Taoist Law

Chapter 130 2

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... Chen Xiazhu comes out from home of home, looking for his old mother, serious wife and just five years old Children waving: "Don't send it." See the old lady's eyes blush, can not help but laugh: "This is a matter? It is not a Longtan tiger point, I don't come back, I will not come back at any time. Well. "The wife blinds:" Different, I haven't played yet when you went last time, this time I played two times, can you be? "Chen Xiazhu shrinks the neck:" Dao door is not smashing, Zhao Fangzhang people tell the rules, I am acting stable according to the rules, you think that the same thing is like Lingqi Island ... "The wife is slap in the chains of the Minsheng Bamboo, and it is repelled:" What? " The brain gone hitting hurts, secretly sighed: wife can't be tall than yourself ... I have to turn my head to my son: "Wait for your father, give you The fun of the Central Plains. "To the terminal, board the Shanghai boat, see the yard is full of various sea goods, minerals, such as a pile of a bunch of hills scattered on the air, many things are covered with seaweed Silica, there is also a large amount of ore. It is not clear from the original color. It is blown by the sea breeze. The rain is poured, and no one has a heart. Yu Jingzi climbed out from his sleeves and looked at the goods in front of him. He said: "Creating a rumor, how many books can be bought ..." Chen Xiazhu shook his head, turned to tell: "Board." The island will take half a month, take more than half a month, on the way, when Chen Xiazhu passes through Nanjing Island, it has stayed in two nights, supplement freshwater and food. The island owner of Nanji is his friend, to him: "Wang Chen's brother, can talk about the terms, one fell in the East China Sea Wars!" Chen Xiazhu smiled: "Do you have the most active day? , Claiming to be a daytime flipping with the door, how is it so eager? "Nancai Island sighed:" Who can think of it for so long, the brethren is not supplied, the sea is two years. ..... "Chen Xiazhu corrected:" Just a year and a half. "The island is a bitter laugh:" Just a year and a half? I thought more than two years ... Don't look at two games, However, the loss is very large, and the island has died more than 20 brethren. They are all right, and there are 18 have been residual, and the operation is inconvenient. In short, Chen Lao is trying to think about the brethren,

This war can no longer be delayed. "

Chen Xianshu said: "The Camore League is mainly the fores and old, and you are the main, and how can the Lord of the first group, how can the joint meeting may promise? People doing things are rules, where can I build the pavilion? Which paramenas can be sent to the truth, not the mouth of the skin, not we can forced it. Who agreed, whoever is responsible, leaving the record in the document file, you said who dares to do Does this responsibility? "

The Island is disappointed: "That is to say, what is Chen Lao, is you still running this time?"

Chen Xianshu said: "Do your behalf, it is difficult."

In February, Chen Xiazhu showed his own practice. After checking without commercial goods, it was allowed to stop in the Yanziji Terminal.

I came to welcome the gods to see Chen Xiazhu, and immediately urged: "Fast, fast!"

Chen Fenzhu smiled from the cockpit, and the boy was so busy to open, and there was a fragrance of alcohol. She couldn't wait until I went in, took out a squid, directly in my mouth, and chew it, Into it: "Mother's taste! Eat!"

Chen Xiazhu took out a book letter from his arms, and he was looking for a few hands in his hand, and wiped a few hands in the clothes. He took the upper and mouth of the cover. Enlighten, I can't help but cry: "Mother!"

Juju Tao Tongjia is looking for turtle island, and I don't know how thousands of miles away from the Zhongyuan mainland. The flying compais will not be received, and Chen Xiazhu is heard by him. After returning to Lingqi Islands, he sent people to go, finally got three maiden. A letter, let the gods who have been in the years, they can't work, just crying on the pier.

Cry, let's find a lot of happiness, holding a big altar with her as high as she is going back, and she is not sluggish, and Chen Fenzhu advised her two times, or put it into the store. In the object, she didn't listen.

When I arrived in the gammon, Liu Yaxiu and Lin Ayu were a bit wonder, I also asked Chen Xiazhu: "What is this jar? What is this jar? Will you go? Zhuge Jiaguang new?"

Search from the jar, reveal your head, airway: "Two is the way, you both, all the family is a manner!"

After setting up, Chen Xiazhu took a bunch of materials to find Yang Fuwen, according to the application, please refer to Zhao Houzi. Because of his special identity, application materials are quite normative, very hard, and after three days, I got Zhaoran's interview.

After you tell you your own intention, Zhao Rong said: "There have been some people to present your request ..."

Chen Feizhu is quickly corrected: "Abbot, is their request!"

Zhao Ran smiled and laughed: "There is no change in the conditions. It has been refused before the poor road. Why is you sending you to reiterate it?"

Chen Wongzhu: "They think that maybe the middleman's accepted a variety, so let me come, because the Wutong Alliance believes that after the two battles, the abbot should agree to enrollment is a normal, not to mention the Wutong Alliance has also made a big step. "

"Dialecting, do they understand the door? Learn about the big clear? What thought I agreed to join us?"

It's true that there is no living in the sky, I didn't do it under the abbot. They won't know what is correct. "

"You go back to tell them, telling the phoenix, his conditions, the poor pass is not promised."


"when are we leaving?"

"Can you please give a formal reply document?"

"Yes, find the Kawaki office."

"Small people plan to go back in a day, please ask Hu Yun, please please feel relieved, the small people know the rules, never leak the news here."

Zhao Ran thought about it: "You can let the Chuan medicine will reply to the date of the paper."

"That's great!"

"As for the news, you want to tell them what you have, there is no relationship."

After the Zhaoran book, Chen Xiazhu slipped two laps in the chicken, looking at everything familiar before his eyes, very kind, very peaceful.

Yu Jingzi explored his head to urge: "Fast Mountain, go to bookmover, three countries don't know how many new chains, this for half a year, I will have to die on the island. Yes, then see if there is any What new words, fast! "

Chen Xiazhu took Yushan, and first went to Book Square and bought a lot of journals and several new comments. Then I went to the Qinhuai River to find a picture, spent ten silver, beautifully slept, hitting It is only to return to the chicken on the second day.

Inkadiously, he hit the gods, and looked for his eyes. Q: "Is it free now?"

"what's up?"

"The allocated people are talking about, they will be opened immediately, and they go to the venue together."


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