Taoist Law

Chapter 106

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... Wang Jianguo's observation is not wrong, the battle of the inspection fleet is greatly reduced, shoulder A lot of weight is really saved. Blue water, said Zhao Ran has always bought his face, and it is also not wrong. Zhao Ran watched the bridge pier and then worked hard, and where the main force of the sea is. The Wutong Taoist is destroyed by the Trinity of Sanjin Island, and no matter what? What is he thinking? What is the Wutong Tao people thinking, Yin To Long and Zhang Hao are also confused, after receiving the flying compliments of Cheng Lao Da, there are two islands of the monk, and the alliance spent a day. Quiet, wait until the support is supported, the Boss's fleet has been eliminated. Deadly day! Yin To Long and Zhang Wei did not dare to be ignorant, Cheng Boss's Sanjin Island produced caster, and his island owner was dead, and Sanjin Island basically didn't have any resistance, like a table feast. before. The next night, the Wutong Taoist and the people of the island have reached a consensus. Cheng Boss's family is taken care of by Lingchal Islands. The bakeprint of the island is produced. The Lingha Islet is used to use it to support the future of the old man, the rest In half, the island owners in the alliance, the marriage, how much is gone, and it is determined. The League's agenda is also fully affirmed by the boss of the boss - the main force of the inspection fleet in the edge of the ambient circle. Unfortunately, I can't completely induce Li Da, which requires the alliance to send a fleet to the boss. The Wutong Tao people will come over Yin Tin and Zhang Hao, asking them two: "The Doumen Fleet was led to a thousand miles, and finally, who did you go?" Yin Tashus self-ended: "I am going!" Zhang Wei wants I want to say: "Still I am going, I have been in the two years in the Tiantian Palace, and many people in the inspection fleet are familiar. Wang Shouyu also knows me, the Tangmen must have me, I will be more likely to make them hook it." Wutong The Taoist feels reasonable, and immediately agrees: "Walk, no one go, if you can lead the Dai Dai Board, Sanjin Island you can take it. It is not easy to start, you will start this night." Zhang Wei arrived. " I settled, with a five hundred sea boat and three boats, I was issued towards the milky rock. Thousands of rocks have been near Shandong, the Islander Alliance is afraid that the Tang Mun is directly final, so I don't dare to do it there.

Otherwise I have already killed it.

Zhang Hao is the next day and night to arrive in the waters yesterday. There is no trace of war, almost everything is ruthlessly ruthless by the sea. But he is also fortunate, actually saving two surviving falling monks, are under the man of Cheng's boss.

Zhang Wei ordered to leave anchor, where to live here.

After the sky is bright, the four ships gradually spread, and the mutual spacing will bet on the sky and wait for the appearance of the Doumen flight.

When I arrived at the time, the sea vessel in the southwest direction reported to Zhang Wei: "Come!"

So Zhang Wei, looking forward to the sky in the southwest, smashed with his eyes, and suddenly saw a small black spot drilled from the clouds, flew here, not preparing it in advance, it is difficult to find this flight The trace of the instrument.

Zhang Hao sent a fly than that of each ship: "Start salvage, except for the selection of people, do not look forward to the top." He himself stood on the deck and directed the sailor to look down the hook, and the mount is in salvagement of shipwreck. .

The monk hiding in the boat tower was told: "The flight instrument stops, just on our head."

"Slown on the top ..."

"It seems to drop some ..."

"Back to the clouds ..."

"No fly away, still there ..."

The Doumen Flower is awakening in Japan in the moment, more than 60 miles away, the full speed is taken, plus the preparation before sailing, Zhang Houli left two hours.

After two hours, Zhang Hao gave an anchor and let the sailors pointed to the flight instrument in the sky, and then sailed toward the north to the north to make a rack of the Huang fleeing after being found.

The driving person in the heavens and the heavens are Zhou Ke Li and Lingnong, and they have observed it in the top for a long time, not only in the "salvage" shipwreck material is the sea fleet, and even in a risk drop, command the sea The fleet is being a wanted by the East Pavilion.

Ling from Yun and Zhou Ke Li met Zhang Wei when he met in the Year of the Eastern Eastern Pavilion, and Zhang Wei also wear the set of directions two years ago. Immediately by the two, immediately fettered At the same time, followed by the Zhang Hai ship, waiting for the order of Li Dawei.

Zhang Hao's appearance, and it has caused a strong interest in the inspection fleet. Li Dawei ordered the fleet to prepare for a sailing, and he told this to Zhaoran and Dongji Pavilion.

Wei Chaozong immediately replied Li Dawei: "If you can catch Zhang Wei, the reward of the three thousand and two silver in the East Pavilion,"

Zhao Ran's reply is to ask Li Da's implicit investigation, Zhang Yizhe is in the sea, what is doing.

After the inspection fleet is ready, Li Dawei received the flying fidelity of Zhou Ke Li: "Zhang Hao is salvaging the shipwreck, it is estimated that he wants to salvage the law,"

Receive this flyer, Li Dawei finally decided: "Opening!"

Wang Shouqiu said very confused: "How did Zhang Hao come to the north? In addition to him, Who is nearby?"

Li Da hidden road "Cheng Laojia front car", since he can bypass the , Zhang Hao can, night, Navigation. "

Wang Shou Yu: "The main force of the sea, will it also take this approach to the north?"

At this time, the avatar has been departed, and Li Da hidden road: "Look at the past, if you can fight? If you can't play, you will be. You can destroy the boss before yesterday. The island owner is only 30 people left. "

After that, Li Da Yin said: "The so-called island owner alliance, in fact, whether the gangs of the gangs, can really integrate together, I have never believed, let's try."

When the inspection fleet is deputched from the rock, when Li Dayin received the emergency news from Zhou Ke Li: "The infinite lotus was found by the sea, they were uploading, ready to evacuate, it looks very panic."

Li Da Yai, to Wang Shouyu: "According to the old way, Ke Ke Jingxiang brothers, the first fleet is copied from the south, and I took the main force, this time, I added a five hundred battles to the seat, and then transferred Four two hundred battles, enhance the strength of the first fleet. "

In this way, Wang Shouyu commanded the total number of fifteen ships, and increased the main warship, the strength contrast. He immediately confident and took the lead in the fleet.

Li Dawei went to Zhao Ran, Zhao Ran, reminded him: "Be careful to be cautious, and immediately afterwards."

"Don't worry, there is an infinite lotus seat, I want to play my ambush, there is no door!"

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