Taoist Law

Chapter 6, not 1 case

PS: Thanks to Daxie, Chen Tianxin, EAGLE Zhou, Federer's anti-hands reward, thank you, the moon ticket encouragement.

In November, the reputation sent from the Xizhenwu Palace finally arrived in the Accious Institute, and passed the three duty of the unprotive hospital. According to this, the ever-ease class is officially planned to serve the printed documents. After the supervision hall of Song Zhiyuan, appointed Zhao Qixing as the guests, Jia Zhixun is the housing, Zhao Ziran, is the square of the square, supplemented out the eight actors of the Ease of House. .

Zhao Zhi Xing said that no one knows that there is no one, it is said that he will come to the first day of the first month of the 15th year of Just 15th, and it will not be mentioned. Jia Zhaison got the position of the housing, and it was satisfied, and the invitation Zhao Ran will set the banquet in the best restaurant in the city of Yugang, celebrate.

Zhao Ran did not refuse, and Jia Zi Xun was issued, not only invited the same time in the hospital, but also arrived at the county, the main book, the county, and the county, only the old county is not suitable. There is no dinner, but it also makes the people have sent a gift.

After the steps of the first level of the eight major deacons, Today's Zhao Ran is no longer true. In the eyes of everyone, it is a big figure in Yugang County. Although it is not to be a place to vibrate, but who wants to be bad? It is light and easy, so, in the banquet, enjoy a lot of Aunt and Barn, and the congratulations charged.

Zhao Ran did not seem to have a high amount, the things that the reception did all, the left ear entered the right ear, the promise of the fictitious head is sent to a big basket, in short, I am good, I am good. This is the rules of this world, and there is no need to have too many burden on conscience.

In the meantime, Jinxian soldiers will come through and Zhao Ran's two wine, once again ask the progress of their own Erlang Jinjiu. Zhao Ran is full of full mouth, saying that he must do our utmost. This is not a word, Jinxian

At the end of a hot and lively banquet, others have their own follow-up arrangements. Zhao Ran received his resignation, not his sinister, but he had already been waiting to return to the mountain to open the gold finger.

Going back to your home, you will take the second and other people to escort your own people, Zhao Ran's closes the door, and fire the belt by the bed headlights, and extracted the green rope from the middle. Then start your own written book, get it next to the green rope.

Zhao Ran breathed breathing, and the whole god was observed with green. He didn't help but began to jump in the moment that the green rose started to tremble.

A little white light is flying from the instrument, and it will be turned into the green loose!

Zhao Ran hared in the past.

Zhao Ran did a dream,

He dreamed of the green sorcerer, from the bed, from the head to the end, the rounded fluorescence, suddenly drilled into their own body at the top of the top, hooted, neck, chest, and kept down to the gas sea. Then, the pot is in the gas sea, gradually contracted into an extremely bright green point. then. This green dot suddenly started to expand out, and it was blocked throughout the air sea, until spread to the edge of the gas sea, as if it was a layer of green jade in the sea.

The entire gas sea begins slowly, and the rotation track does not seem to be available, but Zhao Ran knows in the dream. It is a Buddha Wanli-Phrade. He is inexplicably, a stick is , eventually jumping into the gas sea, then set it down. The sticks began to grow in both heads, and the top of the top is deep. Insert the "ground" of the gas sea down, and it is not known to where.

This is not terminated, just covered the green light of the gas sea shell, the meridians, the veins of the air sea, will extend it, and the three hundred and sixty-five acupoints will be bright, and then Zhao Ran's gas sea, meridians and acupoints At the same time, it began to tremble. The soreness of the whole body has always been invaded by Zhao Ran, and it hurts him to see him, but I can't sing a star half of the sound, and it seems that it is similar in the water.

Zhao Ran is again coma in the dream.

When Zhao Ran woke up, it was already in the afternoon, because he no longer served as a quiet master, no need to go to the class, so that no one was disturbed.

The scene in the dream is in the eyes, it seems not to dream? Zhao Ran got up from the bed, just sat up, suddenly the head was screaming, countless information into a consciousness. This process is extremely short, Zhao Ran is just slightly stayed, the infusion of the information is stopped, and Zhao Ran knows a lot of things.

The awareness is a good practice. The name "Congenital Gong Dynasty Jing", the content is incomplete, only "general" and "first chapter". Zhao Ran is sitting in the bed, and then laughs. If this does not have this skill, he has the feeling of "life-seeking". If you understand the meaning, he will not help but skeerate. Is there anyone kidding him.

There are many kinds of cultivation in the world, such as Taoism, Buddha's deformation, but no matter which, it is to match the spiritual power between the world. Through the way the door is through the way, the "" in the spiritual force is transformed into the true gas, the Buddha's "sex" or "light" in the spiritual force, ""

No matter which method, there is a need for incense credibility to support, and the door is to eliminate causal and involvement, reduce the sky robbery; Buddha gates will come to the West Paradise. This is the root cause of the two competitions of Buddhism.

And "Congenital Gong Dynasty Jing" is neither gorgeous, but the repair is merit.

What is merit? Total : "The merits, morality, good deeds, sincerity, good as moral." So how to cultivate it? " In general, merits and credits are connected, invisible, and the avenue is not in the spirit. In other words, this is invisible, not in the aura, and the abilities are similar to the Buddha, not throughout and ideas.

How can I get my merit? That is also to understand, strive to do things, and get a recognition. What do you do? Of course, it is a good thing to do. Who is recognized? One is up, one is below! To put it bluntly, he said to Zhao Ran. He is in Taoism, so it must be recognized by two aspects, one is the recognition of the Taoist, the other is the believing of him.

"Congenital Gong Dynasty" also divided into four big steps into four big steps, refining the oil, refining the gods, refining gods, refining the virtual road, and the method of cultivation is completely different, paying attention to "behavior "Constructing, not" sitting "cultivation, this is also the difference between merits and" ". In short, Zhao Ran wants to "absorb" merit - well, "absorbate" The word is not accurate, then we must do things, do some things that can be recognized "up and down", merits If you are automatically "absorbed" into the body, you don't have to sit in practice.

After the merits of the body, it can be transformed with the cultivation method of "congenital merits", and it can get the mana, in power, and the truth of the law, and finally, the heavens. The "Chapter 1" in Zhaoran's Brain has been infused. It is how to transform merits in this level of refining.

Zhao Ran understood, of course, is very speechless, which is the way to practice? What should I want to be in my son?

Silent belongs, this is the only way of his current pursuit of practice in the case of no discretion.

After the bed, Zhao Ran began to think, according to the "Congenital Gong Dynasty", is it going to find something now? See if there is any effect?

Push the door, just seeing the two congratulations and respectful, he follows several patrols of the square. Zhao Ran came out and quickly said: "Square, I and a few brethren came to help you move."

Zhao Ran is now changing the Lord of the Lord, and the level will be upgraded to the deacon. It is already possible to move to the backyard. Guan 2 is to help move. He also didn't make it, let the two entered the house to toss, five or six strong people combined with a bag, it seems that this package is very heavy, and it is a smile.

Shi is coming to the residency of the eight major deacon of the backyard. Zhao Ran first entered the first third small courtyard. Here is the courtyard of the square and passing, Zhao Ran has been there many times, this time is to Gao Gong Liu Zhiguang did a neighbor.

Looking at the left, Liu Zhiguo did not yet, Zhao Ran gave the second door to the right house, a few strong men swaited, carefully put the package down, and then started to sweep seriously.

Zhao Ran will summoned to the side, I hope to ask: "Guan 2 brother, have you encountered any trouble recently? Do you need to help you solve it?" (Untrained ..)


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