ....."

"Well, the news is conclusive, the Ding Group will go."

"And them? Do you want to be so unlucky ..."

After returning from Zhenjiang, Chen Xiazhu rushed to the Lingji Palace. This time, he solemnly filled into his own repair certificate in the form, carefully blowing, and then got a reply, and found a soup. The time of the court was scheduled for three days after the second day, he had a moment.

This day, I finally waited for a good night's night, and I came to the Lingji Palace on the second day. I looked at the door in the door. I didn't see the enthusiastic door monk, so I asked: " Isn't today's round value? "

The inside answers: "The old horse has taken away."

Chen Xiazhu suddenly took a while: "I haven't had time to leave a flying contact imprint ..."

Chen Xiazhu is the big figure seen in Tang Yaozu's study. This day's experience made him completely understand, sitting in the Xingling Palace of Miyu, how much is the Tang Yaozu on this seat, once I think here, he It is ashamed for the light waves that I have just come.

Although the Tangyuan is respected, but there is no shelf, treating people can pro, talking is good, the only regret is that his business is still not yet.

Just introduced your own intention, the conditions mentioned by the Islander League have not said that they will stop being blocked by the Tangyuan.

Tangyuan tells him that it is very gentle, things are involved in Haitang, and everything in this business is, and he should go to Chicken, he should talk to the chicken, not to the Pekun Palace.

The Tangyuan has made a very angry inquiry, who is the reception, why not tell him about these things at the beginning, let him run alone? It is also said that the responsibility of the reception staff should be investigated.

Chen Fenzhu quickly explained, said that he would not blame others, he didn't make it clear. He is really enthusiastic about the truth of the door.

Holding his own material from the Xingling Palace, Chen Xiazhu looks up to the blue sky and white clouds. I don't know, it is already spring, watching the green trees that have been full of new leaves, listen to the birds that are bullied in the tree, he re-enhances the spirit, and the biggest meteor returns to the chicken.

Although everything returned to the origin, he suddenly felt that at the moment, the situation was not so bad, at least you can stay in a day, isn't it?

Chicken Ming Dynasty, Dragonfly, Fill in the form, pushing a bunch of materials in the code, pushing the code to the opposite Yang Fuwen Road: "Xiao Yang said, I want to meet Zhao Fang, this is all materials, Please have a visit. "


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