Taoist Law

Chapter 150

Welcome, please remember this site address:, mobile phone reading, so that you can read the latest chapter of the novel "Taoist Law" at any time ... The Tuan law is the 150th chapter of the mouth, Luo Niang has not received the invitation, Sealing Tang is quite speechless, dare you, you are to marry my invitation! Well, the invitation of my invitation, is to see what is the long-term long? Running a thousand miles, just in order to join a lively? Is this free? He has nothing to say, has entered the mountain gate, can also report the Chongde Hall, then go out? I have to take a few words of Luo Niang, let her don't worry, and I will be busy. The day after tomorrow is the day of the double repair ceremony. Feng Tang first went to meet in the long and greeted gifts. It is quite important to the arrival of Feng Tang, or it should be said to be the most important. When I said, a small Bier needed what Double repair ceremony, in the home hall, just got off the door between the door. The Chongde Hall is a double repair ceremony. It is to do it to Zhao Ran. Feng Tang is the representative of Zhaoran, then this ceremony is of course the way to see. "Thank you Zhao Huizhang. It is still a thousand miles, and I still have a family of my family. I also sent such a valuable gift." "" Uncle my little teacher is too busy, can't be pro, specially apologized. " "Who is this. Although the seal is young, but the name is dead, I have heard that I have heard it, and the seal will come to the ceremony." "Yu Long, I didn't dare to be a teacher The niece said that you can call the name of the younger generation. "" I and Zhao Fangzi will be asked for it, and I have been friends. We are forgotten the year, don't bid, huh, huh, huh. The scenery is beautiful, still worth seeing, look back, I will take you to walk. "" Thank you for the long life. "Yu Yuan's double repair ceremony is in the Cihang Temple of Chongde Hall, this is the Zongmen One of the three main halls, from this arrangement, in the long life, not only did not make things, but more grand, it is white, but also Zhaoran's face. "Yu" in the brothers "accompanying the Dynasty, with him, I came to the Ci Hang Temple, asked him to check the arrangement of the ceremony, there are many people who are taking the lights, conscientiously preparing, which is special Lord of the Lord of Lu Yongdong. That cave is a goldenan. The daughter can marry into Xuanmen authentic, and the heart is very self-satisfied, and the joy of a face is extremely enthusiastic.

Please also say that please refer to the Tang Tang in the next day, go to the sky. Feng Tang also passed a few more words and left a few words.

In the Cihang Temple, Yu Dynasty pointed to the first second road in the left row, "After the late Ceremony, please refer to the brother, I am afraid of it slow. The first arrangement is the big refining teacher, he and Zhiyuan It is forgotten the year, and it is also coming to the meeting. "

Feng Tang quickly waved "Can't, I am sitting behind, so many seniors are present, even if there is no seat, it should be."

Yu Shi Dao, "You are a representative of the Zongsheng House, representing Zhao Fangzhang, you are like a Zhao Fangzhi, arranged here, afraid of grievances."

I have a resignation, and the Qing Dang has only been placed in Chongde.

Yu Shi accompanied Feng Tang back to Yunshuang Tang, Feng Tang to knock on the goal, no one responded, giving Luo Niangfei, I haven't waited for a while, so I'm going to the teacher "My friend is not Do you want to go tomorrow? "

Yu Shi smiled, "Nothing, Wuling Mountain is very big, first accompanying the brother to go to Bei Feng, will go to China tomorrow, there are differences in the middle of the two scenes."

The scenery of Wuling Mountain is indeed very beautiful, and it is completely different from the magnificent integrity of Junshan. He is not happy to return to the sun, ready for the next day.

Back to Yunshuang Hall, Feng Dang remembered Luo Niang, but the go of knocking, Luo Niang just in the house, so I told her to see the mountain tomorrow, Luo Niang Road "Good, it is rare to come to Guizhou One, not only Wuling Mountain, but also Chen Mountain, you have to go to a good life. "

Asked today's development, Luo Niang Road, "I went to their son's bodies, see it in Zhiyuan, talking to him a few words."

Feng Tang is busy asking "What did you say?"

Luo Niang smiled "" Just asked him, Linxian and his cultivation were more and more far, did he think of how to catch up. I asked him, I don't have it, now I am entangled. I don't regret it. In the end, I asked him, now the new lady and the forest refining, who is more beautiful. Haha! "

The Qing Dynasty is good to hang up, and it is not pleasant. "What do you run before?"

Luo Niang Road, "I just can't see him, I have heard that he has been thinking that Lin Jingmin is not worth it! It is a bit of eye, come back into a relative, if you still dare to entangle forest refiners, I am Go to your Dayun Mountain to teach him! And how do you do things? Why do you want to put him in and humiliate Lin Dynasty? "

Feng Tang asked "Do you have a revenge before Zhiyuan?"

"No. Don't know!"

"Then are you with our Lin Shi, is it forever?"

"Su Tu Pingheng!"

"What do you do so?"

"I don't want to see if I don't care, I will take it out, what happened? Is it a turtle?"

"Is there a consequence of these things? What should I do if you have a pro?"

"Yellow is yellow, save him, according to me, the Women's repair should not marry him!"

"If you come to you, what you do, but you are following me, you come out of your disaster, people think it is our master's idea!"

"I said that this person is not big, doing things, what is the problem?"

The two argued, whoever persuades who, the last Dynasty, "either you go down the mountain tomorrow, or I know that I will be old, let them please go down the mountain, you think about it." Tell, turn your head. Going back to your own house, I will recall this matter, I am in anger, I am alert, I am busy, I'm busy, I'm going to get into the sky today, how can I be big in this fire, still fix it?

However, it is not used for a long time, and I always think about this out of my mind, sometimes Luo Niang comes to face the apology, sometimes Luo Niang doesn't know how to change the night. So I also pay attention to the movement of the housing housing, I want to listen to the other party.

But after the night, I didn't wait until Luo Niang's movement, but I waited for a person he didn't want to see privately.

Looking at the door outside the house, he looked at the Tang Dynasty.

The Dang Tang did not know what he didn't know, and the saying "Yu Shi."

After a long time, Yu Yuan geese "is coming to me."

Feng Tang had to follow his head and followed it. He came to the mountain in the mountains, and the two stood in the moon.

Yu Yuan Yang looks at the cold moonlight, and it is a silence, and the silence has made a cool in the heart of the Tang.

Taoist law

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