Taoist Law

Chapter 140 is steady

Welcome, please remember this site address: mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... The first hundred and forty chapters of the Taoist law returned to the weather, Zhao Ran received Chen Shan Road. The fly is, so I asked Lu Yuanyuan immediately convened the joint meeting to deliberately. To this end, Chen Shan Road specially made Lu Xixing to the day. Lu Yuanyuan hosted a joint meeting: "There are two main topics today. One is to negotiate the general consultant of the joint meeting. The other is to discuss the war of the auditor. This year, please let you introduce it." Zhaoran Talking: "Let's talk about the total consultant. Everyone knows that the Wutong Road is standing in the two formal demon, the two types of deeps In order to repair, Chen Tianshi did not suffer from a loss of one enemy, but it was more difficult to win the other party ... "Wei Chaozong is very curious:" The real person has appeared, and another Cai Wei fairy is another figure "Lu Xixing replied:" The situation we have mastered, Jiai fairy is a female demon repair. It is itself, so it is unknown, but from overseas monks, it is known to his peas, we doubt that she is a peas. Or her repair is at least related to peas. "Zhao Ran then said:" Therefore, I have been thinking about it. I have been looking for a suitable refining and defining predecessors sitting in the town. I just went to Longhu Mountain. I saw Huang Bing Moon. Huang Real people work focus on the West Line and the North, but still willing to take into account the sea, I thought this is our honor. "Huang Zhen is the old man of Lei Yi, long-term commitment to the war between Xixia, North Yuan and Tubo, Sitting to everyone know, I heard that I will come to the town policy, I feel so. Zhao Ruen, said: "I suggest that Huang Bing is inviting Huang Bing Millennium to serve as a joint meeting of military consultants. I don't know how it is. Of course, given that Huang Zhen people are busy, his duties may be more given. We guidance, this also hopes that everyone can understand. "Zhao Ran's proposal did not have any questions, and passed the full ticket at the joint meeting. Next, the joint meeting will issue a document and report the truth. Soon, the topic turned to everyone's most attention: the next step of the inspection fleet. Lu Xixing rushed back from Songjiang Camp, representing the Fleet Headquarters, he made full preparation for this, hangs a newly proven detailed chart. On this chart, there is a large number of the latest proven islands, and there are some waters in the margins of the demon's prison, including Zhongxi Island. Lu Xixing hit the wall on the wall,

The chart has built a downward curved arc: "Songjiang Dagan is south, it is the first station of the sea and the sea island and Dali Island. I used to be letting this door, so that it is It became an extraordinary place, our fonts are, first recovering the island and Dayre Island, setting the road temple on the island, establish a military big library, capture the late time of these two islands, before the end of June. "

After the speech, he made a circle here, and the whip in his hand moved to the southeast.

"After the fleet of Yuanji Island and Dayre Island, the fleet is in the southeast, Songbao Island, Songmao Island, in the laded Sanyao, built in the decoction of the army. This process is intended to be completed before the end of August. It is expected that progress will be smooth. Of course, we also do a good plan, once in the deciduous three islands, the fleet will never be soft, and firmly. "

Lu Xixing said: "The real hard battle is expected to be in the third stage. First of all, you must capture the eight islands in the Yunjie, the Haiyan League comes here, plan to completely capture the time of the clouds, the end of the year. After February next year. Taking the cloud island as advanced, passing the Bohai Sea, attacking the island. After the April, it is expected that the Haiyan League will be disintegrated, then we plan to use a month of time occupation, complete the East China Sea Strategy. "

Telling, the end of Lu Xixing has summed up: "According to the general command of the fleet, the door will not be able to fight with the sea, the battle, the inspection fleet, put a island, an island, attacked a island, The island, consolidating an island, and then put a island. "

Zhao Ran got up, explained to everyone: "About this Formula, Chen Tianshi has been exchanged many times, I think that Chen Tianshi's most core thinking is to take force. We all walk in the past, do not engage in fancy tactics, steady stabilize One island is a island to take it down. You are willing to fight with us, we welcome, you are not willing to hide, where do you want to hide, we don't care, we only take your old nest, it is so simple. "

G / D Chart: "Do you need a large-scale fleet to do?"

Zhao Rong said: "At the end of this year, Longqing three-year shipping plan is completed, at that time, there will be twenty-six thousand silent ship boats and nearly sixty five hundred warships, and hundreds of patrol boats and wind boats join the fleet. Make the fleet more than six hundred. With such a fleet, we expect to stabilize the eight hundred miles from the deciduous Island. "

Everyone knows the content of the three-year shipping plan, but every time I talk about this plan, I can't help my heart, imagine such a huge fleet, how majesty and magnificent in the sea!

Zhao Ran has bursted a ray: "Of course, according to our combat party, such a scale is still not enough. Therefore, I am preparing for the four-year shipping plan, the plan is expected to be completed, and the ships planned by the plan next year are not low. This year, in this year, at least ten two thousand three-deck battles, such a battles, we will be equipped with the latest tactics, calling it as a battleship. The drawings of the warship are designing, and because the battleship platform has reached Requirements, you can try to set up a small guardrail light shield, and the protection will achieve an amazing leap! "

The nine girls ask: "How many silver is needed?"

Zhao Ran: "Longqing Four-Year Shock Plan is expected to spend two million silver, of which 500,000, will be dial by the household, the remaining one hundred and fifty thousand two, proposed by the third phase Jinghai Pingguang bonds solve."

Although it is deemed to be approved by a $ 15 million silver in the form of bonds again, it is based on the trust of Zhao Ran, and the joint meeting is also recognized by the combat strategy of the inspection fleet.

According to Zhaoran's suggestion, when he flew the military general consultant Huang Bingyue, Huang Bing was also very responsible, combined with his war experience, wrote a few pages, it is the improvement of combat details.

With the approval and combat details of the joint meeting, Lu Xixing rushed back to Songjiang Camp. It is now in May. Before the end of the month, the first phase of the task is completed, and it is true for Yuanchairji Island and Dali Island. The recovery, the time is not abundant, and it is necessary to start preparation before the war.

Zhao Ruyu: "Lu Shi brother, please tell Chen Tianshi, Du Premier, plan is planning, do not attach to time point, it is beneficial to play, unfavorable, drag, we are completely dragged, not in a hurry."

After sending away Lu Xingxing, Zhao Ranzheng has continued to lead the students for the huge fleet. Yang Fuwen came to tell: "Teacher, there is an old man to see you, talk is not very nice, do you want to drive away? He said his surname."

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