Taoist Law

Chapter 133 shooting bricks

Welcome, please remember the address of this station:, mobile reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... 150,000 bonds will soon subscribe to each shareholder who was participated in the participation, one or two Silver did not sell it on the market. After the shareholders' meeting agreed, the Daming Overseas Recapture Corporation Council and Daomen have signed a memorandum between the joint meeting of the Beijing Institute (the difference in different teams), and immediately signed a memorandum, and delivers the silver delivery, used to pay for the three years of Longqing. Shipping plans, training water troops, purchasing military enforcers, and continue to maintain the sea battle. After the memorandum, after the victory of the war, the joint meeting must be awarded the 35th island exclusive development rights of Lingchajima, Sanjin Island, Szuna Island, etc., the time limit is 50 years. The list of this thirty-five islands is directly turned directly in accordance with the signature list of the Islander League last year, and Chen Fenzhu is also confirmed once. After a whole month, I have witnessed the establishment of the reclamation company. It witnessed a sweep of 15 million "Jing Hai Ping's Big Bonds", and Chen Xiazhu completely put down the representative island. The Union and Zhao Rui and the minds, his family secretly subsided two thousand two, what? Holding a written reply with Suichuan medicine, and purchasing a lot of things on the market, Chen Fenzhu and Yu Jingzi left the boat, returning to Lingqi Islands. It is not only Liu Jiu, not only Liu Chu, who is gone, not only, but even if there is anything. If you take a photo of the vessel leaving the pier stack bridge, fly quickly, I will write a sentence in the record: "Ask Zhao'an , it is nothing to do." This will be the title of her exclusive report today. If you are taking pictures on the bridge, you are taking pictures on the bridge, you have some slight red, to Yu Jingzi: "You see, if you are, she is afraid of forgetting me ..." Yu Jingzi reminded: "You have a home room, the bad wife is not a hall!" Chen Xiaoshu helplessly whitelied him: "You have recently ... ..." Yu Yuzi swayed the snake head: "Book "" "" "" "" "How do you get wrapped in her arm these days?" "Chat, you think more ..." Watched, and Liu Chu, Juji, They say goodbye, the vessel begins to retreat backwards, go outside the stack bridge, mast is like a forest, roster from the front, it is difficult to distinguish the figure. Cool is not secret from the boat, a burden,

Directly to Chen Fenzhu. Chen Xiazhu's consciousness is copied in his hand, looking at the pier of the people in the following people, and I don't know who throws up.

Yu Jingzi said: "Open a look?"

Chen Fenzhu opened the bag and found that it is a brick. He was very angry, and again aggregated to sweep away from the crowd in the pier, but never found the perpetrators, hated from Yu Jingzi: "Take me with a plate brick? Try to me, there is no doubt! Laozi checked their smuggling, that is, it is to help me, this is a privacy, when it is not for the people, wait for the help, let's find help, check it! "

Yu Jingzi sighed, and he said: "Anti-smuggling is a sinner, he has said to you, do not listen to the old man, being taken in front of it."

Chen Xiazhu will throw the green bricks, say this, let's find this, let go back to reply: "I remembered the sea that was fined. I remembered it. He looked back to check it!"

The boat shoal on the ship has slipped a few laps, and Chen Xiazhu has just been attacked by a brick. The temper is not very good, and the rushing: "Don't shake, hurry!"

The boat said that there should be a lap, and I don't know what to find, and go to the ship's first place.

Go back to the chicken gover, he will find the child to go to the sea trade license management room. Since the recent fines and disposed of sea passengers, it is a lot of ancient orchard from Songjiang Dadian, and also looks for information. I said things, said: "Chen Xiazhu helps the inspection team, being taken black bricks, we have to stand up for him!"

When Ancient Daton, he stopped his hand, think of a moment, letting the flying compament, Chen Feizhu, said to stay a license, let him suspend the ship, immediately rush to retrieve the brick.

Chen Fenzhu reply: "Bricks are threw, who is still there?"

Joy to see: "What is thrown? Specifically."

Chen Xiazhu recalled: "There is no hush bridge, and there is a fifteen, six feet away from the berth."

The ancient pulls, looking for a lot of people, rushed to Yan Zié, and found the berth of Chen Fenzhu to stop. After a while, the two were underwater, looking for the river, soon found the bricks.

On the shore, the ancient stool opened the bricks, and the young brain came to come and cheered immediately: "Sure enough!"


The Lingji Palace Monk Ma Tengfei is in his house. He was exhausted to the inspection fleet, continuously experienced the two big sea battles last year, because the battle is rich in experience, gradually be committed to the committee, often strike a small fleet The patrol has entered the ranks of high-level military officers in the fleet.

According to the wheel system, he can respond to the sky this month, but after coming back, he found that his previous contact out is not found, helpless, so you have to take the news to Chen Xiazhu to the boat.

He should not be discovered by people, but the right eye is mad, always make people feel annoying.

This hypothesis is quite bad, and the Ma Tengfei finally decided, and it fled tonight!

The determination has just begun, he heard the sound of the door, and the Ma Tengfei suddenly became hiking in the nose. "Who?"

"I, feed tiger! Tonight, a few brothers plan to go to Qin Huaihe, is the old horse? Everyone wants to hear the hero story that you smoke overseas, make the silver to get the wind, the old horse will be a good night. ! "

Ma Teng fell to the god, wi the sweat beads of the nose, opened the door: "Feeding the Tiger Taoist, this is what can be said, but it is the army to die ..."

The two ropes roll themselves from the left and right, instantly set the back shoulders of the Ma Tengfei. This rope is the Richter's legwork, he is very shocked, but it is easy to earn.

Two sides of the rope head, Ma Tengfei suddenly bundled the rope strict, the mana on the rope was translated into his meridians, and he would cover him. He couldn't help but a soft knee, fell to the ground .

Listen to the voices: "The surname horse, your incident!"

When you look up, you have already surrounded by a group of people. The leader is the palace hospital to make the guards and Xingling palace in the hospital to make Tang Yaozu. It is Wei Sab.

The military and Ding Wei were discrete, and each of the rope throwing away from Wei San Niang, earning the fed-dozen Tiger Taoist face regret, feeling: "Master You, I really don't think you ..."

The two major pavilions were sent to, and Ma Tengfei knew that he had completely exposed, and suddenly his heart was like a dead ash.

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