Taoist Law

Chapter 138

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... the first hundred and thirty-eight chapters of the Taoist law, the people have always made Zhao Ran's most Headache, don't fight, you can't export, it is very difficult to dispose. Zhao Ran admitted that he was grateful to himself, but he was deeply grateful, but he did between himself and the scenery, but it stood in the other side. In this regard, Zhao Ran can also understand, but do you have to ask for people? I didn't agree, you will be entangled, how is it to put all my anger? You pursue Lin Zhili, you can not understand, I can understand what I can understand, but ask the scenery is the same door, Lin Zhijiao is Zhou Yuku, Song Yuqiao teacher, I have to call a forest teacher, are you afraid? Reflections, because he has been greeted beforehand, the Zongsheng Pavilion is not good in the distance, maybe this is the endurance, I'm usually out of the long-distance problem. Zhao Ran's face is very bad, and the heart is turning sharply. Suddenly I saw the south government of Guizhou, Guizhou, and I thought about it, I thought about it, I respect to the East: "This matter, I suggest Still find his parents. "Dongfang Jingshun turned around, suddenly, nodded:" Then I will wait for you. "Zhao Ran slammed the past, close to Guizhou. Some, is pondering how to find this topic in the elders, but seeing in the old man and grinning himself, people are extrusion, look at the scene, seek to come to find themselves? Zhao Ran returned to a polite smile, pretending to be very busy, speeding up the steps outside the feet, Yu Guang is still old, really seeing him is looking for himself, the steps under the feet are faster. When I came to the Tianshi Temple, I heard that I was always shouting behind: "Stay to stay!" Zhao Ran turned: "Oh, when I am calling me? What is it telling?" Come over and laughed: "If you have been in the year, you can't make a flee, you are so self-cultivation." "Yu Chang Lao is modest, you are a senior refining teacher, the younger generation wants to catch up with your progress, but also early." The cold is no longer a guest, according to the way in the past and Zhao Ran, open the door to see the mountain: "Open a price." Zhao Ran has some lotus circle: "Yu Chang Dong said:" Zhuge Zone Walking,

Our Chongde Hall is ready to build a workshop, producing Zhuge self-walling, Junshan Agricultural Mechanism said that the core technology of the walking plow can not give, only agree with us to sell, but I asked, you can't keep up, you can't keep up. At least you will be able to deliver one hundred in Chongde Hall next summer. Next summer? The spring farming is over, how can this be made? Moreover, what is one hundred? I think about one hundred, let alone Guizhou? "

Zhao Ran understood that when I was talking about my business with myself, I said: "Self-moving technology, we have developed ten years, how many hearts have been paid, on the elder, you said it is you, you can give people casual people ? "

Yu Long Lao said: "Of course, I can't give people, so I invite you to open a price. In the private, our Chongde Hall never credit, how much is it, this is clear, definitely not lost You; Yu Gong, Junshan Agricultural Machiner Co., Ltd. is more than a thousand, when can you meet the needs of the two Beijing 13 provinces? Ten years? Twenty years? Stir, this manner is not a general manner, It is a leg that can make the people eat full, we can't just stare at the silver in front of you, but also stare at the belly of the people! I am a young child, I know that I am hungry, I don't have fun! "

Listening to the persuasion of the elders and suffering, Zhao Ran suddenly shameful, sighed: "Don't say that I am old, I have a mistake! As is in the elder, when the world is public, it can't be so good The technology is hidden, I agree to the elder's opinion, willing to take it out to share with the world! "

I am very praised in the long: "Heart is the world, this is the Zhao I know. Of course, I have said that I said that the same sharing is still in the same way, and we can share it, we can share too much, it is easy Disrupt the market, it is not conducive to the refining and further improvement of Zhuge's past. "

Zhao Ran sincerely: "Yu Long's eyes long, the late generation!"

Yu Long Haha, the self-contained long must: "Prosing price! Zhuge self-moving wholesale purchase price is one eight or two silver, the retail guide price is the ten silver, so I paid 10,000 two, bought technology."

"I laughed from the old man."


"Amount, for the long, business is not so talk, ten years have worked hard!"

"30,000! This is the price of three thousand and walking through ..."

Zhao Ran hooks: "Yu Long misunderstood, Zhuge self-walling technology price, we don't sell 30,000, we only sell one or two."

Yu Long Hao: "What does it mean?"

Zhao Rong said: "When you have a long production, give the Junshan agricultural machinery agency one or two silver. If you only produce a thousand units, then give us a thousand two, if Chongde is produced by 10,000 units, It's just 10,000, I still have 30,000. "

"That if I produce 100,000 units, isn't it to give you 100,000?"

"Then I have to be congratulations, this shows that you earn hundreds of thousands, divide us 100,000, a small thing."

When I came back to the long, I turned back to the moment. After a moment, I turned around: "According to the number of sold, it is sold, and I will give you one or two."

Zhao Ran shook his head: "How do you calculate it? This definition is very complicated, we can't come over, Junshan agricultural machinery adheres to the production."

"We have produced it without selling it. It doesn't matter!"

"Then you don't have so much production."

Sading for a long time, in the old face, the face is cloudy, but still taking a board: "The transaction! But I have a condition, you have this technology, even my Chongde Hall, you must not sell three!"

Zhao Ran thought about it, reached out: "Happy cooperation!"

After reaching an agreement, Zhao Ran said again: "Don't know if you can help?"

"Although he said."

"I listened to Yu Huangge, said that Zhiyuan brother recently did not feel very comfortable in Qingcheng Mountain, I really want to go back to South Fu, I don't know if I can accept it?"

Yu Long, I was confused: "Being in Qingcheng Mountain is voluntary. After that, he wanted to pick him back to the mountain, he refused."

Zhao Ran sizes: "At this time, he will always think about home, and people will always think about home."

Yu Long Dao: "As long as the Yu Huangge agrees, we can certainly will come back from the back, he is our family. What is helpful? He is really going to return to South?"

Zhao Rong said: "Yu Dynasty is definitely a home, but he has not found his true thoughts yet, so please help, let the brothers follow their hearts."

This sentence is a bit Xuan, thinking about his eyes, thinking about it, reacting, trying to ask: "He is in the Yu Huangge?"

Zhao Ran shook his head: "Nothing to disaster, it is also a few points to me, huh, huh, people are often understood."

Noddate at the elders: "Understand, I will send someone to pick him back to Chongde, we will arrange him. Please tell us to the hostel Lin Chang, I apologize to our Chongde Hall."

Taoist law

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