Taoist Law

Chapter 117 Bond

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... the Tuan law, the first hundred and seventh chapter bond summary comments have been sent to Zhao Ran In the hands of Wid Ming, the two heads played immediately. Opinions or questions are mainly concentrated in the following aspects: Since it is a debt, is it true that it is voluntary, if this bond is not willing to subscribe, will it be punished? What is the minimum subscription amount if you subscribe? Which of the official bonds is to buy, whoever purchases, where is it from? If your business is turning around, can you redeem this gold in advance? In this regard, Zhao Ran personally came out, answers one by one on the conference after group discussion. Buying Jinghai Ping's big debt is completely voluntary, for unwilling buyers, the joint meeting will never retaliate. Each bond has the lowest denomination one or two, paying for nine money six points, redeem one or two. The bond issuance is undoubtedly a joint meeting. The guarantee is a Bao banknotes. The underwriting of the contract is Qifan. Any money from the Baoarian Division recognizes the qualifications. You can apply for bond underwriting to the Baoarian Division. With the acceptance, the joint meeting will give one percent of these money. Bonds can only be redeemed when they arrive at the definition period, but because bonds are not sought, they can transfer each other ... Zhao Ran is also exhausted, but in order to see, there is still not expected, the total subscription is 30 Eight hundred two, really fully support, or four season Qianzhuang, and Longqing Fund. The Emperor's Longqing Fund once subscribed 100,000 bonds, and the four-season Qianzhuang made a promise of 100,000 packets, and within 100,000, if it is not completed, the remaining balance is digested by Qianzhuang. In the rich business and , the most active is Wang Chengyu, and individuals subscribe for 10,000 two, let Zhao Ran also completed six hundred thousand two issues. Printing, distribution, money storage, publicity of the bond, the publicity of the bond, and the account will arrive, and it takes a few days. After getting a million silver, Zhao Ran quickly spent a dry. Two nets, even if there is still eight thousand two gold caves, but for Zhao Ran, this cavula is nothing to have any cavula - talk when paying. In mid-August, the Haiyu once again grabbed the coastal state, and their goal was Zhejiang Haimen. There are more than a dozen monks of the five hundred guards and local scribe martial arts in the city of Haimen County. Under such a strict, the six vessels of the sea could not be able to attack the city, and they can only have a lot of losses, causing a lot of losses. Because it has been in a hot state, Taizhou will reach the monk of the monk, and when they rushed to Haimen,

Just catch up with the tail of the sea, there are six sea princes to violence in a generous home, run a little late, and the anger will be killed after the monk, including a repair of the jade. Haiyu in the territory.

The sea boat in the sea is far away, and when you are busy up, you have escaped it, and you will not find their traces when you have been robbing.

This is the first casualties that have emerged since the shore of Haixi, and the first rackers obtained in the land, and the joint meeting immediately ordered the Jia awards, and the award announcement was published in major issues.

The Hall of the Building is the seventh group of blue water in the architecture, and the blue water in the three generations of the disciples is very excited. It has been specially running to the captain of the captain of the captain, and wants to play the training and participate in the battle.

Later, I found a file, I found the identity of his architect (senior), so he notified the seventh group leader Du Xingquan, and he took him back.

Also listed in this Jijun, there is also an inspection fleet in Songjiang Water Camp. The fleet training is hot and chartered. Commands to report the training schedule to Zhao Ran to Zhaoran, and then ask him when the Lord will arrive.

Zhao Ran can not drag it again, his business is entangled, but things will never be done, then drag it, there will be more things to have a decision, so he returns to Jingyang Tower and Rong Niang said goodbye.

Rong Niang is also very busy, many follow-up of Jinghai Pingguang Big Bonds are actually her in the hand, at this moment, people in the Baooney Division, reply Zhao Ran let him wait a moment.

Zhao Ran stood in front of the platform, looked at the Xuanwu Lake in the distance. He was pondering to the next stage of the Songjiang Camp, and there was a person who was shaped from Xuanwu Lake.

It is also early in the sky, which monk is shocked during the day. Is there a hurry? And this person is not low, at least in the big refining.

The view of Jingyang Tower is very good, can see that this person crossing Xuanwu Lake, through two streets, all the way to lead the people, just see the chicken cage.

At the mountain, Zhao Ran finally saw it, and people are Chen Shan.

Chen Shan Dao's mountaineering process Zhao Ran can't see it, but it is very fast, Zhao Ran is still between the gods, Chen Shan Road has already jumped over Jingyang Tower, so standing on Zhao Ran.

Zhao Ran quickly invited Chen Shan Road to enter the seat, Chen Shan Road stood for a moment, nor did it thinking about what, this slowly sat down.

Zhao Ran, I don't know how to open with the other party, Chen Shan Road is so hard to come down from the mountains, can not rank himself, and put the other party back.

I have thought about half a day, I finally asked: "Teacher Bo, when I have a meal, eat a meal together? Rong Niang should also come back, just when we become a relative, I haven't met to see you."

Chen Shan Road shook his head: "Don't eat, this is a little gift for Rong Niang." Take a box, put a leaf, it is the unique high-order self-defense system of the three houses. .

Zhao Ran is busy thank you, Chen Shan Road shakes: "Don't do it."

Sinking for a moment, asked: "If you want to go to Songjiang big camp?"

Zhao Ran's head: "The inspection fleet is rebuilt, the class, the commander, the command ship, is being prepared tonight and Rong Niang's a few words."

"If you don't want to go, although I am in Qixia, the recent situation, I also seemed in these two months, and I don't want to open you."

"In fact, there is nothing, I have said before, this world is going to do it. Today's Donghai situation is caused, Li Shi brother is unknown for this, I can't let others take this insurance .... .. "

Chen Shan Road interrupted him: "You don't want to go, I will go."

Zhao Ran said: "Chen Shibao ..."

Chen Shan Dao sighed: "The big hidden and can't tell the context. It is his fate and blessing. He is willing to rate the army, both his responsibility, is also his wish. In this case, let me be a teacher. To complete the wish of his unusual, "

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