Taoist Law

Chapter 119

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... Island owner Union is not a standing fleet, and the Wutong Tao people cannot support such a huge fleet, so From the three months after the overcome of the Inspection Fleet, the alliance is in the fact that the decentralized state, and each returns its respective islands. After being rejected by the joint meeting, the Wutong Tao people did not have a better way to force the door to agree with the terms, and the shore is impossible. You can only block the cabinet, grab the coastal state government to suppress the door. But the robbery and blockade are the double-edged sword, which is hurting the enemy, and is injured. When there is no big mad merchase, when there is one alert along the sea, the Wutong Taoist is very hurt. This is a process of testing who is more compulsive. The Wutong Tao people must find a way to persist. He can think of an approach to the island that is not willing to listen to the islands of his own order, such as deciduous island. However, although the deciduous island is thin, it is very difficult as the hedgehog, and their ship is less, but the people are sophisticated. At the same time, the island owner is not small with some of the island owners. The other party and what kind of to the island master secret song, he is not clear, only in the process of organizing power conquer, one test. From the end of July, he tried to transfer the man's hand and fell in the island, but it has failed twice, often in the days to choose the army, and a few island owners suddenly told a variety of rare weird temperament, so only Can repart and delay again. If it has been two times, I have passed a month. At this time, the Wutong Tao people have no time to conquer the deciduous island. The inspection fleet is rebuilt, and the scale is more than the last time, and now the training of Songjiang Dadian Heaven. Another unpleasant news is that I heard that the new fleet coach is Chen Shan, who is a teacher. He is, and the Wutong Tao has to convene a league. "If you want everyone to know, the joint meeting rebuild a fleet, now in Songjiang Camp." Many island owners are dignified, it is believed, this inspection fleet is quite huge, five hundred main battle sea and boat ratio There are more than the last time, many island owners have a relatively exact news, knowing this number between twentieth to 30. In addition to the five hundred warships, there are more small and medium-sized vessels, which are quite difficult to cope. Three months ago, everyone set up a volt inspection fleet in the demon hell of hell. In the absence of the treasure, it was hard to collapse several teeth. Many island owners have a heavy loss, and now still Didn't recover, there is a licking in the heart. I thought that I had a big defeat, I should check my own terms. Who knows that the roots are not so going, people not only have no promise, but in just three months, a larger ship is rebuilt. team,

Who is looking for this kind of thing?

Seeing everyone, it is difficult to say, "You don't want to make difficulties," I don't want to make it, this is a chance. Doumen did not answer the terms of our brothers, only explain one problem, I'm going to fight, I'm don't want to fight. Not enough! This time, it's a table, I will send it, let's eat this table, I don't believe the door, I can still have it? If you have the shopkeeper, we have the same power, put this fleet Destroy, the door will inevitably wait for me, this is a millennium, the brothers, is for the sake of the descendants of our future generations, winning this, the Donghai is really a brother, we can also go to the Central Plains. Go, and the authenticity of Xuanmen is flat! "

Yin Tingong is tied to everyone: "The Doumen's fleet is bigger than before, but in the last hi-war battle, there are many good things. Everyone thinks, this time seized may be more Big."

Their bumpers also have some effects, re-igniting the fighting spirit of the island owners. Some island owners say that the League can send some silver, and give morale for the brothers and brothers. In this regard, the Wutong Tao people also consent, and immediately took out more than 30,000 silver sons, and sent it to the island owners.

The League's discussion quickly decided, and the islands immediately returned to the soldiers, gathered in the southwestern southwestern southwestern September 15th.

After the agenda, Zhang Hao asked: "Alliance, do not tell them about the coach of the inspection fleet?"

The Wutong Tao shook his head: "If everyone he heard that Chen Tianshi is coming, I am afraid that there will be someone to smash the small abacus privately."

"I will know later soon."

"Wonderful, this time I will come out, when I gave it to Zhongfai Island, everyone is afraid?"

Zhang Wei asked: "Will it be too nervous? Only half a month."

Wutong Taoist Answer: "Half a month is just, don't let them think."

The island owner is so big, and the deciduous island will soon get news. After knowing that the goal of the Wutong Tao is not himself, it is loosened up and down, and the people who listen to the people are also personally came to the Temple of Tianzhu. Liang Shuoyou and Lunzhao, the Taoist Taoist Tang Dynasty.

Lun belongs, just served a small ranger for the two island people, and sent a blessing to them, and saw the rushing people.

"Island Lord come?"

"See the Temple of Temple, I don't know if the pole is not there?"

"He went to the village to learn from the children, and the teacher is sick, please bring a few days. Need me to call him back?"

After the lair of Liang and Liang Saxi, I have been pressing Zhao Ran, I can't grab the propaganda, I don't grab the shot, and I will hold the island of the island. The collaboration between the team's combat, I still gave people a disease, teach the children to read the book, and soon won the admiration of the upper and lower people of the lahelia.

I heard that Liang Hou Tour will teach the children, listen to the wind: "No, I am going to go."

The only learning in the island is coming to the children's universal reading: "The south of the West is the country, I don't know the realm, the name of the Augusti. Yin Yang's gas is not paid, The cold summer is distinguished; the light of the sun and the moon is not followed, so staying all night ... "

Listening to the wind, there was a short half of the time, waiting for Liang Xiaojun to announce the "small dull moment", come out from the hall, only on the front: "Liang Dao Chang, Lingqi Island has news, Wutong Taoist Yesterday, Yesterday, China , Talk about it. "

Liang Xiaoyou and hearing from the wind to the far forest, ask: "What is the time? Where do they do? Where?"

Listening to the wind: "It should not be wrong, discuss the Jess of September 10, where to play, but I don't know."

"Where is the location of Zhongji Island?"

Listening to the wind on the sand, I painted a rough sketch in the lache island, pointing at the northeast direction: "From us, the boat line is coming for six or seven days. Just in the demon jailed, the northwest is from Songjiang Camp is required for seventh day. "

Liang Xiaoyou looked at this point, couldn't help but muttered: "It's a bit far."

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