Taoist Law

Chapter 113 Blood Comments

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... the first one hundred and thirteen blood bonds Zhao Ran looks at Sima Fengfu, Sima get rich gradually experience It is a great pressure that is a heavy pressure. This is a look that Sima's richness is somewhat angry. It will take the head and strive to see Zhaoran, but the eyes are not down, from each other's eyes It has been moved to the neck at all, no matter how it doesn't matter. It is gradually feeling confusing, I will listen to Zhao Ran. "Hai Yu sent people to your home?" Sima Fengfu Answer: "Yes, they put forward new conditions, I hope we will consider it again." "Why not Looking for a chicken, don't look for the joint meeting, but I found a Simima family? "In an instant, Sima gave the rich to feel almost suffocated, forcibly pressed the heart, explained:" Our family is a sea training business, and Some island owners have come, and of course, there is no longer since now, and then there will be no longer since preparing to fight, I swear to the road! They are looking for themselves, I am afraid that you don't agree, let my family ease. "Zhao Ran straight The hook stared at Sima Feng and smashed Sima Feng and also quickly added: "I am really true!" Silent moments, Zhao Ran slowly nodded: "As one of the three mountains, Mao Mountain should take the initiative to know Sea situation and joint meeting to share ..... Go back to the Secretariat to find Suichuan medicine, write down your peace and usage. "Sima Feng also wants to say" what ", but not at this moment It's a good courage to refuse, and you should take a look: "Yes." Zhao Ran is pulled into the topic: "Tell, what conditions?" Sima Feng said: "The first request of the original proposed, the island owner Union All members exempt from the sea trade license management fee, improve the management fee of the remaining islands, this one of them, they agreed to pay management fees. This is a major concession, my family thinks you can talk! "Zhao Ran asked:" One? "Sima Xi Fu stunned, urgently said:" This is not enough? They have just played a big win in the East Sea! I have made a retreat, which is enough to prove their sincerity! "Zhao Ran Question: "Creation? Forbidden two maidge? Buy the army armor and ? Teach?" Sima Feng shook his head: "Zhao Fangzhang, we are a defeated party, but it is fighting in the sea. And now there is no ship,

They can always enter the courtesy of the coast. In order to reduce losses, I think this condition can talk about it. "

Zhao Rong said: "If you have no boat, we will make it again."

"Or will it be lost!"

"Lifting the ship, continue to play."


"Go back to reply to them, one of the conditions is not allowed, unless they are self-sufficiency, the joint meeting or can be off."

This knead took Sima to the rich, and only I was stubborn to the extreme. It was simply unreasonable. "Unless you please come out, go to the sea, but you think that there is no, the real moon can last for a long time How is it in the sea? The sea is in the deep sea, where are you going to find them? Furthermore, the real teachers are ready to have, try to avoid causality, killing people, can kill one, can kill one Kill ten? Kill one hundred? Kill a thousand? Don't pay attention to the god, it is a hundred people live ... "

Zhao Ran interrupted him: "The existence of the joint meeting is to avoid this happening, about this, I hope that Mao Mountain does not interfere with the determination of the joint meeting, unless the resolution under the real man, then we are sure."

Sima Fuguo left the chicken speech with a strong disappointment. Before leaving, according to the requirements of the other party, a situation in Mushan Sima family in maritime trade was written.

Back to the monetarian Wanning Pavilion, the situation of meeting to Sima Tiansheng, Sima Tiansheng, anger: "Not only stubborn, but also big! It is clear to the East China Sea, not to worry people to hurt money, poor soldiers! OK, look at him to continue Hit the wall, hit a head to break the blood, he only knows how to do things! "

Sima Fengfeng: "Do you want to don't simply go to the real teacher to propose? Can't let him pull the whole Daming into a meaningful war."

Sima Tiansheng shook his head: "Everyone said good, put the disposal to this young person. At this time, the proposal is not proper, the timing is not arrived, and then, you can reply to the other party, say that the joint meeting does not agree."

Sima Fengfu will feed back the news, hide the phoenix people who hide in the margin of the demon, call the treasurer, will tell things, sorrow: "Let's win, take the initiative to reduce the requirements, but people still don't agree, really Don't see the coffin doesn't cry. "

At the moment, there is an island owner shouting a slogan: "I will go to the sky! Live catch Zhao Qiran!"

Many young bloody islanders have also screaming: "Hello to go! Live catch Zhao Qiran!"

Only those who have not followed, knowing that this is just a slogan of the morale, don't say that I should go, everyone does not dare to go in the Yangtze River, what to get to fight? Even if you rob the coastal state, you must also be quiet, the action is fast, hit, otherwise it will be blocked by the door, that is, there is no life.

The Wutong Taoist hooks to stop the anger of the island: "In this case, don't blame me. This time, I don't hit Huai'an, let's play Yangzhou! Playing in their hearts, seeing him hurting!"

I heard that I want to play Yangzhou, the people of the people are exciting, and the mock farewell is to go.

Tong Tao people also said: "Two places in Yangzhou, a Dunge, a Liujiazhuang, who wants to go, report to non-people, will choose tomorrow."

This is the old rule. Everyone understands what it means. Some people ask: "Chen's leader? I used to report it to Chen's leader?"

The Wutong Taoist replied: "Sleep bamboo back to the island."

The question of the question is still trying to be, and the island owner next to it will be pulled. If you want to ask more, this is just a bad way: "It's unlucky, it is also replaced, you have to re-take the silver ..."

In mid-June, the Yangzhou government urged, Dunang and Liujiazhuang two Linhai Xiaowei were robbed by Haiyu. Fortunately, there is a warning in advance, and the casualties are not big, but the loss of goods is more serious.

The actions of the sea are very rapid, and they will run, and when the Temple of Tiangong, the emergency squad is rid of the infinite lotus and the clouds. After the day, the two-piece flight instrument has been transferred for a long time in the nearby sea, did not find the enemy trace. .

When I received the battle report, Zhao Ranzheng was speaking at the start of the third phase of the captain's monk training class. When the news spread all the students: "All our blood debts added two, please remember this Two places: Dunge, Liujiazhuang! "

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