Taoist Law

Chapter 126

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... the first hundred and twenty-six chapters of the road (for the falling leaves listening wind, millions of alliance In the afternoon of November 22, the escort fleet from Jianghua leaving the Korean coast has been three hundred and twenty-twenty miles. At this time, the poor style is getting more and more prosperous, and the waves will be nearly five feet. Each ship turns the sail to the side, driving the wind, from time to time, in the style, correct the direction, the speed has dropped by more than three. Suddenly, the look at the southwestern direction shouted: "There is a boat!" Wang Shouqiu stunned the top of the top, looking to the southwest, hidden in the sea, and could not help but hit. Soon, I was ambushing a volt fleet that was gradually close to the northwest for 80 miles. "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" Good way and Lucyx, Du Yangchen buried a total of a total, almost can be determined, this is the sea vessel. Otherwise, the big winter is here, and it is also a random crossing route, and normal seas will not act so. After the enemy is judged, Chen Shan Road will order all ships to rise, accelerate approaching the escort fleet, put the infinite lotus and cloud lily on the sky, while the joint meeting. After half an hour, the identifiable main number has reached twelve; the number of labels, the number of main masts increased to 18; the end of the application, the two sides were seven, in the middle, the other vessel has completely showed the true loss. Six of the five hundred bare seas and boats, six three hundred shortage boats, twenty-six bicycle boats, twenty pieces of paste. The main battle of the enemy and escort fleet is a seven-to-two, and the ratio of small fast ship is about five to two. On the battlefielder, the advantage of the sea is not so obvious, and the ratio of the escort fleet is estimated to be seven to five, although the number is still dominant, but the power and the radio can't catch the escort fleet. After receiving this news, Chen Shandao took the distance from the escort fleet, and he also made a little adjustment, slowing down the speed of the air conditioner. Du Yangchen and Wang Shou Yugong inquiry: "The general command wants to know if you can live this encounter?" Wang Shouqiu understood the idea of ​​the ambush fleet, replied: "Please rest assured, please rest assured, please, please I can play, the main force can continue to housing standby. "When the first time, the escort fleet was officially contacted with the Haitian fleet, and the escort fleet command Wang Shouyu's boat first slammed the first gun.

Therefore, the war happened to the west of Jianghuan, so it was also known as the battle of Jianghuayan.

Wang Shouqiu's escort fleet is in the process of reporting to Chen Shan Road from time to time, and the war is also fed back to the joint meeting.

The escort fleet is far from the manner, and the overall team is trying to swim in the periphery, try to play the remote advantage, bullying the firepower of the sea. In contrast, the sea farewell, desperately close to the escort fleet, seeking close to the war.

When the war is awkward, the joint meeting got a fancy and hit the sea. Yang Fuwen will pick up a small black nail on the box.

At the time of the first, the second result was confirmed, and one of the two hundred ships sinking. Yang Fuwen took a black nail.

Then, the third, the fourth result, one hundreds of boats, one hundred ships.

At the end of the year, the Haiyu was finally strangled with the escort fleet in the price of the four ships, and the first loss of the escort fleet was reported - it was burned down.

Chen Shan Road rate is approaching to the battlefield 30 miles, and there is no big loft and the clouds of the clouds. They have seen the two sides who are fighting, they are hidden in the clouds, and they are seriously searching around the sea, but they still have not found out The main force of the sea.

The sun has been completely falling, and the battle is still in continuing. The Haiyu has lost eight ships, and the escort fleet also has a wind boat, and a patrol ship is seriously injured and quits the battle.

The escort fleet is already near the twenty sea, but the main force of the sea is still there, Chen Shan Road is still patient.

When Haihai, the two sides were still fighting, and the battles of the battles fired by the boat on the sea. The latest battle report sent a joint meeting, sinking the enemy ship six to nine, injured four to six, the specific results needed tomorrow to confirm that the escort fleet lost three patrol boats, three wind fast boats, one five hundred The main battle boat was injured and needed to withstand the battlefield as soon as possible.

This night's sea war will be very long, because the sight is unknown, the use of the law will be greatly affected, and the ship is also extraordinarily carefully, lest, unrecognizable, to rush into the other battle boat.

Therefore, the night's battles are not as long as during the day, the emission frequency of the instrument is also greatly reduced, and the two sides are rigid, and the escort fleet wants to take this way. The sea is to die, bite the escort fleet.

The ambush fleet will send a combat plan to the joint meeting. They are ready to wait a night. After a day, regardless of whether the main force of the sea is the same as the sea of ​​Hey. After the Contact Meeting was discussed, this plan was in favor, because everyone felt that the main force of Haiyu won't appear on the battlefield. If it is not a night at this moment, they even suggested that the ambush fleet immediately dispatched.

Zhao Ran got up to everyone: "Everyone goes to walk moving, change the brain, you are sitting a few days. Tonight should not have a bigger variable, what is the situation, will be tomorrow."

The nine girls get the lead: "I will go see midday."

Lu Yuanyuan said: "I will go to Rong Niang to say that I will say."

Wei Chaozong and Tang Yaizu are walking side by side, one saying: "" "The only 50 ships, the sea is not intended to support them?"

Another way: "They don't know where the ambush fleet is there, maybe they believe that these ships are sufficient to escort the fleet."

"Also, we are still good in Songjiang Camp, and the warning tower on the island is like an image. I didn't see it when I saw ..."

Zhao Ran immediately remembered the camouflage situation of Songjiang, and also considering this problem. Will it be because the sea farewat believes that the escort fleet is not enough, so does not send the main force?

Wutong Taoist, where is it?

Wutong people, at this moment!

A large number of sea vessels quietly arrived in the with the cover of the night.

Zhang Hao and Yin Dynasty conducted a batch of sea vessels, and the small shopkeepers under the hand were very nervous, and they kept inquiry so dry.

The two smiled and comforted the hand, pointed to the island Shuizhai: "Is it desirable? Hey, most of them are fake! Go, into the water!"

Zhang Hao and Yin Dynasty were headed first. From the south of the south, the mountains, Lushan, and the squid of the south of the mountains, sometimes left, sometimes the right, and the water passed did not issue alert. It is so quiet that there is no voiced to Songjiang Guajian Outside Hong Kong!

These shopkeepers, the firsters feel that they don't dare to confuse, but everything in front shows that their sense is indeed silent, and there is a warning of each island of each island. Songjiang Darling is in front of you!

Don't tell Zhang Hao and Yin Don, what to do, what to do, everyone understands, preparing for half an hour, and everyone excitedly looking forward to the command of Wutong Taoist.

The Wutong Taoist lived on a thousand shots, looking at the Songjiang Guarda Camp in front of the lights in front of the light, a heroic feelings, as if heaven and earth stepped under his feet.

He waved down and said: "Put!"

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