Taoist Law

Chapter 103 Pursuit

On May 11, the inspection fleet was on the north of the island. The two two hundred battles were the leader. After five miles, it was the eleven main force. The remaining boats are also divided into two, eight ships are attributed to the leading, mostly with the main passage.

After the first year, Zhu Xiang saw the defeated death, the refining teacher Wang Shouqi woke up from the fog of Chongru, realized the so-called "Confucianism", but it is a glove of the Doumen, and throw itself. The practice of practice is still a Taoist.

After being taken from the Tiandong Palace, I know that I am still can't take the same thing, Wang Shouqiu is finally worthy, and Wang Shouqiu finally has a good fortune. All day re-embarrassing the door practice law, pull the road to the front road, regardless of the road. His a year and a half.

Lu Xixing talented him to join the inspection fleet, he can only be old and actually, and Zhu Tu is a bit work. He has changed from the new, and the Zhao Fangtu, who is smoked, and revenge.

Although the auditor fleet is late, he is a qualified person, and the practice of the so-called Confucianism can rise to the refinery. It is intelligent to see, so the sea drill in more than two months, this is getting better and better, this The second is finally hidden by Li Da, which is a pioneer in front of the army.

He knows that this first descendant's mission is not a charge, but finds the three ships of the East, the Harbor, and therefore rolled away from the top ten ships, miles each other, forming something Search belt with nearly 20 miles, the infinite rock on the head keeps in touch, steadily advanced to the north.

On the third day, the fleet arrived in the Waters, Zhou Keques and Lingnuals and Yun fell to the port, and once again asked the Shoucheng, I asked the case of the ship, and then continued to north.

On the fifth day, when arrived in the East China Waters, Zhou Keques and Ling from the sky had five extremely subtle small black spots on the sea, a slightly dropped height, and finally distinguished the five boats, it looked slightly , Four ships slightly.

They dare not fall back, and they will be easily discovered by the other party, even the highness is already in danger. Once discovered, it is easy to cause the other party to be vigilant. If it is courageous, it may speed up the escape, it is difficult to chase it.

Zhou Ke Li immediately fidel Wang Shouyu: "Wang Fei Master, found suspicious goals, a total of five, a large four small, about 30 miles in front of you."

"Five ships? Isn't three? Can I identify ship type?"

"Yun has no cover, it is possible to find it."

"Understand, continue to monitor."

Wang Shouqiu immediately flying compacted Ri Dawei, please show the machine, Li Dayan ordered: You speed up to the front block, wait for the main force to keep back and then fans.

After the clear order, Wang Shouqiu gathered the pilot fleet, driving two times in the direction of the sea, and then settled the character, and quickly drove in the style, pocket to the north.

The sea chasing is a long process. Many times, it is a patience. Although the inspection fleet is young, it also knows the truth. Wang Shouyu communicates with the heaven Zhou Kequi to adjust the direction of the sailing.

A style is most useless, almost every moment, and let a touch, always guarantee the full wind. When you encounter the wind direction, or when the foreign flow is contrary, you must increase the condition, two or three simultaneous enabled.

Chasing in the evening, Zhou Ke Li sent a flyer: "You have a suspected enemy ship has been in the north in parallel, and it is about 15 miles away.

Please keep the head. The fleet main is in the southwestern direction. The sky is black, and the general command is recommended that you slow down the ship speed, keep the navigation unchanged, and contact us at all tomorrow. "

Wang Shouyu replied: "It is known."

The infinite lotus is slowly retracted into the sunset glow, Wang Shouqiu refused to the eyes, order to all ships: "I close to my seat."

The remaining nine size battles of the pilot fleet rely on Wang Shou Firiao, with nearly half of the time to complete the formation transformation, each other than about 50, the speed of the ship has also dropped.

Wang Shouqiu ordered: "Speed ​​speed."

Then there is a sailor to put a piece of wood on the bow of the bow, and the wood chip touches the water surface while cutting the rope while seizing: "Run!"

One sailor waiting for the lane position immediately immediately runs to the stern, and when I ran to the waist, the observation hands here urge: "Quick."

Running speed, go to the stern, run to the ship tail line, arrive at the same time.

The stern's observation hand shouted: "Mode!"

The sailor next to it immediately enclose the intermediate of the hourglass and is obtained. The time to arrive at the ship tail line from the head of the bow, which is the speed of the ship.

If the runner is coming, I can't get it more. After running, I have to re-measure, and the training of the auditor fleet is more reluctant, so this success is successful.

The speed of the ship quickly reported up, two more people. One more tenth miles, the speed of the ship is 18 miles per hour.

Wang Shouyu told: "Reduce again."

The sea boat night, generally falls by two-quarters, or even the anchor to prevent the reef. The inspection fleet is chasing suspected sea fleet, because to go to the front of the other party, so you can't stop the anchor, you can only continue.

Pretrate a hundred tapping boats in the most pre-acting arrow, the captain is a golden monk, manipulating a round mirror, beaming the beam in front, the beam can explore the distance of about 30, can discover the front reef in advance.

The artillery and grabbed the sergeant were asked to sleep, and the sailor was divided into two shots. After a time, according to the usual drill, the arrow vessel gave the position, retreat to the right, the first vessel on the left side, served as Arrow, the HMS captain across the manner and continued to explore.

When I arrived at the time, Wang Shouqiu suddenly received the flying character sent by Li Daji: "Encountered the enemy ship, the sea is undoubted, it is fighting. Let you make up the intercept line after the enemy, prevent the sea from escape."

Wang Shouqiu immediately tailored, all guards, according to the direction of the stars, the fleet turned to the west, opening the style, accelerating six ti.

At night, this speed is quite dangerous. It is very dangerous to avoid the sea. It is difficult to avoid it, but the military is urgent, Wang Shou Yu also calm down, personally brushing to the arrow ship, always preparing to make a shot with refining techniques reef.

When the East floodly, Wang Shouqiu sailed to stop, waiting for the next command.

The red sun jumped out of the sea. Zhou Ke Li, who was upgraded again from the infinite lotus seat: "Wang command, see you! The enemy ship is escaping, you are intercepted in the northwest."

Wang Shou Yun quickly ordered the fleet to turn, and asked about the battle of the night war, Zhou Ke Li replied: "Two enemy ships, one of them is three hundred."

Wang Shouqiu immediately passed the battle report throughout the army, and the surrounding vessels made a warm cheers.


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